Requested module experienced an error while loading - Server - Data:11 - module

Yeah So, I'm coding a Roblox game and this script gets an error every time, I even restarted roblox studio to try fixing it but it didn't work and I tried messing around with the code but I couldn't figure it out, can someone please help?
local PetModule = require(ServerModules.PetModule)
Module Code:
local module = {}
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local Pet = ReplicatedStorage.Pet
function module.EquipPet(Player, PetName)
local PetModel = Pet:FindFirstChild(PetName)
if PetModel then
PetModel = PetModel:Clone()
PetModel.Parent = workspace.Pet:FindFirstChild((Player.Name))
if Player then
local Character = Player.Character
if Character then
if not Character.HumanoidRootPart:FindFirstChild("PetAttachments") then
local PetAttachments ="Folder")
PetAttachments.Name = "PetAttachments"
PetAttachments.Parent = Character.HumanoidRootPart
local PetAttachments = Character.HumanoidRootPart:FindFirstChild("PetAttachments")
if PetAttachments then
local att0 ="Attachment")
att0.Name = "Attachment1"
att0.Position = PetModel:FindFirstChild("AttachmentPosition").Value
att0.Parent =Character.HumanoidRootPart
local att1 = Instance.New("Attachment")
att1.Name = "Attachment2"
att1.Parent = PetModel.PrimaryPart
local AlignPosition ="AlignPosition")
AlignPosition.Attachment0 = att0
AlignPosition.Attachment1 = att1
AlignPosition.RigidityEnabled = false
AlignPosition.MaxForce = PetModel.MaxForce.Value
AlignPosition.Responsiveness = PetModel.Responsiveness.Value
AlignPosition.Parent = PetModel.PrimaryPart
local AlignOrientation ="AlignOrientation")
AlignOrientation.Attachment0 = att0
AlignOrientation.Attachment1 = att1
AlignOrientation.RigidityEnabled = false
AlignOrientation.MaxTorque = PetModel.MaxForce.Value
AlignOrientation.Responsiveness = PetModel.Responsiveness.Value
AlignOrientation.Parent = PetModel.PrimaryPart
att0.Position = PetModel.AttachmentPosition.Value
AlignPosition.MaxForce = PetModel.MaxForce.Value
AlignOrientation.MaxTorque = PetModel.MaxForce.Value
AlignPosition.Responsiveness = PetModel.Responsiveness
function module.UnequipPet(Player)
function module.UnequipAllPet(Player)
return module
If anyone could help me fix this it would be great.

make sure to put "return module" at the end!

return module
is within the function. Try to put it free at the end of the code and...
I'm not sure, but I think it's because you're creating an event connection within module, I had this problem right now. I just stopped creating events within the Module and the problem stopped.
Try removing this from de Code.
att0.Position = PetModel.AttachmentPosition.Value
AlignPosition.MaxForce = PetModel.MaxForce.Value
AlignOrientation.MaxTorque = PetModel.MaxForce.Value
AlignPosition.Responsiveness = PetModel.Responsiveness


Changes in lua language cause error in ai script

When I run script in game, I got an error message like this:
.\AI\haick.lua:104: bad argument #1 to 'find' (string expected, got nill)
local haick = {}
haick.type = type
haick.tostring = tostring
haick.require = require
haick.error = error
haick.getmetatable = getmetatable
haick.setmetatable = setmetatable
haick.ipairs = ipairs
haick.rawset = rawset
haick.pcall = pcall
haick.len = string.len
haick.sub = string.sub
haick.find = string.find
haick.seed = math.randomseed
haick.max = math.max
haick.abs = math.abs =
haick.rename = os.rename
haick.remove = os.remove =
haick.exit = os.exit
haick.time = GetTick
haick.actors = GetActors
haick.var = GetV
--> General > Seeding Random:
--> General > Finding Script Location:
local scriptLocation = haick.sub(_REQUIREDNAME, 1, haick.find(_REQUIREDNAME,'/[^\/:*?"<>|]+$'))
Last line (104 in file) causes error and I don`t know how to fix it.
There are links to .lua files below:
Help, pls!
When you use a function in Lua, you are expected to pass valid arguments for the function.
To use a variable, you must first define it, _REQUIREDNAME in this case is not available, haick.lua file is incomplete. The fault is of the author of the file.
Lua has a very useful reference you can use if you need help, see here

How do I Make a double jump Script that makes the power of the second Jump the Value of the players leader stat value

I made this code thinking it would allow the player to jump Twice and the second Jump be the power of its leader stat but Instead it doesn't even allow the player to Jump a second time.
local UIS = game:GetService("UserInputService")
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local character
local humanoid
local canDoubleJump = false
local hasDoubleJumped = false
local oldPower
local time_delay = 0.2
local jump_multiplier = player.leaderstats.JumpBoost.Value
function onJumpRequest()
if not character or not humanoid or not
character:IsDescendantOf(workspace) or humanoid:GetState() ==
Enum.HumanoidStateType.Dead then
if canDoubleJump and not hasDoubleJumped then
hasDoubleJumped = true
humanoid.JumpPower = oldPower * jump_multiplier
local function characterAdded(new)
character = new
humanoid = new:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
hasDoubleJumped = false
canDoubleJump = false
oldPower = humanoid.JumpPower
humanoid.StateChanged:connect(function(old, new)
if new == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Landed then
canDoubleJump = false
hasDoubleJumped = false
humanoid.JumpPower = oldPower
elseif new == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Freefall then
canDoubleJump = true
if player.Character then
I expected the player to Jump Twice with the second Jump having the power of the leader stat(I only put that and this because it says it wants more detail)
LocalScripts do not execute in game.Workspace: they only run on clients, hence the term 'local'; Scripts, on the other hand, are server-side.
You could use a Script to place your double-jump script--a LocalScript--into incoming players' character models.
-- Server-side Script
local players = game:GetService("Players")
local jumpScript = script:WaitForChild("JumpScript") -- Assume the double-jump script is a LocalScript called 'JumpScript'.
-- Check to make sure the character model does not already contain the double-jump script, just in case.
local clone = char:FindFirstChild("JumpScript")
if (not clone) then
clone = jumpScript:Clone()
clone.Parent = char
As a note, it is good practice to put server-side scripts like this into ServerScriptStorage instead of workspace or Lighting. (You can read about the safety of ServerScriptStoragehere.)

Is there a way to color console.log messages in WebStorm like dev tools?

Is there a way to color console.log messages in WebStorm like dev tools?
see image
Yes. You could do something like:
console.log('\x1b[36m%s\x1b[0m', 'I am cyan'); //cyan
%s is where in the string gets injected.
Colors reference
Reset = "\x1b[0m"
Bright = "\x1b[1m"
Dim = "\x1b[2m"
Underscore = "\x1b[4m"
Blink = "\x1b[5m"
Reverse = "\x1b[7m"
Hidden = "\x1b[8m"
FgBlack = "\x1b[30m"
FgRed = "\x1b[31m"
FgGreen = "\x1b[32m"
FgYellow = "\x1b[33m"
FgBlue = "\x1b[34m"
FgMagenta = "\x1b[35m"
FgCyan = "\x1b[36m"
FgWhite = "\x1b[37m"
BgBlack = "\x1b[40m"
BgRed = "\x1b[41m"
BgGreen = "\x1b[42m"
BgYellow = "\x1b[43m"
BgBlue = "\x1b[44m"
BgMagenta = "\x1b[45m"
BgCyan = "\x1b[46m"
BgWhite = "\x1b[47m"
No, it's not possible; styling console output is not supported. Please vote for WEB-12349 to be notified on any progress
worked for me like this:
var red = ['color: red'].join(';');
and to output:
console.log("%c I'm RED!",red)
EDIT: Works for me only in Chrome and Firefox

How do you configure UDPInput to work with heka-flood udp test

I am trying to test sending data to heka's UDPInput with no success. I decided to try to use the heka-flood tool to mimic UPD traffic also with no success. I am using 0.10 version of heka. My heka.toml :
address = ""
net = "udp"
splitter = "udp_splitter"
decoder = "ProtobufDecoder"
set_hostname = true
# I have also tried not setting this as well
type = "HekaFramingSplitter"
type = "LogOutput"
message_matcher = "Logger == 'UdpInput'"
encoder = "PayloadEncoder"
and my flood.toml:
ip_address = ""
sender = "udp"
pprof_file = ""
encoder = "protobuf"
num_messages = 1000
corrupt_percentage = 0.0001
signed_percentage = 0.00011
variable_size_messages = false
ascii_only = true
max_message_size = 32000
If I add another input, like say a log tailer and add it to the message matcher for the LogOutput, those messages end up being logged out. I never see anything from the UpdInput. What am I doing wrong?

parse_failed error occured in augeas,why this error occur and how to fix this issue?

I want to edit file "" using augeas. so used Properties.lns.
but it made error "parse_failed"and some time "parse_skel_failed". explain the root cause of this error and solve this issue.
augtool> print /augeas/files/root/yog/
/augeas/files/root/yog/ = "parse_failed"
/augeas/files/root/yog/ = "17835"
/augeas/files/root/yog/ = "318"
/augeas/files/root/yog/ = "0"
/augeas/files/root/yog/ = "/usr/share /augeas/lenses/dist/properties.aug:50.25-.100:"
/augeas/files/root/yog/ = "Iterated lens matched less than it should"
/augeas/files/root/yog/ = "parse_skel_failed"
/augeas/files/root/yog/ = "4844943"
/augeas/files/root/yog/ = "53707"
/augeas/files/root/yog/ = "0"
/augeas/files/root/yog/ = "/usr/share/augeas/lenses/dist/simplevars.aug:34.10-.46:"
/augeas/files/root/yog/ = "Iterated lens matched less than it should"