I am trying to use Yodlee/executeUserSearchRequest as a RESTful request and need an answer on how to call - api

I am working with the Yodlee services in c# and using the RESTful api. So far I have successfully connected and logged in with my CobrandSession and UserSessionToken in the development environment. I used the sample apps provided in c# and with some advice from shreyans i got an app working. What I got working was
1) Get YodleeAuthentication
2) Get UserAuthentication
3) Get ItemSummaries
I am now trying to get the full transaction details for each of the Items (i.e. collections of accounts that are an Item)
reading the Docs here https://developer.yodlee.com/Indy_FinApp/Aggregation_Services_Guide/REST_API_Reference/executeUserSearchRequest it states that I need to call executeUserSearchRequest and then paginate through the results using the getUserTransactions. So I am stuck at this point. I dont really want a search which has parameters I just want ALL transactions for this account that I can see.
However, I am using the variables as defined in that page :-
var request = new RestRequest("/jsonsdk/TransactionSearchService/executeUserSearchRequest", Method.POST);
request.AddParameter("cobSessionToken", param.CobSessionToken);
request.AddParameter("userSessionToken", param.UserSessionToken);
request.AddParameter("transactionSearchRequest.containerType", param.ContainerType);
request.AddParameter("transactionSearchRequest.higherFetchLimit", param.HigherFetchLimit);
request.AddParameter("transactionSearchRequest.lowerFetchLimit", param.LowerFetchLimit);
request.AddParameter("transactionSearchRequest.resultRange.endNumber", param.EndNumber);
request.AddParameter("transactionSearchRequest.resultRange.startNumber", param.StartNumber);
request.AddParameter("transactionSearchRequest.searchFilter.currencyCode", param.CurrencyCode);
request.AddParameter("transactionSearchRequest.searchFilter.postDateRange.fromDate", param.FromDate);
request.AddParameter("transactionSearchRequest.searchFilter.postDateRange.toDate", param.ToDate);
request.AddParameter("transactionSearchRequest.searchFilter.transactionSplitType.splitType", param.SplitType);
request.AddParameter("transactionSearchRequest.ignoreUserInput", param.IgnoreUserInput);
request.AddParameter("transactionSearchRequest.searchFilter.itemAcctId", param.ItemAcctId);
var response = RestClientUtil.GetBase().Execute(request);
var content = response.Content;
return new YodleeServiceResultDto(content);
As per the response from shreyans in this posting Getting Error "Any one of [**] of transactionSearchFilter cannot be NULL OR Invalid Values I am not putting in the ClientId and the ClientName
The documentation doesn't specify the format of the dates but the example seems to tell me that its american date format. And specifies a parameter saying IgnoreUserinput, but doesnt have a parameter for user input so this is confusing
When I make a call using this format I get an error response
var getSearchResult = yodleeExecuteUserSearchRequest.Go(yodleeExecuteUserSearchRequestDto);
{"errorOccured":"true","exceptionType":"Exception Occured","refrenceCode":"_60ecb1d7-a4c4-4914-b3cd-49182518ca5d"}"
But I get no error message in this and I have no idea what I have done wrong or where to look up this error, can somebody who has used Yodlee REST Api point me in the right direction as I need to get this researched quickly....
thanks your your help, advice, corrections and pointers....

Here is the list of parameters which you can try
1) For a specific ItemAccountId all transactions
2) For a Specific account (itemAccountId) with start and end dates


How to get user online status throught browser (URL needed)

I used the below link.
for example:
I have been receiving an error message from last time. The error message is given below.
I heard the roblox API have been changed, but I can not find the right solutions, so I will be grateful for any answer.
It appears that you're trying to access the user's online status. As of right now, you can access this information by querying https://api.roblox.com/users/<user_id>, which returns a JSON object. Looking up IsOnline in the dictionary should return what you're trying to get
Here's an example I coded in Python:
import requests
res = requests.get(url='https://api.roblox.com/users/543226965')
res = res.json()
>>> True/False

Unable to POST NZ employee openingBalances to Xero?

I am attempting to create a single opening balances record against an existing employee but keep getting a 400 Bad Request response with this detail...
At least one NZ opening balance item is required in the request
I am following the instructions as per this documentation...
URL : {DestinationID} is properly replaced with the employee GUIDhttps://api.xero.com/payroll.xro/2.0/employees/{DestinationID}/openingBalances
JSON Body[{"periodEndDate":"2011-01-30T00:00:00","daysPaid":5.00,"unpaidWeeks":0.00,"grossEarnings":1442.31}]
The Xero forums and support is pretty unreliable so I'm posting here in the hopes for a better response.
After some trial and error using the API Explorer that Xero provides I was able to get it working using their example....
I eventually learned that daysPaid and unpaidWeeks must both be integer whole numbers or else it fails.... The error message provided is misleading but this resolves the problem.

I am receiving a versioning date error when trying to call the FourSquare API

I am getting an error when trying to call on the Foursquare places API about my versioning being old, however the date specified in the error is much older than the date I am using. Am I missing something?
This is for a certification project, can someone please advise what's going on, I have not found any resources on this. I have tried versioning dates 20180604 and 20180323 and get the same error. I have attached my code.
CLIENT_ID = 'xxxxxx'
VERSION = '20180604'
LIMIT = 30
Latitude = 38.925496298
Longitude = -77.0350515265
And this is the error when I try and call results
results = requests.get(url).json()
ERROR: 'meta': {'code': 410,
'errorType': 'param_error',
'errorDetail': 'The Foursquare API no longer supports requests that pass in a version v <= 20120609. For more details see https://developer.foursquare.com/overview/versioning',
'requestId': '5f4e58420179823aae7b5f91'},
'response': {}}
It works now. I am not sure why it wasn't before (the only thing I did differently was install Folium) but in any event it is now working. Sorry I can't offer more clarity around this. If others are having similar issues, I would try using a different environment. I was operating in IBM Watson Studio and switched to my local instance of Jupyter, confirmed it worked, then it worked when I went back to Watson. So I'm not sure, but that's what I can offer.

Kraken API AddOrder passes successfully but order is not placed on Kraken

I'm trying Kraken APIs via C# and I managed to call public APIs as well as private APIs for getting the balance and getting open orders. But when I wanted to try an AddOrder API I encountered a problem, the API is executed successfully, but there is no order on Kraken.
Below is the result I get after calling AddOrder API. It seems normal, no errors and all parameters are as I specified them (sell 0.01 btc at 8100.00 usd)
{"error":[],"result":{"descr":{"order":"sell 0.01000000 XBTUSD # limit 8100.0"}}}
But there is no order on Kraken platform. Any idea what I did wrong?
As #Milos found, validate = False will place the order.
From the documentation https://www.kraken.com/features/api#add-standard-order
validate = validate inputs only. do not submit order (optional)
I figured out that parameter validate has to be false!!
By default I set validate to true (which should be desired I guess),
but it does not work.
With validate == false order is placed correctly.
FYI, even if validate == false, basic input arguments check is performed.
When adding an order setting validate=true is a good means of testing. If you want to execute the order, set validate=false.

Astrid request returning empty

I'm trying to use the http://Astrid.com API, specifically to get data using the method under the "Request Format" section on this page - http://astrid.com/apidoc/file.README.html
The URL I built is:
https://astrid.com/api/7/task_list?app_id=[MY APP ID]&time=1&user_id=[MY USER ID]&sig=[MY REQUEST SIGNATURE]
And it returns this:
Seems like it worked, but does anyone know why the "list" array might be returning empty? I've created a bunch of tasks in my profile so it should be showing those.
You need to sign in first with the method user_signin. If successful you get a token.
Then you need to call the task_list method providing the token.
You do not need to provide a user id with the task_list method. It is only used to select tasks that you share with this user.
Example for signing in:
Example for getting your tasks: