how to make pandas code faster or using dask dataframe or how to use vectorization for this type of problem? - pandas

import pandas as pd
# list of name, degree, score
label1 = ["a1", "a1", "a1","a1", "a2","a2","a2","a2", "b1","b1","b1","b1", "b2","b2","b2","b2"]
label2 = ["a1", "a2", "b1","b2", "a1","a2","b1","b2", "a1","a2","b1","b2", "a1","a2","b1","b2"]
m1 = [ 0, 3, 2, 7, 3, 0, 5, 8, 2, 5, 0, 9, 7, 8, 9, 0]
# dictionary of lists
dict = {'label1': label1, 'label2': label2,'m1':m1}
df = pd.DataFrame(dict)
output of this dataframe:
label1 label2 m1
0 a1 a1 0
1 a1 a2 3
2 a1 b1 2
3 a1 b2 7
4 a2 a1 3
5 a2 a2 0
6 a2 b1 5
7 a2 b2 8
8 b1 a1 2
9 b1 a2 5
10 b1 b1 0
11 b1 b2 9
12 b2 a1 7
13 b2 a2 8
14 b2 b1 9
15 b2 b2 0
I want to write a function that will take strings (samp1)a, (samp2)b, and a (df) data frame as input. We have to preprocess those two input strings so that we can get desired strings in our data frame. Then we need to access some particular rows' (like (a1,b1) or (a2,b2)) indices of the data frame to get their corresponding 'm1' value. Next, we will make some (addition) operations for those m1 values and store them in two variables and after that, it will return the minimum of two variables. [looking at coding snippet may be easier to understand]
The following is the code for this function:
def min_4line(samp1,samp2,df):
#k and samp are helping to generate variable along with number
#for example it will take a,b and can create a1,a2,b1,b2.....
#As we are interested about particular rows to get comb1 variable, we need those row's
#for comb1 we want to sum (a1,b1)[which located at ind1] and (a2,b2)[which located at ind2]
#same types of thing for comb2
ind1=df.index[(df['label1']==samp1_1) & (df['label2']==samp2_1)].tolist()
ind2=df.index[(df['label1']==samp1_2) & (df['label2']==samp2_2)].tolist()
#print('comb1: ',comb1)#comb1: 10
ind3=df.index[(df['label1']==samp1_2) & (df['label2']==samp2_1)].tolist()
ind4=df.index[(df['label1']==samp1_1) & (df['label2']==samp2_2)].tolist()
#print(ind4) #[3]
#print('comb2: ',comb2)#comb2: 12
return min(comb1,comb2)#10
To append unique char like a,b from the dataframe we need to do a list operation:
#this list is needed so that I can compare how many unique values are there...
#it could get a,b,c,d.... and make comparison
#like (a,b), (a,c),(a,d), (b,c),(b,d),(c,d) for the function
string_test=[a[:-1] for a in list_line]
#string_test will exclude number portion of character
#print(list_img)#['a', 'b']
Now we need to create a data frame that will go over the 'list_img' and call the min4line function to get value like (a,b), (a,c) and corresponding output of the function. Here a nested loop is necessary as suppose list consist [a,b,c,d]. it will go like(a,b),(a,c),(a,d),(b,c),(b,d),(c,d). So that we can have unique pair. The code for this is:
for i in range(len(list_img)):
for j in range(i+1,len(list_img)):
d.append({'label1':str(list_img[i]),'label2':str(list_img[j]), 'metric': str(a)})
output is:
0 a b 10
Is there any way to make the code faster? I broke down the problem into small parts. this operation is needed for 16 million rows. I am interested in using dask for this. But when I have asked this type of question previously, many people failed to understand as I was not able to state the problem clearly. Hope this time I broke it down in easier format. You can copy those code cell and run in jupyter notebook to check the output and suggest me any good way to make the program faster.
Can anyone suggest, how can I get those particular indices of those rows using numpy or any kind of vectorized operation?


How To Create a new DF Column By checking a lookup table and inserting the appropriate value

I have 2 dataframes, the first is a cartesian joined table which has the below structure:
BPM Distance
Buju Banton - Blessed
Gyptian - Hold You - Hold Yuh
where it has around 10k rows with every track referencing every other track.
I then have a second table which i am using to store the distances between camelot_x & camelot_y which has the columns and indexes as the 10A, 4B value for example and then the value as an integer.
I am struggling however to retrieve this corresponding value.
I have used code:
def harmonic_distance_lookup(x, y):
value = distance_df.lookup(x, y)
return value
ct_df["Harmonic Distance"] = ct_df.apply(harmonic_distance_lookup(ct_df["Camelot_x"], ct_df["Camelot_y"]), axis=1)
However this just spins forever and doesn't seem to be doing anything.
Is there a better method of doing this? I want to check the distance between camelot_x & camelot_y for every row and append it to a new column
Expected output:
|track_x|Energy_x|Camelot_x|BPM_x|join|track_y|Energy_y|Camelot_y|BPM_y|Energy_Distance|BPM Distance| Harmonic Distance|
|Buju Banton - Blessed|5|10A|75|1|Gyptian - Hold You - Hold Yuh|6|4B|67|1|8|6|
Working Answer:
def harmonic_distance_lookup(x, y):
value =[x, y]
return value
ct_df["Harmonic Distance"] = ct_df.apply(lambda x: harmonic_distance_lookup(x["Camelot_x"], x["Camelot_y"]), axis=1)
Try this:
ct_df.apply(lambda x: harmonic_distance_lookup(x["Camelot_x"], x["Camelot_y"]), axis=1)
Also df.lookup is deprecated in 1.2.0. You might want to look at

Turning one-hot encoded table into 2D table of counts

I think I can solve this problem without too much difficulty but suspect that any solution I come up with will be sub-optimal, so am interested in how the real pandas experts would do it; I'm sure I could learn something from that.
I have a table of data that is one-hot encoded, something like:
Index. A1. A2. A3. B1. B2. C1. C2. C3. C4.
0. True. False. True. True. True. False. True. False. False.
So every entry is a Boolean and my columns consist of several groups of categories (the A's, B's and C's).
What I want to create is new DataFrames where I pick any two categories and get a table of counts of how many people are in the pair of categories corresponding to that row/column. So, if I was looking at categories A and B, I would generate a table:
Index. A1. A2. A3. None Total
B1. x11. x12. x13. x1N x1T
B2. x21. x22. x23. x2N. x2T
None. xN1. xN2. xN3. xNN xNT
Total. xT1. xT2. xT3. xTN xTT
where x11 is the count of rows in the original table that have both A1 and B1 True, x12 is the count of those rows that have A1 and B2 True, and so on.
I'm also interested in the counts of those entries where all the A values were False and/or all the B values were false, which are accounted for in the None columns.
Finally, I would also like the totals of rows where any of the columns in the corresponding category were True. So x1T would be the number of rows where B1 was True and any of A1, A2 or A3 were True, and so on (note that this is not just the sum of x11, x12 and x13 as the categories are not always mutually exclusive; a row could have both A1 True and A2 True for example). xNN is the number of rows that have all false values for A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, and xTT is the number of rows that have at least one true value for any of A1, A2, A3, B1 and B2, so xNN + xTT would equal the total number of rows in the original table.
This is my approach:
def get_table(data, prefix):
get the columns in the respective category
and assign `none` and `Total` columns
return (df.filter(like=prefix)
.assign(none=lambda x: (1-x).prod(1),
Total=lambda x: x.any(1))
# sample data
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.choice([True,False], size=(5,9), p=(0.6,0.4)),
columns=[f'{x}{y}'for x in 'ABC' for y in '123'])
# the output
df = df.astype(int)
get_table(df, 'B').T # get_table(df, 'A')
A1 A2 A3 none Total
B1 3 2 1 0 3
B2 3 2 1 0 3
B3 2 1 1 0 2
none 0 0 1 0 1
Total 4 3 2 0 5
Here I don't understand as why (none, Total) must be zero. Since none corresponds to all False in B and Total corresponds to some True in A.

Can I use pandas to create a biased sample?

My code uses a column called booking status that is 1 for yes and 0 for no (there are multiple other columns that information will be pulled from dependant on the booking status) - there are lots more no than yes so I would like to take a sample with all the yes and the same amount of no.
When I use
samp = rslt_df.sample(n=298, random_state=1, weights='bookingstatus')
I get the error:
ValueError: Fewer non-zero entries in p than size
Is there a way to do this sample this way?
If our entire dataset looks like this:
c1 c2
0 1 1
1 0 2
2 0 3
3 0 4
4 0 5
5 0 6
6 0 7
7 1 8
8 0 9
9 0 10
We may decide to sample from it using the DataFrame.sample function. By default, this function will sample without replacement. Meaning, you'll receive an error by specifying a number of observations larger than the number of observations in your initial dataset:
ValueError: Cannot take a larger sample than population when 'replace=False'
In your situation, the ValueError comes from the weights parameter:
ValueError: Fewer non-zero entries in p than size
To paraphrase the DataFrame.sample docs, using the c1 column as our weights parameter implies that rows with a larger value in the c1 column are more likely to be sampled. Specifically, the sample function will not pick values from this column that are zero. We can fix this error using either one of the following methods.
Method 1: Set the replace parameter to be true:
m1 = df.sample(3,weights='c1', replace=True)
c1 c2
0 1 1
7 1 8
0 1 1
Method 2: Make sure the n parameter is equal to or less than the number of 1s in the c1 column:
m2 = df.sample(2,weights='c1')
c1 c2
7 1 8
0 1 1
If you decide to use this method, you won't really be sampling. You're really just filtering out any rows where the value of c1 is 0.
I was able to this in the end, here is how I did it:
bookingstatus_count = df.bookingstatus.value_counts()
print('Class 0:', bookingstatus_count[0])
print('Class 1:', bookingstatus_count[1])
print('Proportion:', round(bookingstatus_count[0] / bookingstatus_count[1], 2), ': 1')
# Class count
count_class_0, count_class_1 = df.bookingstatus.value_counts()
# Divide by class
df_class_0 = df[df['bookingstatus'] == 0]
df_class_0_under = df_class_0.sample(count_class_1)
df_test_under = pd.concat([f_class_0_under, df_class_1], axis=0)
df_class_1 = df[df['bookingstatus'] == 1]
based on this
Thanks everyone

using 'loop' or 'for' with table data to pull each row data and use the pulled data for two parameters in gams

I am new to GAMS and I have a table data which has 3 rows and 6 columns. I want to pull each row and use its data for two parameters(pull each row which has 6 element and use the first three elements for one parameter and the other three elements for the second parameter) using loop or for statement. i tried to use both of them but for the loop i received zero value for my parameter which is incorrect and for the for statement i received some errors.
this is my code for the first row which both 'loop' and 'for' are used (i used them separately each time but for show what was my code i just wrote them together).
Please help me.
scalars j;
o /red,green,blue/
p /b1,b2,b3,p1,p2,p3/
k /1*3/;
Table sup(*,*)
b1 b2 b3 p1 p2 p3
red 12 15 20 200 50 50
green 16 17 0 150 50 0
blue 13 18 0 100 50 0 ;
parameters Bid_Red(k),Pmax_Red(k),t;
*for statement***************
for(j= 1 to 3,
Bid_Red(k)$( ord(k) = j )=sup('red',j);
Pmax_Red(k)$( ord(k) = j )=sup('red',t);
*loop statement***************
display Bid_red, Pmax_Red
One of the core features of GAMS is how it deals with set structures and indexing. I'd recommend looking at the excellent documentation, for example on set definition, to really get a feel for how to get the best out of it.
In your case, you can proceed as follows. p is a set. Create some subsets of it p_ and b_, given by the syntax subset_name(set_name).
sets p_(p) / p1, p2, p3 /,
b_(p) / b1, b2, b3 /;
Create parameters over appropriate dimensions (i.e. the full set), and define them over the subset you are interested in:
parameters bid_red(o,p),pmax_red(o,p);
bid_red(o,b_) = sup(o,b_);
pmax_red(o,p_) = sup(o,p_);
Then display bid_red, pmax_red; gives:
---- 21 PARAMETER bid_red
b1 b2 b3
red 12.000 15.000 20.000
green 16.000 17.000
blue 13.000 18.000
---- 21 PARAMETER pmax_red
p1 p2 p3
red 200.000 50.000 50.000
green 150.000 50.000
blue 100.000 50.000
If you do want to select individual rows, you can use e.g. pmax_red('red',p_) in your code. This is essentially just a special case of subsetting in which the subset is of size 1.

Get coherent subsets from pandas series

I'm rather new to pandas and recently run into a problem. I have a pandas DataFrame that I need to process. I need to extract parts of the DataFrame where specific conditions are met. However, i want these parts to be coherent blocks, not one big set.
Consider the following pandas DataFrame
col1 col2
0 3 11
1 7 15
2 9 1
3 11 2
4 13 2
5 16 16
6 19 17
7 23 13
8 27 4
9 32 3
I want to extract the subframes where the values of col2 >= 10, resulting maybe in a list of DataFrames in the form of (in this case):
col1 col2
0 3 11
1 7 15
col1 col2
5 16 16
6 19 17
7 23 13
Ultimately, I need to do further analysis on the values in col1 within the resulting parts. However, the start and end of each of these blocks is important to me, so simply creating a subset using pandas.DataFrame.loc isn't going to work for me, i think.
What I have tried:
Right now I have a workaround that gets the subset using pandas.DataFrame.loc and then extracts the start and end index of each coherent block afterwards, by iterating through the subset and check, whether there is a jump in the indices. However, it feels rather clumsy and I feel that I'm missing a basic pandas function here, that would make my code more efficient and clean.
This is code representing my current workaround as adapted to the above example
# here the blocks will be collected for further computations
blocks = []
# get all the items where col2 >10 using 'loc[]'
subset = df.loc[df['col2']>10]
block_start = 0
block_end = None
#loop through all items in subset
for i in range(1, len(subset)):
# if the difference between the current index and the last is greater than 1 ...
if subset.index[i]-subset.index[i-1] > 1:
# ... this is the current blocks end
next_block_start = i
# extract the according block and add it to the list of all blocks
block = subset[block_start:next_block_start]
#the next_block_start index is now the new block's starting index
block_start = next_block_start
#close and add last block
Edit: I was by mistake previously referring to 'pandas.DataFrame.where' instead of 'pandas.DataFrame.loc'. I seem to be a bit confused by my recent research.
You can split you problem into parts. At first you check the condition:
df['mask'] = (df['col2']>10)
We use this to see where a new subset starts:
df['new'] = df['mask'].gt(df['mask'].shift(fill_value=False))
Now you can combine these informations into a group number. The cumsum will generate a step function which we set to zero (via the mask column) if this is not a group we are interested in.
df['grp'] = ( + 0).cumsum() * df['mask']
You don't have to do the group calculation in your df:
s = (df['col2']>10)
s = ( + 0).cumsum() * s
After that you can split this into a dict of separate DataFrames
grp = {}
for i in np.unique(s)[1:]:
grp[i] = df.loc[s == i, ['col1', 'col2']]