ggmap error: HTTP 400 Bad Request The Google Maps Platform server rejected your request. The provided API key is invalid - api

I am trying to retrieve a ggmap background map using get_map() in R but I keep getting an error message "HTTP 400 Bad Request The Google Maps Platform server rejected your request. The provided API key is invalid.".
BA <- get_map("Buenos Aires, Argentina", source = "stamen", maptype = "toner-lite", zoom = 11)
spainmap<- ggmap(get_googlemap(center = c(lon = -3.703790, lat = 40.416775), zoom = 10, maptype = 'terrain', color = 'color'))
I know that every user must have a valid google API key, I´ve created a billing account and my key is definitely valid. I´ve also enabled all the APIs, including Geocoding, Geolocation, Maps Embed and Maps Static since others suggested this.
I´ve reinstalled the latest version of R and Rstudio, restarted R session multiple times but nothing seems to work.
According to this website I´m getting the error because some required parameter is either missing or is invalid, but I really don´t think that´s the case since I´ve tried to get maps in different locations and using various ggmap functions but nothing works.
How do I fix this? Has anyone else had this problem?


I am receiving a versioning date error when trying to call the FourSquare API

I am getting an error when trying to call on the Foursquare places API about my versioning being old, however the date specified in the error is much older than the date I am using. Am I missing something?
This is for a certification project, can someone please advise what's going on, I have not found any resources on this. I have tried versioning dates 20180604 and 20180323 and get the same error. I have attached my code.
CLIENT_ID = 'xxxxxx'
VERSION = '20180604'
LIMIT = 30
Latitude = 38.925496298
Longitude = -77.0350515265
And this is the error when I try and call results
results = requests.get(url).json()
ERROR: 'meta': {'code': 410,
'errorType': 'param_error',
'errorDetail': 'The Foursquare API no longer supports requests that pass in a version v <= 20120609. For more details see',
'requestId': '5f4e58420179823aae7b5f91'},
'response': {}}
It works now. I am not sure why it wasn't before (the only thing I did differently was install Folium) but in any event it is now working. Sorry I can't offer more clarity around this. If others are having similar issues, I would try using a different environment. I was operating in IBM Watson Studio and switched to my local instance of Jupyter, confirmed it worked, then it worked when I went back to Watson. So I'm not sure, but that's what I can offer.

How can i know that my Youtube API Data is correct?

I having some trouble to understand something related to the API of youtube
So my code is basically very simple:
name = input("enter the username: ")
key = "MY API KEY"
data = urllib.request.urlopen("
subs = json.loads(data)["items"][0]["statistics"]["subscriberCount"]
print(name + " has " + "{:,d}".format(int(subs)) + " subscribers!🎉")
just yelling the number of subscribers after giving specific YouTube Username:
The thing is that some Usernames(for example: Vsuase/Veritasium/Unbox Therapy ) which have many subs and the API-URL giving me wrong Data
Vsause - in return giving me back 72 subs
Veritasium/Unbox Therapy - not giving my any number at all
BUT, a channel "Computerphile" giving me that exact same subs they have.
How come that few Usernames work and few do not??
I tested in both, using the try-it functionality available in the YouTube Data API - Official Documentation and in the Google API Explorer and in both sites the results are closely1 similar.
For example, when the statistics of the YouTube user vsauce is requested vía YouTube API, the value in subscriberCount is 14220819 and checking his YouTube channel it says: 14,220,825.
Here is the example for request the statistics of the YouTube user vsauce (using the try-it)
And here is the demo for request the statistics of the YouTube user vsauce (using the Google API Explorer).
I didn't see any differences in the values in subscriberCount by requesting the other channels you mentioned in your question.
1 You need consider that some channels has more changes in the quantity of subscribers than others and such results vary too in the responses of the API.
For some reason, if you change in the URL from forUsernae= --> id=
it gives you the correct numbers.
TED channel:

I am trying to use Yodlee/executeUserSearchRequest as a RESTful request and need an answer on how to call

I am working with the Yodlee services in c# and using the RESTful api. So far I have successfully connected and logged in with my CobrandSession and UserSessionToken in the development environment. I used the sample apps provided in c# and with some advice from shreyans i got an app working. What I got working was
1) Get YodleeAuthentication
2) Get UserAuthentication
3) Get ItemSummaries
I am now trying to get the full transaction details for each of the Items (i.e. collections of accounts that are an Item)
reading the Docs here it states that I need to call executeUserSearchRequest and then paginate through the results using the getUserTransactions. So I am stuck at this point. I dont really want a search which has parameters I just want ALL transactions for this account that I can see.
However, I am using the variables as defined in that page :-
var request = new RestRequest("/jsonsdk/TransactionSearchService/executeUserSearchRequest", Method.POST);
request.AddParameter("cobSessionToken", param.CobSessionToken);
request.AddParameter("userSessionToken", param.UserSessionToken);
request.AddParameter("transactionSearchRequest.containerType", param.ContainerType);
request.AddParameter("transactionSearchRequest.higherFetchLimit", param.HigherFetchLimit);
request.AddParameter("transactionSearchRequest.lowerFetchLimit", param.LowerFetchLimit);
request.AddParameter("transactionSearchRequest.resultRange.endNumber", param.EndNumber);
request.AddParameter("transactionSearchRequest.resultRange.startNumber", param.StartNumber);
request.AddParameter("transactionSearchRequest.searchFilter.currencyCode", param.CurrencyCode);
request.AddParameter("transactionSearchRequest.searchFilter.postDateRange.fromDate", param.FromDate);
request.AddParameter("transactionSearchRequest.searchFilter.postDateRange.toDate", param.ToDate);
request.AddParameter("transactionSearchRequest.searchFilter.transactionSplitType.splitType", param.SplitType);
request.AddParameter("transactionSearchRequest.ignoreUserInput", param.IgnoreUserInput);
request.AddParameter("transactionSearchRequest.searchFilter.itemAcctId", param.ItemAcctId);
var response = RestClientUtil.GetBase().Execute(request);
var content = response.Content;
return new YodleeServiceResultDto(content);
As per the response from shreyans in this posting Getting Error "Any one of [**] of transactionSearchFilter cannot be NULL OR Invalid Values I am not putting in the ClientId and the ClientName
The documentation doesn't specify the format of the dates but the example seems to tell me that its american date format. And specifies a parameter saying IgnoreUserinput, but doesnt have a parameter for user input so this is confusing
When I make a call using this format I get an error response
var getSearchResult = yodleeExecuteUserSearchRequest.Go(yodleeExecuteUserSearchRequestDto);
{"errorOccured":"true","exceptionType":"Exception Occured","refrenceCode":"_60ecb1d7-a4c4-4914-b3cd-49182518ca5d"}"
But I get no error message in this and I have no idea what I have done wrong or where to look up this error, can somebody who has used Yodlee REST Api point me in the right direction as I need to get this researched quickly....
thanks your your help, advice, corrections and pointers....
Here is the list of parameters which you can try
1) For a specific ItemAccountId all transactions
2) For a Specific account (itemAccountId) with start and end dates

Rails koala "error unsupported get request" after long task - calling FB graph API

After a long task (14s and can be more with more than 600 call to Facebook) my app returns a 500 internal server error with the following description:
Koala::Facebook::APIError (GraphMethodException: Unsupported get request.)
What I do is something like this:
#FBGraph =
tud = MyUsers.all
tud.each do |user|
graph = #FBGraph.get_object(user.fb_user_id)
picture = #FBGraph.get_picture(user.fb_user_id)
thisTud = MyUsers.find( = graph["name"]
thisTud.url = graph["link"]
thisTud.url_pic = picture
puts "Saved!"
puts "Error"
I receive (on the terminal) all the "Saved!", but after retrieving the data, it does automatically the mysql operations and it fails. And the data is not saved on the DB.
As suggested in this post I have placed the #FBGraph = in a new Thread, but nothing changes.
Note: when I'd do the same operations with less users, all was working good.
How hellvinz says is a facebook bug.
I have find a workaround for now that seems that works:
change this
graph = #FBGraph.get_object(user.fb_user_id)
to this
graph = #FBGraph.get_object("#{user.fb_user_id}?fields=id,name,username,picture,link")
Explicitly declaring the fields seems that solve the problem.
And if this is not sufficient there are 2 more tricks that can resolve the problem:
Calling again after a time delay (for example after an hour), and calling only the requests incomplete
Creating multiple fb app ID and accounts differentiating the requests with the accounts

Negative Testing for PayPal using Sandbox with VB.NET - how to simulate different scenarios?

I have a website written in VB.NET that implements PayPal for payments. This is all working fine for successful payments, but I need to be able to simulate scenarios of a failed transaction, pending transaction, etc.
I have read the documentation, which starts on page 47. I enabled Negative Testing in a business account that I created in a Sandbox, but I am not getting desired results.
To simulate an error, as specified in the documentation, I'm passing an error code to Token, which is then used in a request to DoExpressCheckoutPayment - code below - but instead of this raising the error 10417, the response says Invalid Token:
Dim oldToken As String
With RequestDetails
oldToken = .Token
.Token = "10417"
End With
Dim request As New DoExpressCheckoutPaymentRequestType
request.DoExpressCheckoutPaymentRequestDetails = RequestDetails
Dim response As DoExpressCheckoutPaymentResponseType
response = DirectCast(caller.Call("DoExpressCheckoutPayment", request),
What am I doing wrong in the code above so that I can't trigger a correct error?
How do I simulate a response where the status is Pending, Processed, Failed, etc.?
I was testing this about a week ago and was receiving the same problem, now, I no longer receive an error:
API Request:
API Response:
L_SHORTMESSAGE0=Unsupported Currency.
L_LONGMESSAGE0=Currency is not supported
I did find an article on that deals with this issue as well.