How to use `Connection` on Pulumi's Auth0 provider? - auth0

On Pulumi, I have started working with the Auth0 provider ( and I ran into a problem. I'm trying to configure custom database connection with Auth0. I'm using auth0.Connection. When I run pulumi up it says my connection resource was created but I see no update on the Auth0 web ui (what is on web ui is not what I have sent with pulumi). When I run pulumi up (multiple times) it always says the plan is to create the "options" on my connection again. Even though nothing has changed since the last pulumi up. I'm provisioning Connection like this:
custom_scripts={"login": login_script},
name="Database Connection Opts",
display_name="Database Connection",
When pulumi up shows the plan it says: auth0:index:Connection auth0-connection update [diff: +options] . So I understand it plans to include the options. After executing the plan it says
~ 1 updated
When I go on and run pulumi up again, it does exactly the same: try and update Connection by adding the options. The impression is that Pulumi/Auth0 declared it had added the options but in reality, it didn't.
Does anyone have any clue what I might be doing wrong? Or is this a Pulumi/Auth0 bug?


Cancel Synapse pipeline from the pipeline itself

I have a pipeline I need to cancel if it runs for too long. It could look something like this:
So in case the work takes longer than 10000 seconds, the pipeline will fail and cancel itself. The thing is, I can't get the web activity to work. I've tried something like this:
But it doesn't even work using the 'Try it' thing. I get this error:
{"code": "InvalidTokenAuthenticationAudience", "message": "Token Authentication failed with SecurityTokenInvalidAudienceException - IDX10214: Audience validation failed. Audiences: '[PII is hidden]'. Did not match: validationParameters.ValidAudience: '[PII is hidden]' or validationParameters.ValidAudiences: '[PII is hidden]'."}
Using this URL:
Also, using ADF it seemed quite easy to do this:
Including authentication using a Managed Identity, which in the case of Synapse I'm not too sure would resource should I use. Any idea on how to achieve what I want or if I'm doing something wrong?
Your URL is correct. Just check the following and then it should work:
Add the MSI of the workspace to the workspace resource itself with Role = Contributor
In the web activity, set the Resource to "" (without the quotes, obviously)
This was a bit buried in the docs, see last bullet of this section here:
NOTE: the REST API is unable to cancel pipelines run in DEBUG in Synapse (you'll get an error response saying pipeline with that ID is not found). This means for it to work, you have to first publish the pipelines and then trigger them.

Laravel 4: when using Config::set to change auth.model then Auth::user() not work

My laravel project has two login system.
1) Using user_name and Password
2) Using secret code
my 1st login system work properly. because auth.model has 'User' model.
so I use 'Config::set' in 'tempSing' method to obtain 2nd login as bellow.
Config::set('auth.model', 'TempUser')
Config::set('auth.table', 'temp_user')
After that code I use bellow code
$user= TempUser::where('secret_code','=',Input::get('code'))->first();
return Redirect::route('getTemp');
then that code work properly and redirect to the 'getTemp' and after routing it make 'temp.php'. but their include
so my problem is above logic not become true. that problem is occurred when using 'Config::set' but I Configured 'auth.model' and 'auth.table' manualy in 'auth.php' not happen any error. Please help me.
I would assume Laravel initializes the Auth service once when the application is started, so later edits to configuration don't affect it anymore. A solution would be to initialize an instance yourself, and use that.

Check if one has already logged into Bloomberg (via API)

Is there a way to test if current user has been authenticated to BBG? I have my c# program which uses BBG API, and want to check if the user logged in the service before, either via API calls or the BBG Terminal. This check can then be used to distinguish whether the user's network is unavailable or simply he hasn't logged in yet.
There's a couple of ways to interpret your question, so I'll answer both... (I'm speaking from the perspective of using the Java API, but it should be pretty similar on C#.)
1. Can I tell whether the user connect to Bloomberg (i.e. are there network issues / are they are logged in)?
Yes - you can create a new Session, try to start it using .start(). If it fails or returns false, you cannot connect. If it starts, you can call .openService("//blp/apiauth"). Again, if it fails or returns false, you cannot connect.
If you cannot connect, you may or may not be able to determine why you cannot... Nevertheless, I would suggest registering a callback to the BLP API logging framework. In our code, we we-direct these to the logging framework we use throughout our code.
2. The user has created a Session (pre-cursor to a Service) - can I tell if the Session has been started?
Unfortunately - no. There is nothing in the API to allow you to determine the state of the Session. (I suppose you could try starting it, and if it starts it wasn't started, and if it fails, it was started - but that strikes me as an unhelpful or risk appraoch.)

SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 only on solution rebuild

I have a site built using MVC4 which is getting content out of a database and it all works fine.
If I then rebuild the solution and try to refresh the page to check my changes, I will always get the SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 saying that I cannot connect to the server.
However, if I then browse to my homepage and then back to the page I was looking at it will work fine.
Does anyone know what could cause this problem as it is really annoying
Further to this I have found it is when the AuthorizationContext filterContext is being loaded after the rebuild that it cannot connect to the db
As with neil below I have found that I only get the problem if I try to access a page that has had a role assigned to it
I'm seeing the exact same problem and can trace it to the .ASPXAUTH session cookie in the browser. Delete that cookie and the database error goes away until the next rebuild.
The error occurs regularly if you are authenticated and then rebuild the project and try to browse any page that either:
Requires authentication
Makes a call to the User object (e.g. #if (User.IsInRole("Administrators")))
If you have the AuthorizeAttribute filter set in App_Start/FilterConfig.cs you'll get this on every page.
This seems to be new behavior following the most recent Patch Tuesday updates. Previously, I was seeing weird behavior where I would remain logged in but I would loose my roll membership. After the most recent patches, it seems Simple Membership chokes when it gets a bad .ASPXAUTH cookie (invalid because of the rebuild).
I've got the correct connection string in InitializeSimpleMembershipAttribute.cs but it's like Simple Membership is defaulting to something else in this one instance.
Note that I've moved the Simple Membership databases from the original (localDb) to a full-fledged (local) SQL Server instance. Don't know why that would matter, and it works fine in all other cases.
I've also tried making the connection string name the same as the EF context name (e.g. "ProjectContext") on the theory that it is defaulting to the standard convention, but that made no difference. I am explicitly identifying the connection string name in all my context class constructors (using the : base("connectionString") syntax) and Simple Membership is able to find the right connection string all other times.
Update 2:
The problem only occurs after rebuild when accessing a page protected by role. A simple [Authorize] won't trigger it. You need something like [Authorize(Role="Admin")]. I've replicated this on a new MVC 4 project with no other modifications, using the default (localDb) database. Clear the cookie and that same user can access the protected content w/o any problems. I believe this is a core .NET or MVC bug and needs to be reported as such.
This happened to me while rebuilding the application when I was logged in the browser.
Deleting cookies fixed the problem for me.
When using SimpleMembership, this bug occurs with any use of Roles-not just in the controller, but also when I use:
I am late to the game with this answer, but I added [InitializeSimpleMembership] to my home controller and I think that fixed it.

Selenium RC drops error when it tries open the popup

When selenium tries to open popup window I'm getting JS error permission denied in file
So this break script execution, could you assist? I saw a related topic at MSDN and openqa but didn't find resolution that could help me.
I've just encountered this error. In the end it was because I was running IE in 'Offline' mode. Open the File menu and make sure that "Work Offline" does not have a tick next to it.
I've just updated a section about that in the Selenium docs. The website build is not working right now, so if you go to the site you will find the old version.
I'll paste the raw text here, I think your case is the second: JS trying to access sections that are still not loaded, so your solution would be a waitForPopUp command:
Why am I getting a permission denied
The most common reason for this error
is that your session is attempting to
violate the same-origin policy by
crossing domain boundaries (e.g.,
accesses a page from http://domain1
and then accesses a page from
http://domain2) or switching protocols
(moving from http://domainX to
https://domainX). For this to be
solved, try using the Heightened
Privileges Browsers if you're working
with the Proxy Injection browsers.
This is covered in some detail in the
tutorial. Make sure you read the
sections about The Same Origin Policy
and Proxy Injection carefully.
If the previous situation was not your
case, it can also occur when
JavaScript attempts to look at
objects which are not yet available
(before the page has completely
loaded), or tries to look at objects
which are no longer available (after
the page has started to be unloaded).
This is most typically encountered
with AJAX pages which are working with
sections of a page or subframes that
load and/or reload independently of
the larger page. For this type of
problem, it is common that the error
is intermittent. Often it is
impossible to reproduce the problem
with a debugger because the trouble
stems from race conditions which are
not reproducible when the debugger's
overhead is added to the system. Try
first adding a static pause to make
sure this is the situation and then
moving on to the waitFor kind of