How can we change font colours and background colours in FCM android notifications - firebase-cloud-messaging

We are using the npm library "node-gcm" for sending android notifications but these notifications seems to be very basic and hence we want to know how can we make them more customisable by changing colours and stuff, the docs does not mention any such attribute which can be used to change font colours, so how can we achieve it, any help would be highly appreciated.


How to get the color of a pixel React Native using expo

What I'm trying to do is to recognize the color of a pixel via expo-camera. I've used react-native-pixel-color but couldn't make it work. If someone has an example project I could look into I would really appreciate it.

Neumorphism in UWP

Recently I came to know about this trend called Neumorphism. Its normally used in android and webisite but I to achieve same in effect in UWP in Windows App. This effect requires 2 shadows light and dark in opposite directions to make object look like its merged with background. UWP dont have shadow effect so I used Drop Shadow Panel from "Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.UI.Controls" nuget package but it dosent look like its natural.
Can anyone please tell me what would be more better way to achieve this ?

How To add Focus, Brightness and Zoom controls to react native camera?

I used react-native-camera on my iOS app and now trying to add Focus, Brightness and Zoom controls to it. So far I was unable to come up with a solution. Any idea how to do this?
I tried to find an option in different react native camera packages. Also posted in their git repos for help. Finally tried this post: Where they take a photo from the camera every 5 milliseconds and adjust its brightness which seems to be very unstable and it makes the app crash.
It is not possible to use the focus and zoom functionalities with react-native-camera.
Unluckily the focus api has many bugs and the zoom functionalities will not render fast enough with javascript.
Maybe a solution is not using react-native-camera and instead just writing an intent to open the default camera application
The following app uses this solution, all the camera functionalities work perfectly.
Could they re-open the issue as it seems to not be solved?
Developers may need to review all the open issues to estimate the project deadlines.

Codenameone Camera Component Customizing

Is there any way to build custom camera component in codename one?
I googled and got about PeerComponents, however don't know how to use it.
I just would like to use it as Label component with 2 buttons (Taking picture button and retaking picture button)
Kindly provide some small sample code for me. Best regards.
I need this because of following reason.
First of all, I need square Image taken by camera, and user should be able to know how the picture will be taken.
2 resolutions here:
First, if I have to use full screen camera, it will be better to draw or overlay square rectangle on camera view so that user can know which area will be taken.
Second, if overlaying and drawing is difficult (or should use native code for that), I need some custom components for camera area such like PeerComponent. So I would like to place it anywhere of screen area as square rectangle. Then, users won't need any overlay or drawing something on it because it is already square.
That's all what I need.
Yes, it's certainly possible to create a component like this, and we do intend to create one at some point in the future. You can beat us to the punch.
First, you should familiarize yourself with how native interfaces work. This video is a good start:
This series of blog posts demonstrates how to wrap 3rd party SDKs into codename one on Android and iOS.
Although it doesn't include an example with PeerComponent, it is helpful for getting a grasp on the process. Adding peer components into the mix is really just a matter of returning the corresponding "View" type from a native interface. On Android, that is an android.view.View, on iOS it is a UIView, in Javascript it is an DOM element, in UWP it is a FrameworkElement, and in the simulator, it is a javax.swing.JComponent.
This blog post does include an example of a peer component, but it is targeting UWP:
Once you have a grasp of the material, you should look at relevant examples. Currently the most complete example I'm aware of of a cn1lib that implements a native peer is the Google Maps lib:
You can see the Android native implementation here, and the iOS native implementation here
You may want to refer to the existing code for image capture in Codename One as well.
Though it uses intent to open the native capture dialog, so it may not be too relevant.

iOS 8 custom Keyboard with custom font I created to be used across iOS apps?

I have a working custom keyboard for iOS8, I can also use a custom font that I created for the keyboard keys however I would like to know if it is possible to enforce using this custom font within all of the applications such as notes, sms email, any app across the ios device?
Apology if this is a simple question but I have built a demo and I am not seeing my characters showing inside the notes app and I am just wondering if it is something that I am doing wrong or that it is not possible? Thank you.