Using groupby() and cut() in pandas - pandas

I have a dataframe and for each group value I want to label values. If value is less that group mean then label is 1 and if group value is more than group mean then label is 2.
input data frame is
groups num1
0 a 2
1 a 5
2 a Nan
3 b 10
4 b 4
5 b 0
6 b 7
7 c 2
8 c 4
9 c 1
Here mean values for group a, b ,c are 3.5, 5.25 and 2.33 respectively and output data frame is .
groups out
0 a 1
1 a 2
2 a Nan
3 b 2
4 b 1
5 b 1
6 b 2
7 c 1
8 c 2
9 c 1
I want to use panads.cut and may be pandas.groupby and pandas.apply also.
and also how can I skip Null values here?
Thanks in advance

cut is not really pertinent here. Use groupby.transform('mean') and numpy.where:
df['out'] = np.where(df['num1'].lt(df.groupby('groups')['num1']
1, 2)
Output (as new column "out" for clarity):
groups num1 out
0 a 2 1
1 a 5 2
2 a 7 2
3 b 10 2
4 b 4 1
5 b 0 1
6 b 7 2
7 c 2 1
8 c 4 2
9 c 1 1
I really want cut
OK, but it's not really nice and performant:
.transform(lambda g: pd.cut(g, [-np.inf, g.mean(), np.inf], labels=[1, 2]))


Stack multiple columns into single column while maintaining other columns in Pandas?

Given pandas multiple columns as below
cl_a cl_b cl_c cl_d cl_e
0 1 a 5 6 20
1 2 b 4 7 21
2 3 c 3 8 22
3 4 d 2 9 23
4 5 e 1 10 24
I would like to stack the column cl_c cl_d cl_e into a single column with the name ax. But, please note that, the columns cl_a cl_b were maintained.
cl_a cl_b ax from_col
So far, the following code does the job
df = pd.DataFrame ( {'cl_a': [1,2,3,4,5], 'cl_b': ['a','b','c','d','e'],
'cl_c': [5,4,3,2,1],'cl_d': [6,7,8,9,10],
'cl_e': [20,21,22,23,24]})
df_new = pd.DataFrame()
for col_name in ['cl_c','cl_d','cl_e']:
df_new=df_new.append (df [['cl_a', 'cl_b', col_name]].rename(columns={col_name: "ax"}))
However, I am curious whether there is Pandas build-in approach that can do the trick
Upon Quong answer, I realise of the need to include another column (i.e., from_col) beside the ax. The from_col indicate the origin of ax previous column name.
Yes, it's called melt:
df.melt(['cl_a','cl_b'], value_name='ax').drop(columns='variable')
cl_a cl_b ax
0 1 a 5
1 2 b 4
2 3 c 3
3 4 d 2
4 5 e 1
5 1 a 6
6 2 b 7
7 3 c 8
8 4 d 9
9 5 e 10
10 1 a 20
11 2 b 21
12 3 c 22
13 4 d 23
14 5 e 24
Or equivalently set_index().stack():
.reset_index(level=-1, drop=True)
with a slightly different output:
cl_a cl_b ax
0 1 a 5
1 1 a 6
2 1 a 20
3 2 b 4
4 2 b 7
5 2 b 21
6 3 c 3
7 3 c 8
8 3 c 22
9 4 d 2
10 4 d 9
11 4 d 23
12 5 e 1
13 5 e 10
14 5 e 24

Maximum of calculated pandas column and 0

I have a very simple problem (I guess) but don't find the right syntax to do it :
The following Dataframe :
0 7 12 2
1 5 4 4
2 4 8 2
3 9 2 3
I need to create a new column D equal for each row to max (0 ; A-B+C)
I tried a np.maximum(df.A-df.B+df.C,0) but it doesn't match and give me the maximum value of the calculated column for each row (= 10 in the example).
Finally, I would like to obtain the DF below :
0 7 12 2 0
1 5 4 4 5
2 4 8 2 0
3 9 2 3 10
Any help appreciated
Let us try
df['D'] = df.eval('A-B+C').clip(lower=0)
0 0
1 5
2 0
3 10
dtype: int64
You can use np.where:
s = df["A"]-df["B"]+df["C"]
df["D"] = np.where(s>0, s, 0) #or s.where(s>0, 0)
print (df)
0 7 12 2 0
1 5 4 4 5
2 4 8 2 0
3 9 2 3 10
To do this in one line you can use apply to apply the maximum function to each row seperately.
In [19]: df['D'] = df.apply(lambda s: max(s['A'] - s['B'] + s['C'], 0), axis=1)
In [20]: df
0 0 0 0 0
1 5 4 4 5
2 0 0 0 0
3 9 2 3 10

Compute lagged means per name and round in pandas

I need to compute lagged means per groups in my dataframe. This is how my df looks like:
name value round
0 a 5 3
1 b 4 3
2 c 3 2
3 d 1 2
4 a 2 1
5 c 1 1
0 c 1 3
1 d 4 3
2 b 3 2
3 a 1 2
4 b 5 1
5 d 2 1
I would like to compute lagged means for column value per name and round. That is, for name a in round 3 I need to have value_mean = 1.5 (because (1+2)/2). And of course, there will be nan values when round = 1.
I tried this:
df['value_mean'] = df.groupby('name').expanding().mean().groupby('name').shift(1)['value'].values
but it gives a nonsense:
name value round value_mean
0 a 5 3 NaN
1 b 4 3 5.0
2 c 3 2 3.5
3 d 1 2 NaN
4 a 2 1 4.0
5 c 1 1 3.5
0 c 1 3 NaN
1 d 4 3 3.0
2 b 3 2 2.0
3 a 1 2 NaN
4 b 5 1 1.0
5 d 2 1 2.5
Any idea, how can I do this, please? I found this, but it seems not relevant for my problem: Calculate the mean value using two columns in pandas
You can do that as follows
# sort the values as they need to be counted
df.sort_values(['name', 'round'], inplace=True)
df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
# create a grouper to calculate the running count
# and running sum as the basis of the average
grouper= df.groupby('name')
ser_sum= grouper['value'].cumsum()
ser_count= grouper['value'].cumcount()+1
ser_mean= ser_sum.div(ser_count)
ser_same_name= df['name'] == df['name'].shift(1)
# finally you just have to set the first entry
# in each name-group to NaN (this usually would
# set the entries for each name and round=1 to NaN)
df['value_mean']= ser_mean.shift(1).where(ser_same_name, np.NaN)
# if you want to see the intermediate products,
# you can uncomment the following lines
#df['sum']= ser_sum
#df['count']= ser_count
name value round value_mean
0 a 2 1 NaN
1 a 1 2 2.0
2 a 5 3 1.5
3 b 5 1 NaN
4 b 3 2 5.0
5 b 4 3 4.0
6 c 1 1 NaN
7 c 3 2 1.0
8 c 1 3 2.0
9 d 2 1 NaN
10 d 1 2 2.0
11 d 4 3 1.5

If a column value does not have a certain number of occurances in a dataframe, how to duplicate rows at random until that count is met?

Say that this is what my dataframe looks like
0 1 5
1 4 2
2 3 5
3 3 3
4 3 2
5 2 0
6 4 5
7 2 3
8 4 1
9 5 1
I want every unique value in Column B to occur at least 3 times. So none of the rows with a B value of 5 are duplicated. The row with a column B value of 0 are duplicated twice. And the rest have one of their two rows duplicated at random.
Here is an example desired output
0 1 5
1 4 2
2 3 5
3 3 3
4 3 2
5 2 0
6 4 5
7 2 3
8 4 1
9 5 1
10 4 2
11 2 3
12 2 0
13 2 0
14 4 1
The row chosen to be duplicated should be selected at random
To random pick rows, I would use groupby apply with sample on each group. x of lambda is each group of B, so I use reapeat - x.shape[0] to find number of rows need to create. There may be some cases group B already has more rows than 3, so I use np.clip to force negative values to 0. Sample on 0 row is the same as ignore it. Finally, reset_index and append back to df
repeats = 3
df1 = (df.groupby('B').apply(lambda x: x.sample(n=np.clip(repeats-x.shape[0], 0, np.inf)
.astype(int), replace=True))
df_final = df.append(df1).reset_index(drop=True)
0 1 5
1 4 2
2 3 5
3 3 3
4 3 2
5 2 0
6 4 5
7 2 3
8 4 1
9 5 1
10 2 0
11 2 0
12 5 1
13 4 2
14 2 3

which rows are duplicates to each other

I have got a database with a lot of columns. Some of the rows are duplicates (on a certain subset).
Now I want to find out which row duplicates which row and put them together.
For instance, let's suppose that the data frame is
id A B C
0 0 1 2 0
1 1 2 3 4
2 2 1 4 8
3 3 1 2 3
4 4 2 3 5
5 5 5 6 2
and subset is
I expect something like this:
id A B C
0 0 1 2 0
1 3 1 2 3
2 1 2 3 4
3 4 2 3 5
4 2 1 4 8
5 5 5 6 2
Is there any function that can help me do this?
Thanks :)
Use DataFrame.duplicated with keep=False for mask with all dupes, then flter by boolean indexing, sorting by DataFrame.sort_values and join together by concat:
L = ['A','B']
m = df.duplicated(L, keep=False)
df = pd.concat([df[m].sort_values(L), df[~m]], ignore_index=True)
print (df)
id A B C
0 0 1 2 0
1 3 1 2 3
2 1 2 3 4
3 4 2 3 5
4 2 1 4 8
5 5 5 6 2