voximplant integration into existing app: user management & client login - amazon-cognito

I'm evaluating VoxImplant for embedding video chat into my react native application.
I'm using AWS Amplify and so AWS Cognito as the identity provider.
I think I'll need to automatically create VoxImplant users on Cognito SignUp (i.e. in a lambda function triggered by a postConfirmation event).
But how can I login users to VoxImplant when the app will start?
I think one time keys could be a way to go, but I do not understand how to use them.
Maybe I have to store the password I used when creating the VoxImplant user in my backend and use it when calculating the token (on backend side) to return to the VoxImplant client?
Moreover, in the example provided from the documentation, it looks like the client is sending appUser and appUserPassword to the backend in order to calculate the token. This confuses me too, because I do not understand where this data comes from. This is not the user password.

Yes, one time keys seem to be the solution for your case. You need to store password (or md5(username+':voximplant.com:'+password) for more security) in your backend and use it to calculate the token to send to the client.
The client doesn't transmit password to backend. The authentication flow is the following:
SDK obtains one time key from Voximplant (e.g. https://voximplant.com/docs/references/androidsdk/client/iclient#requestonetimekey for Android)
Application passes that key to your backend.
Backend retrieves corresponding voximplant user login and password (or hashed password) from it's internal storage and calculates the token using that data and one time key
Application receives token from backend and passes it to Voximplant SDK to complete authentication (e.g. https://voximplant.com/docs/references/androidsdk/client/iclient#loginwithonetimekey for Android)
Voximplant verifies token and authenticates the SDK


Firebase Authentication via Cloud Functions using Express

Im building a mobile App using React Native and CloudFunctions as back-end, which will allow only authenticated users to access the RealTime database. In authentication I would like to send to this function the email and password and then the back-end create the user, and send me back the token which I will use to make the request to api. I would to know if the is it possible and the right approach, or should I authenticate the user first directly by my App and then calls the functions with the token that I got ...
If someone have some exemplo would be awesome.
Typically the client application performs the signin process so it can make use of the authentication token and keep it refreshed.

How to create Own Access Token validated by Auth0 in .net core

I have an existing system and want to utilize Auth0(still considering).
I have my own login screen, which is quite dynamic(white labeled) per client. So I dont want to use Auth0 login screen.
I have my own user and tenant database, so dont want to use Auth0 user database for now.
So the idea is to validate the user credentials after login on my backend and create access token to return to client side.
I want that access token to be validated by Auth0.
1) Probably most important question. Should go with Auth0 or just stick with native jwt's
2) Is there a way I can create a valid access token in my backend which can be validated by Auth0.
I am using vue.js as my front-end SPA.
I am using .net core as my backend.
Probably most important question. Should go with Auth0 or just stick with native jwt's
That is determined by whether you want to enable the online identity provider's features like Single Sign-On . If not , just keep using the current one since you don't need the Auth0 user database .
Is there a way I can create a valid access token in my backend which can be validated by Auth0.
Since your scenario is collect username and password in front-end application , and pass to backend .net application to validate credential and create token . You can implement the Resource Owner Password Grant in Auth0 to create access token for accessing resource which protected by Auth0, but as document shows :
You should use this flow only if the following apply:
The application is absolutely trusted with the user's credentials. For Single-Page Apps and Native/Mobile Apps, we recommend using web flows instead.
Using a redirect-based flow is not possible. If this is not the case and redirects are possible in your application, you should use the Authorization Code Flow instead.
So that it's not recommended in your scenario . If you need the features like SSO and want to use Auth0 , it is recommended to directly use Auth0 in vue application to manage your users and roles :
After login with Auth0 , you can map the user to local database user for specific management if needed .
Another way is using Client Credential flow . For this scenario, typical authentication schemes like username + password or social logins don't make sense. Instead, M2M apps use the Client Credentials Flow , your backend app will authenticates and authorizes the app rather than a user. It's not suitable if you want to acquire access token for specific user to access protected resource .

Storing client secret on client side

I'm using an external service called auth0 in order to get an access token and let my users use my api. Auth0 is using Oauth2 protocol.
In short The user adds a username and a password, I'm doing a call to auth0 by using a client_id (apps have an id) and client_secret and I get an jwt access token in return. Then from there I carry this access token to have access to my own api since I can check its validity.
I have been looking around about how secure it is to store client_id and client_secret on the client side (e.g. web (javascript)/mobile (native or hybrid with ionic)) and everybody was saying that it's not secure since everybody can reverse engineer the code and get the client_id and client_secret. Ok...I can take it...what Can I do with them if I don't have credentials in order to get the access token?
Given that I don't want to store the client_id and the client_secret, one solutions I have thought is to make a direct call to my api (Java) with the credentials and then my api make a call to auth0 and return the corresponding access token. In this way the client_id and client_secret is stored in the backend and somebody cannot get them easily. Is that safe?
However I have some endpoints, e.g. creating use account, sending sms for phone validation etc, that cannot have credentials. How do I protect the api in such case? If I can't store my own access token on the client side how could I get an access token and access my own api without credentials?
One possible solution that OAuth spec suggests is that you could have three different servers for your application.
backend server and an additional authentication server.
The preferred way of doing this would be that the client would send the user credentials to the authentication server. The authentication server would be a back-end server which contains the client secret
The authentication server will authenticate the credentials and return back the token.
The client will then use the token obtained from the authentication server to access the resource API server.
If you wanna know more check out this video
In my opinion you are almost certainly using the wrong OAuth flow. I use Auth0 with Ionic as both a web app and a native Cordova app. I don't have the client secret in my client code at all.
If you follow the Auth0 quickstarts (https://auth0.com/docs/quickstarts), you should be choosing (Native/Mobile App) if you are deploying to app stores, and (Single-Page App) if you are deploying the web version of Ionic. From there you can pick Cordova (for native) or Angular (for SPA). These should give you instructions that implement OAuth flows which DO NOT require your client secret. My guess would be you are referencing a "Regular Web App" quickstart, which runs server-side and CAN safely hold the client secret. That's not the world you're coding in if you are using Ionic Hybrid/Native.
I would consider wrapping the call to Auth0 into your own server side implementation as safe. Your API takes user credentials and then calls Auth0 and this way your client_id/secret are secure on your server and the client can be reverse-engineered all the way without compromising your security.
Regarding the other APIs which cannot have credentials you are pretty much out of luck. Their very use case is to be used by an unauthenticated third party, so at least the account creation API cannot really be protected. However you can still use some nicely designed constraints to limit the attack surface. E.g. you can require an email address/phone number to register and you will not allow the same address/phone number twice. If you set up your process that you first need to confirm your email address before you can validate your phone number this will make the life of an attacker a lot harder. He would need a real working email address, and some automation to receive your confirmation mails before he could get to call your SMS service. You could also rate-limit the service per IP-address so an attacker cannot cause your SMS cost to skyrocket by issuing a lot of calls for SMS validation in a short period of time.

Firebase authentication for private server

I am developoing a flutter app and want to use Firebase auth service to enable my users to signup/login using:
I have a lumen backend REST server with MySQL database.
Problem: Going through loads of firebase documentation I cannot understand the whole flow of how this should work.
I can successfully create users using the app and they appear in the firebase console, however, I don't know how to enable them to securely talk to my backend server.
I would expect Firebase to release an access and refresh tokens for me to use for my private communication between the app and backend, like AWS cognito does. Instead, it issues an "ID Token" that is JWT token and should be verified on backend. But what do I do once it is verified?
How do I link my users in my database to the authenticated user? What is the thing to store in the database to map to the authenticated user?
Do I have to generate custom tokens via the Admin SDK?
Or is the ID Token the thing that should be passed from client to backend on each request and then verified? But still, what do I put from this ID token to my database to link the authenticated user with their data?
Here's how I do it now. It works great.
Install Firebase admin sdk on your backend server, if you are using php, here is what I've followed and worked flawlessly: PHP Firebase Admin sdk
Aquire firebase idToken using firebase SDK in your client (app), I've used Firebase auth package for this.
Send idToken to your backend
Use Admin SDK to verify the idToken, if verification is successful it returns a Firebase user object. And you can perform various management actions on it (modify, delete, get different data etc.).
Get uid from the Firebase user object.
Store uid in your database.
Now each time this authenticated user makes a request to your backend server, you attach the idToken to the header of the request.
Each time you verify (see step 4) the idToken on your backend server and if the verification is successful you extract the uid to know which user to query in your database.
Any comments/improvements on this are welcome :)

Webhook + Server-side Authentication

I have a user provide me the organization he wants to Sync with our system. We create the hooks afterwards for each App of the Organization.
The only workaround I found is to ask for each App ID and Token or the username authentication.
How can a Webhook be authentified to have the right to get items from all Apps at the same time? (like a server-side authentication)
There are a couple of options: The best is to contact Podio support and get an increased trust level for your API key. Then app tokens can be retrieved through the API and you can fully automate hook creation.
The alternative is to create a user that's a member of all spaces which you can authenticate as using password-based authentication.