Vue storyBlok bridge connexion real time - vue.js

Hello i have an issue with Vue and storyblok for real time rendering.
I used the useStoryblokBridge(, story => (this.story.story = story))
but i dont find the right way to add the event listener on this bridge as explained here :
Do yo have any idea ?
Thanks in advance


problem with types of create react native apps

Hello I'm very beginner to react-native.
I have a problem
There are 2 ways to create react-native apps (Please check those examples from those image links)
first way is
I got this method on documentation of react-native
second way is
this method is got from a you tube video
my problem is Are those methods are same or what is the different between of those 2 ways. Thank you very much your reply.
first way is functional component and second one is class component. please check below links for explanations.
what is the different between class component and function component - React Native
or google it like "difference between functional component and class component"

Best ways to implement Alarms into React Native?

I need to add the alarm functionality into my react-native app. An alarm that you have to manually stop/snooze like these ones . For that I have been browsing to know which library should I implement. These were the ones I found.
react-native-alarms: But only works for android...
react-native-alarm -notification: Also only works for android... And It seems more complex because it is based on implementing local push notification to look similar to an alarm.
react-native-alarm: The only one that works booth for IOS and Android, but the documentation is super poor, I couldn't figure out how to use it (I think this library doesn't work as you can check here).
No one of this solutions seems to be functional in iOS and Android, simultaneously.
There any other solution?
Thanks in advance, this is my first React-Native project, I'm kind of lost in this problem.
i was having the same issue earlier. I tried all kind of third party libraries but some major and minor issues are still and unable to get rid of those, then i decided to implement react-native-push-notifications
import PushNotification from 'react-native-push-notification';
id: 1,
message: `Reminder Message`,
date: new Date( + 60 * 1000),
repeatType: 'day',
// repeatTime:
allowWhileIdle: false,
exact: true,
For more understanding please see the example given by officials of push-notifications

Navigating doesn't work in nativescript anymore

I'm developing an app in nativescript vue.
During development, the this.$navigateTo() function stopped working.
Because I was sure, I didn't do anything wrong, I created this example.
It doesn't if I want to preview it on my phone, so I am starting to think it's my phone's fault.
Have I done any mistakes? Does it work on your phone?
Thanks in advance!
You can navigate only to a Page, your HelloWorld component is a Page but Next component is not. You should wrap it with Page element

How to create a conversational chat with react native app?

I am creating react native app. In there I want to create something like this. There I want to create a chat when a user speaks the start and destination to the app it should speak back to the user about the road. I searched a lot on the Internet but I was unable to find any good way to create a live chat with the app in order to get the start and destination from the user. It means I want something like this.when user say hi to the app it should also say Hi. Then It should say give your starting point and after that app should ask for the destination. Can Someone help me to create this small live chat with my app in react native?. Thank you very much.
you can convert the text to speech using save react-native-tts and convert the speech to text react-native-voice.
for the chat react-native-gifted-chat you can use this
The best way to do this is using npm package react-simple-chatbot also adding Speech-to-Text(STT) for voice input and Text-to-speech(TTS) for voice output.
Check the NPM packages :
Or Both combined here
Hope it helps you..!

Nativescript RadListView scrollOffset is always 0

I am using the RadListView plugin in a Nativescript-vue project. I created a file based on this playground approach to get it running with vue -
The problem I am having is that the scrolloffset is always 0 in the scroll event. I dont know if this is an issue with vuejs or the plugin in general. Any help would be appreciated