look up dynamic value from range in another table - sql

I have 2 tables. The first one is a detail table with years and actual limit values. The second table has max control limits but only for certain years.
Table 1 & 2
What I want to do is list all of the detail records but pull in the values of the control limits if the year is less than the next one listed in the control table.
Desired results:
I have tried this query but it duplicates 2015, 2016 and 2017.
SELECT d.id, d.yeard, d.value, c.Column1
FROM detailTbl d
RIGHT OUTER JOIN controlTbl c ON d.dated <= c.datec

You may use Row_Number() function as the following to remove duplicates:
with cte as
Select D.id,D.yeard,D.val, C.limitVal,
row_number() over (partition by D.id order by C.yeard desc) as rn from
detailTbl D left join controlTbl C
on D.yeard>=C.yeard
Select B.id,B.yeard,B.val,B.limitVal from
cte B where B.rn=1 order by B.id
See a demo on MySQL 8.0 from here.


Top nth of a report with rest as other

I have a query that shows total amount by supplier. I want a report where the top 9 are shown and the rest is added together under an "other" supplier. Thus the detail shows top 9 suppliers, other groups the rest and the total on the report includes all.
I cant get the top 9 but how to I get the "other"
I use MS Access 2007
I also need to add a company name that is in another register. t_costed has the value, linked to t_register_2bre that has the company, linked to t_contacts_company that had the company name.
I know the amount of columns returned by the select query must be equal in the two unioned queries but I'm struggling with the INNER JOIN.
You could use a union query in the following way:
select top 9 t.amount
from table1 t
order by t.amount desc
union all
select sum(u.amount)
from table1 u
u.amount <
select min(v.amount)
(select top 9 w.amount from table1 w order by w.amount desc) v
Here, change all references to table1 with the name of your table.
With the additional information provided in your question, I would suggest the following (untested) SQL:
select top 9 c.company, t.amount
(t_costed t inner join t_register_2bre r on t.eventidbre = r.id_bre)
inner join t_contacts_company c on r.defaulting_partyid = c.id_contacts_company
order by t.amount desc
union all
select "Others" as company, sum(u.amount)
from t_costed u
u.amount <
select min(v.amount)
(select top 9 w.amount from t_costed w order by w.amount desc) v

Why is my Left Not pulling all the dates even though they exist on the other table SQL

I have a table without dates and wish to join on the table with dates.I am doing a left join on id and bn_number. The id can have more than one dates , i obviously want the latest date from the other tables as it has more than one date for each id. i am not sure how to get all the dates at least then i can be able to choose the latest one.
select Reg_Property_id,a.Bnd_nbr,account_balance,abs(account_balanc‌​e) as Bond_Balance,a.Bnd_regDate
into #Jan2014ValidFin
from #Jan2014Valid aa
left join Pr_analytics..bond a
on aa.Reg_Property_id=a.Prop_id
and aa.bnd_nbr=a.Bnd_nbr
where aa.reg_property_id is not null
Please assist.
Use the ROW_NUMBER() window function to get the most recent date:
SELECT a.cols, b.cols, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY b.colID1,b.colID2 ORDER BY b.theDate DESC) AS rn
LEFT OUTER JOIN b ON a.col1 = b.col1
AND a.col2 = b.col2
) c
WHERE c.rn = 1
A simple group by should do the trick:
Reg_Property_id -- What table is this from?
,account_balance -- What table is this from?
,abs(account_balance) as Bond_Balance -- What table is this from?
,max(a.Bnd_regDate) as Bnd_regDate
into #Jan2014ValidFin
from #Jan2014Valid aa
left join Pr_analytics..bond a
on aa.Reg_Property_id = a.Prop_id
and aa.bnd_nbr = a.Bnd_nbr
where aa.reg_property_id is not null
group by
Note that if there are no dates (a.Bnd_regDate), you will get NULL
Note also that if any of the values marked "what table is this from" are found in #Jan2014Valid, you will need to either aggregate them (max, sum, etc.) or include them in the group by clause--I can't tell which, from the information provided.

How can I join 3 tables and calculate the correct sum of fields from 2 tables, without duplicate rows?

I have tables A, B, C. Table A is linked to B, and table A is linked to C. I want to join the 3 tables and find the sum of B.cost and the sum of C.clicks. However, it is not giving me the expected value, and when I select everything without the group by, it is showing duplicate rows. I am expecting the row values from B to roll up into a single sum, and the row values from C to roll up into a single sum.
My query looks like
select A.*, sum(B.cost), sum(C.clicks) from A
join B
left join C
group by A.id
having sum(cost) > 10
I tried to group by B.a_id and C.another_field_in_a also, but that didn't work.
Here is a DB fiddle with all of the data and the full query:
Notice how the sum fields are greater than the sum of the individual tables? I'm expecting the sums to be equal, containing only the rows of the table B and C once. I also tried adding distinct but that didn't help.
I'm using Postgres. (The fiddle is set to MySQL though.) Ultimately I will want to use a having clause to select the rows according to their sums. This query will be for millions of rows.
If I understand the logic correctly, the problem is the Cartesian product caused by the two joins. Your query is a bit hard to follow, but I think the intent is better handled with correlated subqueries:
select k.*,
(select sum(cost)
from ad_group_keyword_network n
where n.event_date >= '2015-12-27' and
n.ad_group_keyword_id = 1210802 and
k.id = n.ad_group_keyword_id
) as cost,
(select sum(clicks)
from keyword_click c
where (c.date is null or c.date >= '2015-12-27') and
k.keyword_id = c.keyword_id
) as clicks
from ad_group_keyword k
where k.status = 2 ;
Here is the corresponding SQL Fiddle.
The subselect should be faster than the group by on the unaggregated data. However, you need the right indexes: ad_group_keyword_network(ad_group_keyword_id, ad_group_keyword_id, event_date, cost) and keyword_click(keyword_id, date, clicks).
I found this (MySQL joining tables group by sum issue) and created a query like this
select *
from A
join (select B.a_id, sum(B.cost) as cost
from B
group by B.a_id) B on A.id = B.a_id
left join (select C.keyword_id, sum(C.clicks) as clicks
from C
group by C.keyword_id) C on A.keyword_id = C.keyword_id
group by A.id
having sum(cost) > 10
I don't know if it's efficient though. I don't know if it's more or less efficient than Gordon's. I ran both queries and this one seemed faster, 27s vs. 2m35s. Here is a fiddle: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!15/c61c74/10
Simply split the aggregate of the second table into a subquery as follows:
select ad_group_keyword.*, SumCost, sum(keyword_click.clicks)
from ad_group_keyword
left join keyword_click on ad_group_keyword.keyword_id = keyword_click.keyword_id
left join (select ad_group_keyword.id, sum(cost) SumCost
from ad_group_keyword join ad_group_keyword_network on ad_group_keyword.id = ad_group_keyword_network.ad_group_keyword_id
where event_date >= '2015-12-27'
group by ad_group_keyword.id
having sum(cost) > 20
) Cost on Cost.id=ad_group_keyword.id
(keyword_click.date is null or keyword_click.date >= '2015-12-27')
and status = 2
group by ad_group_keyword.id

SQL Inner Join using Distinct and Order by Desc

table a.
Table b . I have two tables. Table A has over 8000+ records and continues to grow with time.
Table B has only 5 or so records and grows rarely but does grow sometimes.
I want to query Table A's last records where the Id for Table A matches for Table B. The problem is; I am getting all the rows from Table A. I just need the ones where Table A and B match once. These are unique Id's when a new row is inserted into table B and never get repeated.
Any help is most appreciated.
SELECT a.nshift,
FROM oeeworkcell a
INNER JOIN dbo.oeeconfigworkcell b
ON a.loeeconfigworkcellid = b.loeeconfigworkcellid
ORDER BY a.loeeworkcellid DESC
I am assuming you want to get the only the lastest (as you said) row from the TableA but JOIN giving you all the rows.You can use the Row_Number() to get the rownumber and then apply the join and filter it with the Where clause to select only the first row from the JOIN. So what you can try as below,
SELECT * , ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY loeeconfigworkcellid ORDER BY loeeworkcellid desc) AS Rn
FROM oeeworkcell
SELECT a.nshift,
INNER JOIN dbo.oeeconfigworkcell b
ON a.loeeconfigworkcellid = b.loeeconfigworkcellid
a.Rn = 1
You need to group by your data and select only the data having the condition with min id.
SELECT a.nshift,
FROM oeeworkcell a
INNER JOIN dbo.oeeconfigworkcell b
ON a.loeeconfigworkcellid = b.loeeconfigworkcellid
group by
having a.loeeworkcellid = min(a.loeeworkcellid)

MYSQL top N rows from multiple table join

Like, there is top keyword in sql server 2005, how to select top 1 row in mysql if i have join on multiple table & want to retrieve extreme of each ID/column. Limit restricts the no. of row returns so it can't solve my problem.
FROM document d
FROM version v
WHERE v.document = d.id
v.revision DESC
) v
FROM document d
FROM version
) v
ON v.document = d.id
AND v.rn = 1
The latter is more efficient if your documents usually have few revisions and you need to select all or almost all documents; the former is more efficient if the documents have many revisions or you need to select just a small subset of documents.
Sorry, didn't notice the question is about MySQL.
In MySQL, you do it this way:
FROM document d
version v
ON v.id =
FROM version vi
WHERE vi.document = d.document
vi.document DESC, vi.revision DESC, vi.id DESC
Create a composite index on version (document, revision, id) for this to work fast.
If I understand you correctly, top doesn't solve your problem either. top is exactly equivalent to limit. What you are looking for is aggregate functions, like max() or min() if you want the extremes. for example:
select link_id, max(column_a), min(column_b) from table_a a, table_b b
where a.link_id = b.link_id group by link_id