Navigating doesn't work in nativescript anymore - vue.js

I'm developing an app in nativescript vue.
During development, the this.$navigateTo() function stopped working.
Because I was sure, I didn't do anything wrong, I created this example.
It doesn't if I want to preview it on my phone, so I am starting to think it's my phone's fault.
Have I done any mistakes? Does it work on your phone?
Thanks in advance!

You can navigate only to a Page, your HelloWorld component is a Page but Next component is not. You should wrap it with Page element


Something I can use with React Native for web

I like React Native's some features like Flatlist, Modal, Animation. I wanted to develop for web with React Native or Expo. I use react navigation but have 404 errors in refresh pages. I also want When user put, it will go directly into postid's page. I tried react-router-dom with HashBrowser. Not great! I kind of want something better than hash browser. What can I use? Any advice please.
I use also react-native-web and react-navigation. If you want the react-navigation to work with the links correct, you must set up the config object like the documentantion
If you don't set up correctly the config object, react-navigation doesn't throw errors in your console, but it doesn't work right!
The question was before 3 months, but I hope this answer helps someone, with the same problem!

Why does JS code render faster on website than react-native?

This is a bit of a general question, but perhaps someone can guide me in the right direction.
I'm using a JS library called Vexflow to render music notes. I uploaded some script to my website AND used the same code to build a React Native app.
When comparing both on the same device (Xiaomi A3), the code renders much faster on my website.
Any ideas why?

Init with push vue router, back button not working

The problem seems easier but not working, im working over a spa on webview for apps.
So for example, in some cases I start the web with a main route, like 'localhost/path1/path2'.
So if they press a custom button in topbar (custom component), it goes to 'localhost/path1', here perfect.
The problem is when they press the native back button, or the back arrow in desktop (native).
What happen here is the app is closed or the url is empty in desktop.
I tried to force a push in many ways on load vue with many paths, but not working, I tried to intercept native back and force push to avoid close first time with many paths, but not working anyways.
If someone understand what Im saying and a solve for urls with path/id, and after native back just keep path, instead of close I hope you can help.

Hot reloading doesn't work on a react-native app with react-router-native and redux

I'm starting with react native and I have a little experience with React, Because of that I want to use redux, react-router, and react-router-redux, which I have used in the past for a web React app.
All those packages can be used in react-native, except for react-router, the closest I could find is react-router-native which seems to work much like the browser version. So far so good, I made a quick and dirty app to test the router, redux, etc.
But I'm having some issues I can't figure out how to solve or debug: When changing the visuals like the text or some styles, the HMR seems to work fine, applying the changes in real time, but when I change some other module/file, like the container element (where the redux connect() function is called) or some code on the reducers, the HMR doesn't change anything and I have to reload all the app to see the changes.
Here is my code: It basically just changes the color of some text by toggling a variable in the redux store. Sorry for just linking it but I think its better to show you all the folders and project structure, maybe I'd just goofed something in there or didn't use the correct folder structure.
I'm using to debug the app, and by the console messages, the HMR does run and patches something but without affecting the current loaded code.
To test the problem, try to edit the colors in src/screens/pageOneContainer.js, the HMR should change the code, re-render the screen, and show the new colors, but they just stays the same.
Thanks in advance.

Changing Taskbar menu icon in nodewebkit app dynamically

I am working on a nodewebkit app. Looking for a functionality where in I can change task-bar icon of app to notify users, similar to what Skype does when a new message is received by user.
Is there any way it can be done in Nodewebkit?
Initially I tried changing window.icon in package.json file, but then I came to know that it is used only once, i.e. on app load. So that did not work.
Anything else I can try?
Thanks in advance
Window.requestAttention(Boolean attention) is what I was looking for.
It worked for me.
Thanks to Dhiraj, It gave me an additional feature for icon.