Google cloud kubernetes cluster newbie question - gpu

I am a newbie of GKE. I created a GKE cluster with very simple setup. It only has on gpu node and all other stuff was default. After the cluster is up, I was able to list the nodes and ssh into the nodes. But I have two questions here.
I tried to install nvidia driver using the command:
kubectl apply -f
It output that:
kubectl apply --filename
daemonset.apps/nvidia-driver-installer configured
But 'nvidia-smi' cannot be found at all. Should I do something else to make it work?
On the worker node, there wasn't the .kube directory and the file 'config'. I had to copy it from the master node to the worker node to make things work. And the config file on the master node automatically updates so I have to copy again and again. Did I miss some steps in the creation of the cluster or how to resolve this problem?
I appreciate someone can shed some light on this. It drove me crazy after working on it for several days.
Tons of thanks.

For the DaemonSet to work, you need to have a tag on your worker Node as (see this line). The DaemonSet checks for this tag on a node before scheduling any pods for installing the driver. I'm guessing a default node pool you create did not have this tag on it. You can find more details on this on the GKE docs here.
The worker nodes, by design are just that worker nodes. They do not need privileged access to the Kubernetes API so they don't need any kubeconfig files. The communication between worker nodes and the API is strictly controlled through the kubelet binary running on the node. Therefore, you will never find kubeconfig files on a worker node. Also, you should never put them on the worker node either, since if a node gets compromised, the keys in that file can be used to damage the API Server. Instead, you should make it a habit to either use the master nodes for kubectl commands, or better yet, have the kubeconfig on your local machine, and keep it safe, and issue commands remotely to your cluster.
After all, all you need is access to an API endpoint for your Kubernetes API server, and it shouldn't matter where you access it from, as long as the endpoint is reachable. So, there is no need whatsoever to have kubeconfig on the worker nodes :)


0/3 nodes are available: 1 node(s) had taints that the pod didn't tolerate, 2 Insufficient cpu. MR3 Hive

I am trying to set up hive using mr3 on a kubernetes cluster hosted on AWS ec2. When I run the command, Hive-server starts and the master-DAg is initialised but then it gets stuck on pending. When I describe the pod. This is the error message shows. I have kept the resources to minimum so it should not be that issue and I do not have any tainted nodes. If you know any alternative for running hive on Kubernetes with access to S3 or a better way to implement mr3 hive on Kubernetes cluster, please share.
One of the node description
Based on the topic i think the problem here is your cluster have not enough resources on your worker nodes, and a master node is tainted.
So the option here is either inreasing the resources on workers or taint the master node so You would be able to schedule pods there.
Control plane node isolation
By default, your cluster will not schedule pods on the control-plane node for security reasons. If you want to be able to schedule pods on the control-plane node, e.g. for a single-machine Kubernetes cluster for development, run:
kubectl taint nodes --all
This will remove the taint from any nodes that have it, including the control-plane node, meaning that the scheduler will then be able to schedule pods everywhere

Prometheus target management

We are using prometheus in our production envirment recently. Before we only have 30-40 nodes for each service and those servers not change very often, so we just write it in the prometheus.yml, but right now it become too long to hold in one file and change much frequently then before, so my question is should i use file_sd_config to put those server list out of yml file and change those config files sepearately, or using consul for service discovery(same much easy to handle changes).
I have install 3 nodes consul cluster in data center and as i can see if i change to use consul to slove this problem , i also need to install consul client in each server(node) and define its services info. Is that correct? or does anyone have good advise.
I totally advocate the use of a service discovery system. It may be a bit hard to deploy at first but surely it will worth it in the future.
That said, Prometheus comes with a lot of service discovery integrations. It's possible that you don't need a Consul cluster. If your servers are in a cloud provider like AWS, GCP, Azure, Openstack, etc, prometheus are able to autodiscover the instances.
If you keep running with Consul, the answer is yes, the agent must be running in every node. You can also register services and nodes via API but it's easier to deploy the agent.

What is the redis URI, when redis is used in kubernetes?

I want to access the redis database in kubernetes, from a function inside ibm functions using javascript.
How do I get the right URI, when redis is running on a Pod in Kubernetes?
I used this sample to setup the redis database in kubernetes This is the link to the sample in Kubernetes
I run Kuberentes inside IBM Cloud.
I was not able to find a answer to my question on the redis documentation
As far as I understand by default no password configured.
Is this assumption right?
Thanks for help ... I know this is maybe a to simple question, but currently I do not see the tree in the woods ;-)
As far as I understand by default no password configured.
Yes, there is no default password in that image with Redis, you are right.
If you following the instruction you mentioned, you will use a kubectl proxy, which will forward port of your Redis in cluster to your local machine by call kubectl port-forward redis-master 6379:6379.
So in that case, Redis will be available on redis://localhost:6379 on your PC.
If you want to make it available directly from ouside of the cluster, you need to create Service with NodePort, Service with LoadBalancer (if you in Cloud) or simply Service with Ingress.
Inside a cluster, you can create Service with Cluster IP (which is actually simply Service, because it always has Cluster IP) for your Redis pod and will be available on:
Here is a good official documentation about connecting applications with service.

Resolving Chef Dependencies

In my lab, I am currently managing a 20 nodes cluster with Cobbler and Chef. Cobbler is used for OS provisioning and basic network settings, which is working fine as expected. I can manage several OS distributions with preseed-based NQA installation and local repo mirroring.
We also successfully installed chef server and started managing nodes but chef is not working as I expected. The issue is that I am not being able to set node dependencies within chef. Our one important use case is this:
We are setting up ceph and openstack on these nodes
Ceph should be installed before openstack because openstack uses ceph as back-end storage
Ceph monitor should be installed before Ceph osd because creating osd requires talking to monitor
The dependencies between Openstack and Ceph does not matter because it is a dependency in one node; just installing openstack later would resolve the issue.
However, a problem arises with the dependency between ceph monitor and ceph osd. Ceph osd provisioning requires a running ceph monitor. Therefore, ceph osd recipe should always be run after ceph mon recipe finishes in another node. Our current method is just to run "chef-client" in "ceph-osd" node after "chef-client" run completely finishes in "ceph-mon" node but I think this is a too much of a hassle. Is there a way to set these dependencies in Chef so that nodes will provision sequentially according to their dependencies? If not, are there good frameworks who handles this?
In chef itself, I know no method for orchestrating (that's not chef Job).
A workaround given your use case could be to use tags and search.
You monitor recipe could tag the node at end (with tag("CephMonitor") or with setting any attribute you wish to search on).
After that the solr index of chef has to catch it up (usually in the minute) and you can use search in the Cephosd recipe you can do something like this:
CephMonitor = search(:node,"tags:CephMonitor") || nil
return if CephMonitor.nil?
[.. rest of the CephOsd recipe, using the CephMonitor['fqdn'] or other attribute from the node ..]
The same behavior can be used to avoid trying to run the OpenStack recipe until the osd has run.
The drawback if that it will take 2 or 3 chef run to get to a converged infrastructure.
I've nothing to recommend to do the orchestration, zookeeper or consul could help instead of tags and to trigger the runs.
Rundeck can tage the runs on different nodes and aggregate this in one job.
Which is best depends on your feeling there.

Failing over with single Replication Group on ElastiCache Redis

I'm testing out ElastiCache backed by Redis with the following specs:
Using Redis 2.8, with Multi-AZ
Single replication group
1 master node in us-east-1b, 1 slave node in us-east-1c, 1 slave node in us-east-1d
The part of the application writing is directly using the endpoint for the master node (
The part of the application doing only reads is pointing to a custom endpoint ( configured in HAProxy, which then points to the two other read slave end points. ( and
Now lets say the primary node (master) fails in us-east-1b.
From what I understand, if the master instance fails, I won't have to change the url for the end point for writing to Redis (, although from there, I still have the following questions:
Do I have to change the endpoint names for the read only slaves?
How long until the missing slave is added into the pool?
If there's anything else I'm missing, I'd appreciate the advice/information.
If you are using ElastiCache, you should make use the "Primary EndpointThe" provided by AWS.
That endpoint actually is backed by Route53, if the primary (master) redis is down, since you enable MutliA-Z, it will auto fail over to one of the read replica (slave).
In that case, you don't need to modify the endpoint of your redis.
I don't know why you have such design, seems you only want write to master, but always read from slave.
For HA Proxy part, you should include TCP check for ALL 3 redis nodes, using their "Read Endpoint"
In haproxy, you can check if the endpoint is SLAVE, if yes, your haproxy should redirect the traffic to that.
Notice that in the application layer, if your redis driver don't support auto reconnect, your script will fail to connect to the new master nodes.
In addition to "auto reconnect", since AWS is using Route53 DNS to do fail over, some lib will NOT do NS lookup again, which means the DNS is still pointing to the OLD ip which is the old master.
Using HAproxy can solve this problem.