Tinymce - tinymce is not defined integrated with Vue 2 - vuejs2

I'm following the official doc to integrate TinyMCE with Vue2. The editor is loaded successfully with basic configuration. But the link and table are not working as expected. So I installed tinymce(5.10.3) package and imported the plugins as follows:
import 'tinymce/plugins/table'
import 'tinymce/plugins/link'
But there's the error occurred and the editor is failed to load.
What's the possible cause of this?


How to import Beta components in Shopify Polaris

I have not been able to access the new Text component offered by the Shopify Polaris library. I am getting the following import error:
The requested module '/node_modules/.vite/deps/#shopify_polaris.js?v=e5492b37' does not provide an export named 'Text'
Any ideas on how to resolve this? The other text components are all deprecated and I'm using the latest version of Polaris.

Adding Vuetify to vue-sfc-rollup pacakge

Hello I'm creating a package that will be used on vue.js project that uses vuetify. So what I did is follow the vuetify documentaion on how to install it using a webpack. and after that i publish my package and tried to use it the project with vuetify and it gives me an error unknown custom element v-app
what I want to do is create a package [my-package-using-vuetify] then use to other Vue js project that also has vuetify in it.

Tiny MCE WYSIWYG Problem with v-model | Only Google Chrome

I am trying to integrate Tiny MCE editor with Vue js, I installed this package with npm
In the reseuces / js / app.js source file, I imported the component
import tinymce from 'vue-tinymce-editor'
Vue.component('tinymce', tinymce);
The component was created simply like this
<tinymce id="1"
'menu' is the variable in vue data js.
Vue does not report errors in the Chome console, in fact the component renders correctly. The problem is that it works with the Safari browser and not with others such as Google Chrome. A bug in all respects. Has anyone faced this problem before?
I attach the screenshots of the two views on Safari and Chrome.
Chrome bugSafari works

SPFx webpart not working in IE11 - Reflect is undefined

I created a custom form using SharePoint Framework and pure JS, HTML and Sass. No React, Angular or any other frameworks. The form works perfectly in Chrome but when I try displaying it on IE (which we have to support), I get the following error:
Something went wrong
If the problem persists, contact the site administrator and give them the information in Technical Details.
Technical Details
***Failed to load component "48a33395-b489-4696-b8ee-bcab3d186d5e"
Original error: ***Failed to load entry point from component "48a33395-b489-4696-b8ee-bcab3d186d5e" (AgileHumanaIntakeFormWebPart). Original error: 'Reflect' is undefined
I am using PNPJS so I made sure to import their polyfill package at the top and I also tried installing and importing core-js with no luck.
import "#pnp/polyfill-ie11";
import 'core-js/es/reflect';
From what I can see in other similar issues, 'Reflect' is used in React but as I mentioned I'm not using React in my webpart so I'm at a loss.
I would appreciate some help! Thanks in advance.

Aurelia and devextreme integeration

I'm trying to integrate some libraries into an aurelia application. but sometimes importing modules are not working correctly!
for example, I want to use a devextreme UI widget in my app, but I have a problem:
import 'devextreme/ui/dialog';
error TS2304: Cannot find name 'dialog'
how can I integrate devextreme or any other third party modules with Aurelia?
I'm using dotnet aurelia template with its default module loader and using Typescript for scripting.