SPFx webpart not working in IE11 - Reflect is undefined - internet-explorer-11

I created a custom form using SharePoint Framework and pure JS, HTML and Sass. No React, Angular or any other frameworks. The form works perfectly in Chrome but when I try displaying it on IE (which we have to support), I get the following error:
Something went wrong
If the problem persists, contact the site administrator and give them the information in Technical Details.
Technical Details
***Failed to load component "48a33395-b489-4696-b8ee-bcab3d186d5e"
Original error: ***Failed to load entry point from component "48a33395-b489-4696-b8ee-bcab3d186d5e" (AgileHumanaIntakeFormWebPart). Original error: 'Reflect' is undefined
I am using PNPJS so I made sure to import their polyfill package at the top and I also tried installing and importing core-js with no luck.
import "#pnp/polyfill-ie11";
import 'core-js/es/reflect';
From what I can see in other similar issues, 'Reflect' is used in React but as I mentioned I'm not using React in my webpart so I'm at a loss.
I would appreciate some help! Thanks in advance.


Tinymce - tinymce is not defined integrated with Vue 2

I'm following the official doc to integrate TinyMCE with Vue2. The editor is loaded successfully with basic configuration. But the link and table are not working as expected. So I installed tinymce(5.10.3) package and imported the plugins as follows:
import 'tinymce/plugins/table'
import 'tinymce/plugins/link'
But there's the error occurred and the editor is failed to load.
What's the possible cause of this?

How to make React app created by create-react-app support IE11

I have a simple react app created by the latest version of create-react-app (that only support node version 14+). I am trying to make this app run in IE11. So as recommended, I did following:
installed react-app-polyfill
added two imports at the beginning of index.js: import "react-app-polyfill/ie11", import "react-app-polyfill/stable"
added "ie 11" under the development in the package.json
I installed a chrome extension, IE Tab, and tested there. But still not working, I see following error when I open the chrome devtool:
IE: Error: Object doesn't support property or method 'endsWith'. Source: http://localhost:3000/static/js/bundle.js:63700
Can anyone help?
I can reproduce the issue. You can add a polyfill for endsWith() so that it can work well in IE 11.
You can include the polyfill within <script> tag in index.html.
Found this solution on the 3rd page of google. It's going to help you:
The first thing you have to do - include polyfills from react-app-polyfill at the top of your app
Then in package.json set up browserlist (add ie11, ie10, etc)
In the end - add meta tag in your public/index.html

Expo Error outputs not showing directories or source

Been using react-native with expo. At some point in the project (i.e. it worked when I started the project) the error outputs shift from showing details (specifically the file and/or component names in the code) to replcing the names with (seemingly) random letters.
An example of it working
Example of working error response from tutorial I follow
Here are som examples of it not working
Strange Error response 1
Strange Error response 2
I have been uninstalling and installing some packages (like Ionicons navigations etc). But I cant pinpoint really when this started happening.
Also I use Visual Studio Code

Cannot read property 'array' of undefined error occurring in my genymotion while running my react-native project

I recently upgraded an old project that was running in react-native 0.49 to 0.55. So after installing and running the project this pops up. I searched the internet and i did not found any solution. Please help.
Solved. For anyone like me facing this issue. Check your red box and you can see the module where the error is targeting. In my case it was DoctorTiming.js (Check the image in my question. One error is pointing towards it).
Go to that module check if it is importing from any dependencies.
If it does go to node_modules/your_dependency
Check for index.js.
Inside it change import PropTypes from 'react' to import PropTypes from 'prop-types'.
You are good to go after that.

Aurelia bundling and exporting not works properly

It is maybe a trivial question but I am quite lost in topic I don't know.
I am writing my first app n Aurelia using ES2016. I wanted to export my app to server for some testing.
As I learn in Plularsight course https://app.pluralsight.com/library/courses/aurelia-fundamentals/ that the easiest way to bundle and export is to use Aurelia Skeleton Navigation - by changing all theirs src files to ours and adding all the missing dependencies in package.json, and also adding them to bundle.js and export.js.
When I use
git bundle
git serve
Bundling works fine, and app is running fine.
But when i run
gulp export
The files in export dir not working properly. I have an "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token <" error in almost js file I wrote or added to my App (not in aurelia files :/ I deployed it temporally here so you can check https://amazingcms-0-3.firebaseapp.com/drag/posts
It looks like I messed it up at all :/ I don't know what files I should show you to help, so please tell me, or give mi a good source where I can learn how to export my app. It is possible to do it without the Aurelia Skeleton Navigation? I think I even don't necessarily need bundling only transpiling (I'm using Babel runtime). I want to check if my app works on server it can work slow at this step.