Infer property type if not null - kotlin

I have a function like the following:
fun getCommonItemsFrom(element: Element): List<ElementItem>? =
if (element.parent is CommonElementWrapper) element.items
else null
So let's assume that Element has a property called parent, which is of type ElementWrapper? (an interface). And this property may or may not be a concrete instance of CommonElementWrapper.
This function returns the items (that is non-nullable List<ElementItem>) of an Element, as long as the parent property is an instance of CommonElementWrapper, otherwise null will be returned.
So I can use it like this:
if (getCommonItemsFrom(element) == null) {
// At this point I can infer that `element.parent` is a `CommonElementWrapper`.
// Since the above condition was not `null`.
if (element.parent.isSomeCommonElementWrapperThing()) {
// Error: I can't use it this way without first re-checking the parent type.
// ...
But currently I need to double check:
if (element.parent is CommonElementWrapper &&
element.parent.isSomeCommonElementWrapperThing()) {
// ...
I was wondering if Kotlin has some way of after a certain function is executed it allows to infer some things from there. Something like:
#InferIfReturnIsNotNull (element.parent is CommonElementWrapper)
fun getCommonItemsFrom(element: Element): List<ElementItem>? = ...


How to access scope function's parameter name with reflection

I have a scope function on the Reflect class I created; this class will try to use reflection and set the status property value to the InProgress instance. My challenge here is accessing the name of status from the reflection side so I can set the private field by name.
Reflect(myExampleInstance) {
on { status }.then(InProgress)
^ Here, I have status property that I have passed to the on function.
This is the reflection side:
inline fun <reified R> on(
p: T.() -> R,
): OnGoingReflect {
val declaredMember: KProperty1<out T, *> = instance::class.declaredMemberProperties.first { == && == p(instance)
return OnGoingReflect(instance,
I try to determine the name of R and set it by using the reflection. I solved the first problem by finding declared member, which works until I have two or more properties with the same type.
For example;
If I have status2 with the same type, my method will return me status on the line of declaredMember because of the first call.
Reflect(myExampleInstance) {
on { status2 }.then(InProgress)
The challenge is keeping the syntax of on { propertyName }. If I use KProperty<T> and on { MyClass::status} that solves it, but I am looking for a solution that does not make me change the syntax.
Any suggestions?

Strange Kotlin behaviour using Data Classes in Maps

I'm new to Kotlin and I'm trying to understand it, I've just written a simple example that shows how using data classes with maps is a bit tricky, because it seems to me that data classes have a strange behaviour. By default, they define hashCode() based on every property of the class. But they don't define a default equals() method.
This caused to me a lot of confusion because I created a HashMap with a Data Class as a key, but I didn't override hashCode() and equals(). My data class has a MutableList member. When I put an element in the map, I retrieved it using map.get(dataObject) as long as I didn't add an element to the MutableList. After that, even if the data object was still the same, and I found it using map.keys (map.keys.indexOf(dataObject) works), map.get(dataObject) failed, due to the hashCode().
I can fix it using a normal class or adding hashCode() and equals(), removing the MutableList from hashCode(), but I'm wondering if, due to the default behaviour, overriding hashCode() and equals() should be "mandatory" with data classes because otherwise using them with Maps can lead to errors.
Is there something else I can do to avoid this problem?
package cards
data class Player(val name: String, var cards: MutableList<Card>) {
constructor(name: String): this(name, mutableListOf())
//I don't need to define equals, so pointers are checked. But if I don't override hashCode, as it's based
//on every property, the hashCode is calculated considering the content of the MutableList!
// override fun hashCode(): Int {
// return name.hashCode()
// }
data class Card(val name: String, val suite: String)
class Game(val players: List<Player>) {
val cardMap: MutableMap<Player, MutableList<Card>> = mutableMapOf()
fun putIntoMapAndGiveCards() {
val newCards = cardMap.getOrDefault(players[0], mutableListOf())
newCards.add(Card(name = "Four", suite = "Clubs"))
cardMap[players[0]] = newCards
//This changes the default hashCode - I can use data classes in a list, but not in a map, because maps are
//based on it.
players[0].cards.add(Card(name = "Five", suite = "Clubs"))
fun getFromMap(): MutableList<Card>? {
val player = players[0]
assert(player != null, { "Player from list failure" })
val indexOfPlayer = cardMap.keys.indexOf(player)
assert(indexOfPlayer == 0, { "Player is in the map" })
//Without overriding hashCode, cards is null!
val cards = cardMap.get(players[0])
assert(cards != null, { "Cards from map failure" })
return cards
fun main() {
val player1 = Player(name = "John")
val game = Game(mutableListOf(player1))
?: throw Exception( """Map.get() failure because Player is a data class.
| A data class by default builds its hashCode with every property. As it contains a MutableList,
| the hashCode changes when I add elements to the list. This means that I can't find the element using get()
println("Test finished!")
By default, they define hashCode() based on every property of the class. But they don't define a default equals() method
This is not correct. Data classes generate both equals() and hashCode() consistently based on the properties declared in the data class's primary constructor (same goes for toString() btw).
Here is the decompiled code for equals and hashCode of your Player class:
public int hashCode() {
String var10000 =;
int var1 = (var10000 != null ? var10000.hashCode() : 0) * 31;
List var10001 =;
return var1 + (var10001 != null ? var10001.hashCode() : 0);
public boolean equals(#Nullable Object var1) {
if (this != var1) {
if (var1 instanceof Player) {
Player var2 = (Player)var1;
if (Intrinsics.areEqual(, && Intrinsics.areEqual(, {
return true;
return false;
} else {
return true;
Your problem is that you declare your cards mutable list in the primary constructor so it's part of the generated equals and hashCode.
The solution is to move this cards property to the body of your class instead (since it's not part of the player's "core data", but rather part of the state):
data class Player(val name: String) {
val cards: MutableList<Card> = mutableListOf()
This way, the generated equals/hashCode pair will only be based on the name property.
Another option obviously is to override both equals and hashCode manually to take only the name into account, but that's tedious and not very idiomatic.
I'm wondering if, due to the default behaviour, overriding hashCode() and equals() should be "mandatory" with data classes because otherwise using them with Maps can lead to errors.
I think you have misdiagnosed the default behaviour. So I'd say on the contrary overriding equals/hashCode is actually not very idiomatic for data classes, and should in general be avoided.
Using data classes is usually safe in maps, as long as the data in the primary constructor is not mutable.
Side notes
you really should not mix var with mutable collections. It creates 2 ways of changing the collection, which is pretty unexpected and error-prone. You should instead either use a val MutableList or a var List, so you can only change the list via mutation, or only change it via assignment, but not both.
if you want to insert the new value into the map, you shouldn't use getOrDefault + assign the value to the key. Instead, use getOrPut directly, so the default value will be inserted without extra work.
why are you both using a cards property on the Player and a Map<Player, List<Card>>? Looks like you have 2 states that can change independently now because those card lists are independent.

Collection<KProperty1<I,*>> How to get the property instance

I'm currently using Reflection to inspect an element at runtime using the class.memberProperties function. The type of properties is collection<KProperty1<I, *>> so I run through each of the KProperty objects to find the one that I want by checking if the name is equal to "nameIWant", though I would much rather be able to get the instance of the property from the KProperty by using the .get() method on the property, so that then I could do a check such as:
if (property.get(receiver) is ClassIWant) {
//Do something
My code looks like this:
val properties = request.payload::class.memberProperties
properties.forEach { property ->
run {
if ("nameIWant")) {
So far I've been trying to use the .get() method on the KProperty1 type but it takes an argument receiver of type Nothing. I'm not able to work out what I need to pass in order to call the .get() method and get the particular instance of the property. I've also checked the documentation here: but it hasn't really helped at all.
justPassingBy is right. but the more simple way is to use:
myObj.javaClass.kotlin.memberProperties.foreach { property ->
If you want to get the value of the property, cast the class into invariant type.
instance::class.memberProperties.first() // returns KProperty1<out Instance, *>
(instance::class as KClass<Instance>).memberProperties.first() // returns KProperty1<Instance, *>
If your KClass<Instance> is KClass<*>, use Any as Instance.
Why did the take Nothing as receiver?
Because instance::class returns KClass<out Instance>, which propagates the covariant type argument down to the property, which it becomes KProperty<out Instance, *>, which narrows down the possible method receiver to any subtype of Instance, but because we do not know which, we can not safely supply any instance of Instance, as show by the rules of variance, which here limit the generic type argument to Nothing, which means it is impossible to call the method at all.
Why is ::class designed to be covariant?
To guarantee safety. This has been an issue of great debates as it seems somewhat illogical.
If you want to know the type of the value that the property can return, use
It returns a KType, wich is Kotlin's version of Java's Type, which is a more generic concept of a Class (which is one of the implementations of Type).
If you need to 'convert' the KType to a KClass, you need to do the same as if you needed to convert Type to a Class, which is get the raw type of the type. Raw type is type stripped of the any generic information, yes, an erased type. The way to do this is (seemingly) more complicated (involves handling each possible KType/Type implementation) and I recommend checking for answer to this problem separately.
You will be able to reuse Java implementation (that you will surely find on your own) using:
kType.javaType.covertJavaTypeToJavaClass().kotlin // returns KClass<*>
Corrections in your question. I recommend using the proper terms if you wish to receive proper answers:
* I in your question is type of the method receiver, not the value of the property
* collection is not a type, Collection is
* property is ClassIWantis ambiguous as property.type is type of the value in the property and property::class is simply the property implementation, is is also an instanceof check, but in reflection, you need to use KClass.isSubclassOf, or what is known in Java as type.isAssignableFrom (watch the call order), which then makes your condition to be ClassIWant.isSuperclassOf(property.type.getRawType())
* instance of the property properties have values, not instances. Only classes have instances. Instances are values and values are instances (of some class), but you must still say instance representing the value of the property
You can create a KType for your ClassIWant and then check the property's returnType. It will be something like this:
val properties = request.payload::class.memberProperties
val desiredType = ClassIWant::class.createType()
properties.forEach { property ->
if ( == "nameIWant" && property.returnType == desiredType) {
btw you can cast your property variable to correct type and use get
val properties = request.payload::class.memberProperties
properties.forEach { property ->
val value = (property as KProperty1<Payload, *>).get(request.payload)
if ( == "nameIWant" && value is ClassIWant) {
} as String?

Is there an elegant kotlin way of convincing the compiler that a nullable field to which I just assigned a real value can't be null anymore?

I have read that using !! should generally be avoided.
Is there a way to write the following code in a more elegant way without having to add something like obsolete null checks and duplicated or dead blocks of code?
class A(var field: Thing?) {
fun getField(): Thing {
if (field == null) {
field = Thing()
return field!!
Also I don't understand why the compiler requires the !!-'pray-this-isn't-null-operator' to be satisfied in this scenario.
EDIT: Consider that it is important to me that a potential solution uses lazy initialization if the field is null!
As Enzokie already mentioned in the comments, another thread could have changed field after the null check. The compiler has no way of knowing that, so you have to tell it.
class A(var field: Thing?) {
fun getField(): Thing {
if (field == null) {
field = Thing()
// another thread could have assigned null to field
return field!! // tell the compiler: I am sure that did not happen
Solution (Eager)
In you particular case it would be a good idea to use a parameter f (you could name it "field" too, but I avoided that for clarity) in the constructor (without val/var) and afterwards assign it to a property field to which you assign either f or a new instance of Thing.
This can be expressed really concise with the Elvis operator :? which takes the left hand side if not null and the right hand side of the expression otherwise. So, in the end field will be of type Thing.
class A(f: Thing?) {
val field = f ?: Thing() // inferred type Thing
Solution (Lazy)
Since it was mentioned by gidds, if you need to initialize field lazyly you could do it like this using delegated properties:
class A(f: Thing?) {
val field by lazy {
f ?: Thing() // inferred type Thing
The call site does not change:
val a = A(null) // field won't be initialized after this line...
a.field // ... but after this
How about this?
class A(field: Thing?) {
private lateinit var field: Thing
init {
field?.let { this.field = it }
fun getField(): Thing {
if (!this::field.isInitialized) {
field = Thing()
return field
When you define a field, you actually define a variable plus two accessor methods:
val counter: Integer = 0
It is possible to customize the accessor methods by writing this instead:
val n = 0
val counter: Integer
get() = n++
This will execute the n++ each time you access the counter field, which therefore returns different values on each access. It is uncommon and unexpected but technically possible.
Therefore the Kotlin compiler cannot assume that two accesses to the same field return the same value twice. Usually they do, but it is not guaranteed.
To work around this, you can read the field once by copying it into a local variable:
fun count() {
val counter = counter
println("The counter is $counter, and it is still $counter.")

Kotlin read only property with and without getter

Are these equivalent?
val foo = someFooReturningFunction()
val foo get() = someFooReturningFunction()
The way I understood the documentation they were, but in my own testing they are not.
With the get() someFooReturningFunction() is evaluated each time the property is accessed, without it is only evaluated once.
They are not equivalent. The custom getter is indeed evaluated on each property access, similarly to a normal function, while a val property with no custom accessors is only evaluated once on initialization (and is actually stored in a final field on JVM platform).
Here are at least a few more differences:
The control flow analysis and nullability inference takes it into account if a property has a custom getter (or is open and thus might be overridden with a custom getter), because there's no guarantee that the property returns the same value on successive calls:
if (someObject.defaultGetterProperty != null) {
someObject.defaultGetterProperty.let { println(it) } // OK
if (someObject.propertyWithCustomGetter != null) {
someObject.propertyWithCustomGetter { println(it) } // Error: cannot smart-cast
When a property is private, if it has no custom getter then the getter is not generated at all and the backing field is accessed directly. This, however, is an implementation detail and not something to rely on.
No. In addition to #hotkey's reasons, here's a simple demonstration using mutable properties showing when they're definitely not equivalent. TLDR: if your property is calculated using a mutable property, always use a custom getter over an initializer.
data class Calculation(val value1: Int, var value2: Int) {
val sum: Int = value1 + value2
val sumWithGetter: Int
get() = value1 + value2
val calculation = Calculation(1, 2)
println(calculation.sumWithGetter) // prints 3
println(calculation.sum) // prints 3
calculation.value2 = 0
println(calculation.sumWithGetter) // prints 1 (correct)
println(calculation.sum) // prints 3!