Authenticate external users in azure AD with GraphApi - api

Is there any way to authenticate an external user with Azure AD through GraphApi?
So far I have been able to authenticate users of the active directory with GraphApi but not the external users. I have been able to identify the invited users but I have not been able to authenticate them.
The authentication of users of the active directory is done in Azure AD. Authentication is not done with the AD on-premisse

Normally, you can use OAuth 2.0 authorization code flow or OAuth 2.0 resource owner password credential to get access token.
It works for the users of your tenant and the invited users (work accounts) from external tenants.
The sample for OAuth 2.0 resource owner password credential
I successful get a token for the invited user ( in my tenant ( as following:
And I can use the access token to call the graph api to show all the users in my tenant (


How to restrict users to login with google sso using aws cognito

I configured user pool and added app client in amazon-cognito and created a google project to add app id and secret in the amazon-cognito. Now any users with google account can login. But I want to allow only few users to login with google sso. Because when users login with google credentials ,all the users are added to user pool. Actually I need to allow only few particular users to login with google credentials. How can i do that?Thanks in Advance

Client Credentials grant with Keycloak as an identity broker for Azure AD

I am trying to use client credentials grant for a back-end service using Keycloak as an identity broker for Azure AD. I also need to store access token from external IdP in Keycloak to retrieve group information from MS Graph API. I have this use case working for a confidential client using authorization code flow but I can't get it to work with client credentials grant.
I have created a "confidential" client in Keycloak with "Service Accounts Enabled" enabled. I have a also created an application in Azure AD with client credentials grant enabled and created a external Identity Provider in Keycloak.
I get the access token from Keycloak after authenticating using client_id and client_secret but when I try to retrieve external IdP access token from Keycloak endpoint, I get an error message that says, "User [GUID] is not associated with identity provider". I'd appreciate any suggestions or feedback.
Thank you Sventorben Posting your suggestions as answer to help other community members.
Though is grant on client credential from both side Azure AD and Keycloak it is not possible to store the access token from Azure AD in Keycloak and later retrieve it from Keycloak to make requests to Graph API.
The client credentials grant type is used by clients to obtain an access token. This is totally outside of the context of a user. Keycloak will not forward or redirect requests to AD in this case. Hence, there will never be an AD token. If you need client credentials grant issuing a token from AD, you will need to make the request to AD directly.
From the below document it seems Keyclock is broker it should never send the original access token which is receive from Azure AD to access the Graph API. Only you can read the token using enable StoredTokens Readable switch.

Is SSO between non Auth0 website Auth0 secured API possible?

I need to enable SSO between my customer's website and my API.
The customers website doesn't use Auth0 but allow users to login using a few different social providers like Microsoft and Google.
My API is secured using Auth0 and also supports Microsoft and Google authentication via Auth0. If my customer sends the JWT token received when the user authenticated with Google with their request to my API, will Auth0 authenticate the user even though my customer doesn't use Auth0?
Google/Microsoft auth is OAuth. OAuth is an explicit grant between the user and one particular application. It cannot and won't be shared with your app. The user would need to do a separate OAuth flow with your application to grant it access. There is no way around that.
However, given that this is an API, the more likely scenario is that the user shouldn't auth with your app at all, but rather, it should be the customer's application that auths and then works on behalf of the user. As such, you'd just set up the customer's application as a client and given them client credentials to use. Then, the user auths with the customer's website, the customer's website auths with your API via its client credentials, and then the user in effect works with your API via the customer's application as a go-between.
No , if your api application is protected by Auth0 and use external providers , after authentication from external providers and back to Auth0 , Auth0 will validate the token issued by external provider ,decode token , read claims , issue Auth0's own token and implement session management . So that your api application only accepts tokens which issued by Auth0 and validate tokens use Auth0's key-pairs , it won't accept other provider's tokens .
You can make your client application and api application both secured by one identity provider(Auth0/Google/Microsoft) .

Single-sign-on authentication vs authorization

I'm implementing Facebook and Google SSO on my website using custom workflow (redirect urls, parsing on server side etc. - no javascript) and I got to the point I have access_token, token_type and expires_in and from Google also id_token and I am confused what to do next to authenticate the user.
I read a little about authorization vs authentication, and that Facebook and Google SSO is OAuth2 which provides authorization, but not authentication, from which I understand that this way my web application is authorized to do something on behalf of the user, but I cannot be sure the user is the one who I think he is? My main source is this: OAuth Authorization vs Authentication
So, my question is, what should I do to be able to can consider the user logged in.
Thank you
In your case google (and facebook) is authenticators. This services just tells your application that user who try to login to your system is the one who he wants to appear.
Assume you differentiate users by unique email.
Your application flow should be next:
The user try to login to application using google Application do all redirection google flow stuff and gives you tokens
Application need to store this tokens for future use
Application check if this user's email presented in database
If email is presented and google returns tokens (google authenticate your user successfully) you can login user in your app
If email isn't presented in database but google authenticate user successfully you can store this user (with email) to your database - sign it up - this is new user in your system
Same flow with Facebook. Surely you can extend this logic to be more your application specific.
SSO and OAuth are different. OAuth is authorization protocol.
You are dealing Google and Facebook oauth.
In case of oauth, after successful authentication(google/facebook) you will get access token. You can use token for maintaining the user session.
With this token user is authorized, Now you should check whether the user is present in your database, if yes then authenticate the user and redirect to your application.
SSO is user authentication service. There are way to implementing SSO like kerberos SSO, ADFS SSO.
We should never use OAuth2 access token for authentication.
For details, please refer
The OpenIDConnect, built on top of OAuth2, can be used for authentication.
Google supports OpenIDConnect
The basic idea is Google will issue the client app (your application) a ID Token after the user has login his Google account. You can then extract user information (e.g. email, unique user id) from this ID token and proceed your login flow.

Should i use Firebase custom Auth or Google OpenID OAuth to authenticate users?

I need to build a custom auth system with and i don't know what to choose between Firebase Auth and Google OAuth/OpenID.
I don't want my users to sign in through google accounts nor facebook nor twitter etc.
I want to use my own user database to authenticate my users.
So what is the best and more secure, reliable,scalable option to setup this ?
If you have an existing list of user credentials (e.g. Active Directory, LDAP or a database with user names and passwords) you can authenticate those users yourself and then tell Firebase about them with Custom Authentication tokens.
Using Google authentication makes no sense in that case, since the credentials you have are not for Google accounts.