Wait for channel close - kotlin

I have a channel that I only use to convey that a connection was closed. I figured a Unit channel which I then close on disconnect would be the most appropriate. Simplified example:
class Connection {
val disconnect = Channel<Unit>(1, BufferOverflow.DROP_LATEST)
fun connect() {
backingConnection.disconnectCallback = {
Now the question is how to wait for this channel to close. Here are two options, both look a bit verbose:
lifecycleScope.launch {
try {
} catch (ignore: Exception) {}
lifecycleScope.launch {
for (dummy in connection.disconnect) {}
Are there better options?

I just found there is a receiveCatching() method I can use for this purpose:
lifecycleScope.launch {


How to create a polling mechanism with kotlin coroutines?

I am trying to create a polling mechanism with kotlin coroutines using sharedFlow and want to stop when there are no subscribers and active when there is at least one subscriber. My question is, is sharedFlow the right choice in this scenario or should I use channel. I tried using channelFlow but I am unaware how to close the channel (not cancel the job) outside the block body. Can someone help? Here's the snippet.
fun poll(id: String) = channelFlow {
while (!isClosedForSend) {
try {
} catch (throwable: Throwable) {
Timber.e("error -> ${throwable.message}")
invokeOnClose { Timber.e("channel flow closed.") }
You can use SharedFlow which emits values in a broadcast fashion (won't emit new value until the previous one is consumed by all the collectors).
val sharedFlow = MutableSharedFlow<String>()
val scope = CoroutineScope(Job() + Dispatchers.IO)
var producer: Job()
scope.launch {
val producer = launch() {
.map {count -> count > 0}
.collect { isActive -> if (isActive) stopProducing() else startProducing()
fun CoroutineScope.startProducing() {
producer = launch() {
fun stopProducing() {
First of all, when you call channelFlow(block), there is no need to close the channel manually. The channel will be closed automatically after the execution of block is done.
I think the "produce" coroutine builder function may be what you need. But unfortunately, it's still an experimental api.
fun poll(id: String) = someScope.produce {
invokeOnClose { Timber.e("channel flow closed.") }
while (true) {
try {
// delay(MIN_REFRESH_TIME_MS) //no need
} catch (throwable: Throwable) {
Timber.e("error -> ${throwable.message}")
fun main() = runBlocking {
val channel = poll("hello")
The produce function will suspended when you don't call the returned channel's receive() method, so there is no need to delay.
UPDATE: Use broadcast for sharing values across multiple ReceiveChannel.
fun poll(id: String) = someScope.broadcast {
invokeOnClose { Timber.e("channel flow closed.") }
while (true) {
try {
// delay(MIN_REFRESH_TIME_MS) //no need
} catch (throwable: Throwable) {
Timber.e("error -> ${throwable.message}")
fun main() = runBlocking {
val broadcast = poll("hello")
val channel1 = broadcast.openSubscription()
val channel2 = broadcast.openSubscription()

How to await billingClient.startConnection in Kotlin

I'm following the google billing integration instructions and have got stuck with how to await for the billing client connection result.
Whenever I need to query sku details or purchases I need to make sure that the billing client is initialized and connected. There are querySkuDetails and queryPurchasesAsync awaitable kotlin extension functions, but startConnection is based on listeners instead. Here are code samples from the docs.
private var billingClient = BillingClient.newBuilder(activity)
billingClient.startConnection(object : BillingClientStateListener {
override fun onBillingSetupFinished(billingResult: BillingResult) {
if (billingResult.responseCode == BillingResponseCode.OK) {
// The BillingClient is ready. You can query purchases here.
override fun onBillingServiceDisconnected() {
// Try to restart the connection on the next request to
// Google Play by calling the startConnection() method.
suspend fun querySkuDetails() {
// prepare params
// leverage querySkuDetails Kotlin extension function
val skuDetailsResult = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
// Process the result.
How to put all this together using suspend functions?
One way to create a suspending version of startConnection is the following:
* Returns immediately if this BillingClient is already connected, otherwise
* initiates the connection and suspends until this client is connected.
suspend fun BillingClient.ensureReady() {
if (isReady) {
return // fast path if already connected
return suspendCoroutine { cont ->
startConnection(object : BillingClientStateListener {
override fun onBillingSetupFinished(billingResult: BillingResult) {
if (billingResult.responseCode == BillingResponseCode.OK) {
} else {
// you could also use a custom, more precise exception
cont.resumeWithException(RuntimeException("Billing setup failed: ${billingResult.debugMessage} (code ${billingResult.responseCode})"))
override fun onBillingServiceDisconnected() {
// no need to setup reconnection logic here, call ensureReady()
// before each purchase to reconnect as necessary
This will fail if another coroutine already initiated a connection.
If you want to deal with potential concurrent calls to this method, you can use a mutex to protect the connection part:
val billingConnectionMutex = Mutex()
* Returns immediately if this BillingClient is already connected, otherwise
* initiates the connection and suspends until this client is connected.
* If a connection is already in the process of being established, this
* method just suspends until the billing client is ready.
suspend fun BillingClient.ensureReady() {
billingConnectionMutex.withLock {
// fast path: avoid suspension if another coroutine already connected
if (isReady) {
private suspend fun BillingClient.connectOrThrow() = suspendCoroutine<Unit> { cont ->
startConnection(object : BillingClientStateListener {
override fun onBillingSetupFinished(billingResult: BillingResult) {
if (billingResult.responseCode == BillingClient.BillingResponseCode.OK) {
} else {
cont.resumeWithException(RuntimeException("Billing setup failed: ${billingResult.debugMessage} (code ${billingResult.responseCode})"))
override fun onBillingServiceDisconnected() {
// no need to setup reconnection logic here, call ensureReady()
// before each purchase to reconnect as necessary
Here, the release of the mutex corresponds to the end of connectOrThrow() for whichever other coroutine was holding it, so it's released as soon as the connection succeeds. If that other connection fails, this method will attempt the connection itself, and will succeed or fail on its own so the caller will be notified in case of error.
If you prefer to deal with result codes directly in if statements, you can return results instead of throwing:
private val billingConnectionMutex = Mutex()
private val resultAlreadyConnected = BillingResult.newBuilder()
.setDebugMessage("Billing client is already connected")
* Returns immediately if this BillingClient is already connected, otherwise
* initiates the connection and suspends until this client is connected.
* If a connection is already in the process of being established, this
* method just suspends until the billing client is ready.
suspend fun BillingClient.connect(): BillingResult = billingConnectionMutex.withLock {
if (isReady) {
// fast path: avoid suspension if already connected
} else {
private suspend fun BillingClient.unsafeConnect() = suspendCoroutine<BillingResult> { cont ->
startConnection(object : BillingClientStateListener {
override fun onBillingSetupFinished(billingResult: BillingResult) {
override fun onBillingServiceDisconnected() {
// no need to setup reconnection logic here, call ensureReady()
// before each purchase to reconnect as necessary
As discussed in BillingClient.BillingClientStateListener.onBillingSetupFinished is called multiple times, it is not possible to translate startConnection into the Coroutine world, because its callback will be called multiple times.
Thanks to Joffrey's answer and comments I have managed to construct a solution with BillingResult returned
val billingConnectionMutex = Mutex()
suspend fun BillingClient.connect(): BillingResult =
billingConnectionMutex.withLock {
suspendCoroutine { cont ->
startConnection(object : BillingClientStateListener {
override fun onBillingSetupFinished(billingResult: BillingResult) {
if (billingResult.responseCode != BillingResponseCode.OK)
Log.d(TAG, "Billing setup failed: ${billingResult.debugMessage} (code ${billingResult.responseCode})")
override fun onBillingServiceDisconnected() {}
and then call it like this within the billing flow
if(billingClient!!.connect().responseCode != BillingResponseCode.OK)
If billingClient is already connected it will return responseCode.OK, so no need to check for isReady.

Turbain and CoroutineTest with delay throws TimeoutCancellationException

I am trying to test a flow with a delay by using Turbain and CoroutineTest library. Does anybody know What I am missing here?
fun test(){
val flow = flow<Int> {
runBlockingTest {
flow.test(Duration.INFINITE) {
Here is the error I am getting.
kotlinx.coroutines.TimeoutCancellationException: Timed out waiting for 9223372036854775807 ms
use cancel() instead of cancelAndIgnoreRemainingEvents() to Cancel collecting events from the source Flow and ignore any events which have already been received. Calling this function will exit the test block.
for more info check here
fun test(){
val flow = flow<Int> {
runBlockingTest {
flow.test(Duration.INFINITE) {
// verify using Assertions or whatever you want
cancel() //to cancel the flow

Unable to Execute code after Kotlin Flow collect

I'm trying to execute some code after calling collect on a Flow<MyClass>. I'm still kind of new to using Flows so I don't understand why the code after the function doesn't get called.
How I use the Flow:
incidentListener = FirebaseUtils.databaseReference
.listen<MyClass>() //This returns a Flow<MyClass?>?
How I consume the Flow:
private suspend fun myFun() {
viewmodel.getListener()?.collect { myClass->
//do something here
withContext(Dispatchers.Main) { updateUI() } //the code never reaches this part
How myFun() is called:
CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO).launch {
As far as what I've tried to make it work I've tried closing the coroutine context and it didn't work. I'm assuming Flows work differently than regular coroutines.
I'm listening through Firebase using this block of code. I don't know if it'll help but maybe the way I implemented it is causing the issue?
inline fun <reified T> Query.listen(): Flow<T?>? =
callbackFlow {
val valueListener = object : ValueEventListener {
override fun onCancelled(databaseError: DatabaseError) {
override fun onDataChange(dataSnapshot: DataSnapshot) {
try {
val value = dataSnapshot.getValue(T::class.java)
} catch (exp: Exception) {
if (!isClosedForSend) offer(null)
awaitClose { removeEventListener(valueListener) }
collect is a suspending function, the code after collect will only run once the flow completes.
Launch it in a separate coroutine:
private suspend fun myFun() {
coroutineScope {
launch {
viewmodel.getListener()?.collect { myClass->
//do something here
withContext(Dispatchers.Main) { updateUI() } //the code never reaches this part
I forgot to post my own answer to this. I've found the problem before. It's because I wasn't returning the Coroutine Context.
My code has been updated since but with the code above as an example it should be written as follows:
private suspend fun myFun() {
viewmodel.getListener()?.collect { myClass->
//do something here
withContext(Dispatchers.Main) { return#withContext updateUI() }
//the code should flow downwards as usual

What is a clean way to wait for a response?

I am sending a message(custom protocol, no HTTP) to my server and want to wait for a response. It is working with the following code:
class Connection {
val messages: Observable<Message>
fun sendMessageWithAnswer(message: Message, timeout:Int = 10): Observable<Answer> {
if (!isConnected) {
return Observable.just(Answer.NoConnection)
val result = BehaviorSubject.create<Answer>()
val neverDisposed = messages.filter {
it.header.messageId == message.header.messageId
.map { Answer.Success(it) as Answer}
.mergeWith(Observable.timer(timeout.toLong(), TimeUnit.SECONDS)
.map { Answer.Timeout })
// Should never happen
throw IllegalStateException("Waiting for answer failed: $it")
return result
The problem with this solution that "neverDisposed" gets never disposed, is this a memory leak?
My other solutions are not working for this test case:
fun ImmediateAnswer() {
val message = ...
val answerObservable = connection.sendMessageWithAnswer(message, timeout = 1)
val answer = answerObservable.test()
Assert.assertEquals(1, answer.valueCount())
Assert.assertEquals(Answer.Success(message), answer.values()[0])
Do you have a cleaner solution for this problem?