Using PCA on Part of Dataframe - dataframe

I want to use a clustering algorithm to a dataframe that contains a lot of features (32 columns).
A part of the features are encoded using one hot encoder.
I want to use PCA ( Principal Component analysis ) to reduce the dimension and make the machine learning process easier.
Is it possible to use the PCA just for some columns of the data frame and keep the other columns as they are then use machine learning model.
Or it is obligatory to use PCA for all the dataframe before clustering.

I guess there should be no issue with doing what you describe.
What this does, effectively, is merge some of the objects' features into fewer ones, but then using other, non-merged ones in addition to the merged ones. I don't know what effect that would have on the outcome; it might be good to run a correlation to see whether the unmerged features add anything to the PCA-merged ones. You might find that they basically duplicate what is there already.
Since clustering is an exploratory method, you can basically do whatever you want. It is of course advisable to have a reason for doing so, as it otherwise ends up as simply trial-and-error, and if you find a result, you won't be able to describe why you got there. It is possible (or even likely for some data sets) that there are multiple ways to cluster them, so you should make decisions based on what you know about the data already, so they can be justified in those terms.
Running random trial-and-error clustering until you find a structure makes it a bit difficult to come up with a good explanation why that structure is valid.


Boxcox transformation with tree-based models(XGBoost to be specific)

I have a question regarding boxcox transformation(or log transformation). I am working on a data-set which I have lots of skewed features. Now when I take the boxcox transformation, I get quite a nice distribution but the thing is correlation decrease. Now if I was working with linear models I would just consider correlation to decide I should transform the feature or not. But as I mentioned I am working with tree-based models, so should I transform the feature to get a more dispersed distribution or I leave the feature as it is to avoid a decrease in correlation.
I add a screenshot of distribution and its relationship with the target variable, for both transformed and not transformed(Left 2 plots original feature and target).
PS: Guessing from the plots, it seems to me that if I transform the feature it will be easier for tree to find a split for this particular feature.
Thanks a lot,

How to make testing data manually for clustering of citation records?

I'm doing a research on the author name disambiguation problem. I want to make some experiments. I want to perform clustering on citation records. My dataset consist of 2000 xml records. I need testing data. The dataset that I'm using is not popular and I need to make testing data manually. I don't know how to do so. I need instruction of how to make testing data manually. Note: I want to compare the performance of a set of techniques in solving the author name disambiguation problem, So I must perform testing.
Even though it is not really clear what kind of testing you want to perform, but general answer to the issue at hand - trying to artificially create more data from the data you have at hand - is a bootstrap. In general it is technique when you perform sampling with replacement from your dataset as many times as you want. It randomly picks up some element from your data repetitively untill you get a sample of the size you want. The sample you get could be larger than your original dataset but should have similar (from statistical point of view) as your original dataset. Bootstrap sampling is available in sklearn.
P.S. You need to keep in mind that this solution is not optimal - best solution to this problem is to actually get more real data somehow.
Classification vs. Clustering
For author name disambiguation, I don't think you want clustering. What you want is classification.
You have a features for each author / publication. Now you give the classifier two of those feature vectors. It classifies "it is the same author" or "those are different authors".
Training / testing data
Having a binary classification problem, the testing suddenly becomes simple: Just use one of the measures used in literature so often (accuracy, precision, recall, confuscation matrix).
Getting the data might be a bit more complicated. You wrote that you have an XML file of 2000 records. I guess you can derive features from those records automatically and authors have an identifier? Then you can simply generate negative examples by having different authors and positive examples by checking if the identifier is the same.
Otherwise you can have a look at Although there are likely many publications under the same author which should be different, they do distinguish authors not only by name but give them identifiers.
Alternatively, you can train a classifier to classify each of the known authors with e.g. > 30 publications. Then remove the softmax layer and use those features to distinguish the authors.

Titan vertex centric indices vs Neo4j labels

I was trying to make a comparison between these two technologies when approaching this and I was wondering if any of you already have some experience dealing with any or both of them?
I am mainly interested in performance numbers when dealing with similar use cases.
The difference between the two concepts is the difference between global and local indexing.
As I understand it, Neo4j vertex labels allow you to break up your index space by "categories" of vertices. In this way, a O(log(|V|)) lookup is now an O(log(|V|/c)), where c is the number of categories/labels you have over your vertex set and (the equation) assumes an equal number of vertices in each category. As such, vertex label aid in global index calls as this is a function of V.
Next, Titan's vertex-centric indices sort and index the incident edges of a vertex. The cost to find a particular edge by its label/properties incident to a vertex is O(log(inc(v))), where inc(v) is the size of the incident edge set to vertex v. As such, vertex-centric indices are local indices as this is a function of v.
As I understand it, Neo4j does not support vertex-centric indices. You see this concept currently in Titan, OrientDB, and TinkerGraph (…and RDF stores sort in this manner as well -- via spog pairings). Next, all known graph databases support global indices though, (I believe only Neo4j and OrientDB), support a vertex set partition via the concept of a label.
Again, assuming my assumptions are correct about the use of vertex labels in Neo4j, we are talking about two different use cases — global vs. local indexing. From the perspective of the supernode problem, global indices do not quell the issue of traversing through a large vertex, while this is the sole purpose of the local vertex-centric indices.
You can read about the supernode problem and vertex-centric indices here:
Agreeing with everything Marko said, one could take it further and argue that in the graph database world local indexes can (and even should) substitute global ones. In my opinion, the single greatest advantage of a graph data model is that it lets you encode your data model into the graph topology, gaining qualitative advantages in terms of flexibility, ease of evolution and performance. With this in mind, I'd argue that labels in Neo4j actually detract from all this; reifying a label into a node with adjacent edges pointing to the source having that label is much more in line with the "schema is the graph" philosophy.
Of course, if your engine lacks local indexes we are back at the supernode problem. But if you do have them (something which I'd say should be a requirement for something to be called a graph database), you can easily transform your label into a node L, and create relationships pointing to that node for those vertices which you want labeled with L
v -[L]-> L
meaning that v has label L. Now if you want this in Titan to behave like a Neo4j label, just make the -[L]-> relation to be "manyToOne" (see Titan cardinality constraints) and create a vertex-centric index. This pattern lets you get everything that you could with labels and much more; you can
effectively use this as a namespace for properties relating to that label
sort your elements inside one label
nest labels easily without losing performance (just use a composite key)
separate the declaration of a label L with how elements labeled with it are accessed
Labels may afford some design patterns that improve performance by de-densifying the graph. For example: they eliminate the need for type nodes, which can often get quite dense. Labels can optionally be associated with a unique index. Here, the ability to index a property isn't new, but the ability to constrain it uniquely is. If you were previously doing work in your application, you may experience some performance gains by letting the database handle this. (It's certainly much more convenient to do so.) Finally, if you don't assign a unique index to a label, it will still be indexed, in order to help performance for certain kinds of queries (e.g. "give me all of the nodes having label ")
All that said, while labels may help with performance in certain cases, they were introduced more with ease-of-use in mind. We're just getting started with Neo4j 2.1, which specifically addresses dense node performance (something I know you've been waiting for), along with other performance & scalability improvements... including removing (for all practical purposes eliminating) the upper size limits.

Haskell: list/vector/array performance tuning

I am trying out Haskell to compute partition functions of models in statistical physics. This involves traversing quite large lists of configurations and summing various observables - which I would like to do as efficiently as possible.
The current version of my code is here:
Some strange things happen when trying to choose between lists and vectors to enumerate the configurations; in particular, to truncate the list, using V.toList . V.take (3^n) . V.fromList (where V is Data.Vector) is faster than just using take, which feels a bit counter-intuitive. In both cases the list is evaluated lazily.
The list itself is built using iterate; if instead I use Vectors as much as possible and build the list by using V.iterateN, again it becomes slower ...
My question is, is there a way (other than splicing V.toList and V.fromList at random places in the code) to predict which one will be the quickest? (BTW, I compile everything using ghc -O2 with the current stable version.)
Vectors are strict, and have O(1) subsets (e.g. take). They also have an optimized insert and delete. So you will sometimes see performance improvements by switching data structures on the fly. However, it is usually the wrong approach -- keeping all data in either one form or the other is better. (And you're using UArrays as well -- further confusing the issue).
General rules:
If the data is large and being transformed only in bulk fashion, using a dense, efficient structures like vectors make sense.
If the data is small, and traversed linearly, rarely, then lists make sense.
Remember that operations on lists and vectors have different complexity, so while iterate . replicate on lists is O(n), but lazy, the same on vectors will not necessarily be as efficient (you should prefer the built in methods in vector to generate arrays).
Generally, vectors should always be better for numerical operations. It might be that you have to use different functions that you do in lists.
I would stick to vectors only. Avoid UArrays, and avoid lists except as generators.

When to choose Cassandra over a SQL/Semantic Store solution?

I have 30-40 GB of data and 3 developer machines (Core Duo i4, 3GB). The data is a set of graph like structures and I have queries that traverse the graphs. Is there a guideline that could help me to decide to use Cassandra or a classic solution, e.g., SQL or Semantic Store? My current plan is to set up Cassandra and see how does it work but I would like to learn more before starting the installation.
I would not use Cassandra for any kind of graph level structure. It has been about 6 months since I looked into doing something similar so maybe Cassandra has moved on since then but I found it was fundamentally limited by the fact that it only has row level indexes.
For a Graph based structure (assuming a simplistic one arc per row layout) you really need column indexes as well since if you want to traverse the graph you want to be able to start from a particular node A and find all the arcs that go from that node (assuming a directed Graph) then you'd have to do a row scan of the entire dataset as there is no built in functionality for saying give me the rows that have A in a particular column.
To achieve this you have to effectively design a data layout for Cassandra that gives you an inverted index. This is somewhat tricky and requires you to know ahead of time the type of queries that you want to answer - answering new types of queries at a later data may be very difficult or impossible if you don't design well. These slides demonstrate the idea but I hope it makes it clear that you effectively have to construct your own indexes.
For Graph structures that can be decomposed to triples consider an RDF store - for more complex structures then consider a full blown Graph Database. If you really want to do NoSQL you can probably build something on top of a document database as they tend to have much better indexing but again you'll have to think carefully about how you store your data.