How to restrict users to login with google sso using aws cognito - amazon-cognito

I configured user pool and added app client in amazon-cognito and created a google project to add app id and secret in the amazon-cognito. Now any users with google account can login. But I want to allow only few users to login with google sso. Because when users login with google credentials ,all the users are added to user pool. Actually I need to allow only few particular users to login with google credentials. How can i do that?Thanks in Advance


Why All LDAP users are able to login into web Application

We have HPE UOC web application which is integrated with Keycloak for authentication. Further more Keycloak is getting synced via available function (auto-sync).
Apparently this web app don't have any functionality to restrict the all users of LDAP getting logged in. like (unable/disable user)
Every user on LDAP can successfully login into web app. we want to restrict the user which don't use this web app. so that only authorized (we granted access to) users can login.
Is there any way to create some policy on Keycloak level so that we can achieve this functionality ? or some other way to restrict all user from LDAP ?

Connect additional Social account to logged in user

Currently, I have Google, Github, Twitter account registration/login (merge them by email). But I want to give a currently logged-in user ability to manually connect another social account (with a different email). For authorization, I use JWT and store them in localStorage on frontend.
The problem comes when we redirect user to some of social login providers and when he returns back we don't know who it is. It can be user that connects an additional social account to the main account or a new user that firstly login by some social provider.
What possible solution for getting logged-in user after redirect from Social login provider when using JWT for auth?
What best solution for linking social account to existing main account when using JWT for auth?
By "social login provider" I mean Github, Google, Twitter, etc
Ok, I just create separate routes for connecting and store JWT in cookies to ease auth check.

Authenticate external users in azure AD with GraphApi

Is there any way to authenticate an external user with Azure AD through GraphApi?
So far I have been able to authenticate users of the active directory with GraphApi but not the external users. I have been able to identify the invited users but I have not been able to authenticate them.
The authentication of users of the active directory is done in Azure AD. Authentication is not done with the AD on-premisse
Normally, you can use OAuth 2.0 authorization code flow or OAuth 2.0 resource owner password credential to get access token.
It works for the users of your tenant and the invited users (work accounts) from external tenants.
The sample for OAuth 2.0 resource owner password credential
I successful get a token for the invited user ( in my tenant ( as following:
And I can use the access token to call the graph api to show all the users in my tenant (

Is it possible to migrate existing Google and Facebook OAuth users to a new AWS Cognito user pool?

I have a user database in a CMS that I'm trying to migrate to a new AWS Cognito user pool.
Some of the users have authentication using OAuth providers (Google and Facebook), the app credentials of which I'm able to add to the user pool as identity providers in Cognito. I'm also able to import the users into Cognito as a CSV file, which results in every user needing a password reset.
What is required to configure the existing Google and Facebook OAuth users so that they use the identity providers in Cognito?

How can I authenticate a user from my user pool in Cognito using the Unity SDK?

I can't see how to authenticate a user using the AWS backend instead of a developer as shown here:
I want to login to the user accounts I created in my user pools in the Cognito dashboard. Anyone know how to log into a specific user identity in the Unity SDK?
The link you provided is for developer authenticated identities on Federate Identities which is different than the user accounts you have created in the User Pools.
In User Pools console you can go to the Users tab and see the user data. If you have created the users, you can use the credentials you set at creation to login to the user account.