After making updates on default.vue the browser reports"[HMR] Waiting for update signal from WDS..." indefinitely. Reloading the browser does not help. Eventually I have to restart gridsome to see the changes.
Steps to reproduce
installed Gridsome and set up a new project using the CLI
run gridsome develop
check http://localhost:8080/ works.
check http://localhost:8080/___explore
tested a query .. works.
modified gridsome.config.js to add
siteDescription: 'this is a test gridsome site'
restarted gridsome and verified siteDescription on ___explore and on localhost
added <p>Description: {{ $static.metadata.siteDescription }}</p> before <slot\> on
hit 'save' and expected hot-reload to update page
Expected result
Expected to see updates on localhost upon save.
Browser stuck on "Waiting for update signal from WDS..."
Actual result
No change, I had to restart the server to see the changes
OS: Windows WSL - Linux 5.10 Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS (Focal Fossa)
CPU: (12) x64 AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core Processor
Node: 16.15.1 - ~/.nvm/versions/node/v16.15.1/bin/node
Yarn: 1.22.19 - ~/.nvm/versions/node/v16.15.1/bin/yarn
npm: 8.11.0 - ~/.nvm/versions/node/v16.15.1/bin/npm
#gridsome/cli: 0.3.4
Turns out this was an issue with WSL and Webpack not working when the repo is outside the WSL file system. It kind'a makes sense that Webpack could not monitor a "remote" machine which is what WSL is. But WSL should have made this seamless by now.
So you could move your files to the ubuntu folder
Or like me, just switch to all-windows development.
I'm new to android studio. I downloaded Bumblebee and then followed the react-native quick start installation guide react-native installation
I will open Android studio and within the terminal run npx react-native init MyApp, cd MyApp, npx react-native start, npx react-native run-android. I get the errors:
error Failed to launch emulator. Reason: No emulators found as an output of 'emulator -list-avds'
Unable to detect AGP versions for included builds. All projects in the build should use the same AGP version. Class name for the included build object: org.gradle.composite.internal.DefaultIncludedBuild$IncludedBuildImpl_Decorated.
6 actionable tasks: 4 executed, 2 up-to-date
Note: /mnt/c/Users/RandallTaylor/Mobile/App3/node_modu
* What went wrong:
Could not determine the dependencies of task ":app:compileDebugJavaWithJavac".
> SDK location not found. Define location with an ANDROID_SDK_ROOT environment variable or by setting the sdk.dir path in your project's local properties file at "/mnt/c/Users/RandallTaylor/Mobile/App3/android/"
/ note exists. I attempted with the linux and windows path version as SDK manager points to the Microsoft OS where it exits. and still get this error /
I've spent two days on this reading stack overflow thread with no progress. Any advice would be appreciated.
SetUp and local system info:
Windows 10
Processor AMD Ryzen 7 PRO 5850U
wsl --status
Default Distribution: Ubuntu-20.04
Default Version: 2
Windows Subsystem for Linux was last updated on 4/27/2022
WSL automatic updates are on.
Kernel version:
Android Studio Bubblebee
SDK manager -> SDK Platorms -> Android 11.0R with Android SDK Platform 30, Source for Android
30, Intel x86 Aton Sytem Image
SDK Tools -> 30.0.2 installed
Environment Variables -> ANDROID_HOME C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk
JAVA_HOME C\Users\UserName\Desktop
Inital setup
You need to install on your Windows 10 Android Studio.
Set user variable: ANDROID_HOME=C:\Users<YOUR_USER>\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk
Add to system variable PATH:
Then go to your WSL2 and install:
sudo apt-get install unzip
get android studio Command Line Tools Only and unzip it into /home/Android
install jdk 8 with sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk
add this to your .bashrc/.zshrc:
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64
export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin
export WSL_HOST=$(tail -1 /etc/resolv.conf | cut -d' ' -f2)
export ANDROID_HOME=$HOME/Android
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/emulator
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/tools/bin
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools
restart bash and run sdkmanager --sdk_root=${ANDROID_HOME} "platform-tools"
run adb version && adb.exe version check if versions match
Running on emulator
Start emulator run emulator -avd <YOUR_AVD_NAME> - don't close terminal window!
run adb kill-server and adb -a -P 5037 nodaemon server start - don't close terminal window!
run adb devices and check you device port, e.g. device port is 5554.
form your wsl terminal run socat -d -d TCP-LISTEN:5554,reuseaddr,fork TCP:$(cat /etc/resolv.conf | tail -n1 | cut -d " " -f 2):5554, to install socat sudo apt-get install socat.
you should be all set up now.
run yarn start inside project folder and then click 'a' to run android emulator, it takes me about 4-5 minutes.
You can skip steps 3-6 and connect to emulator by inserting expo url manually without waiting minutes.
while installing cypress through command :npm install cypress --save-dev getting error as The Cypress App could not be downloaded.
Error :
Finishing Installation
The Cypress App could not be downloaded.
Does your workplace require a proxy to be used to access the Internet? If so, you must configure the HTTP_PROXY environment variable before downloading Cypress. Read more:
Otherwise, please check network connectivity and try again:
But please not I m not using any proxy and on my personal wifi.
plz suggest ,what can be done in this case.Thanks
It seems to be too many possible reasons for this issue in general but I managed to find a workaround to install Cypress from within a corporation with npm and without using sudo npm or turning off strict ssl.
The following worked for me per November 18th 2020 with Ubuntu 18.04 and npm 6.14.8:
I downloaded the zip file shown in
I installed cypress as shown in : CYPRESS_INSTALL_BINARY=~/Downloads/ npm install cypress --save-dev
I could now run npx cypress open to start the gui (which will also generate the cypress.json file)
Possible Reasons for this issue:
U might be running the project with a proxy setting.
One of the reason could be you are behind the firewall.that may prohibit your network? Please follow the guidelines in Proxy Configuration if so(
make sure you have right access to install the cypress.
if none of the above mentioned reasons try removing the biraries or node_modules and install again.
I am trying to set up my GitHub repo at to work with the IDE. I have followed the instructions at, but when I try to activate the remixd plugin, it indicates that I need to make sure the remixd is running, which it is.
According to the instructions, "remixd provides full read and write access to the given folder for any application that can access the TCP port 65520 on your localhost." Do I need to do something to add the 65520 port?
/Users/denisputnam/git/solidity>remixd -s /Users/denisputnam/git/solidity --remix-ide
[WARN] You may now only use IDE at to connect to that instance
[WARN] Any application that runs on your computer can potentially read from and write to all files in the directory.
[WARN] Symbolinc links are not forwarded to Remix IDE
setup notifications for /Users/denisputnam/git/solidity
Sun Jan 19 2020 14:20:02 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) Remixd is listening on
This is what I did to solve the problem.
Make sure that you have the full developer version of installed. As a precaution, go to the app store and install it regardless. Follow the instructions.
The goal is to get the remixd installed, but it needs the Xcode developer installed to do that.
The following websites will have the instructions, but I condensed them below in the steps.
Talks about the gyp install and the xcode-select comands:
Talks about node-gyp and node-gyp-install:
Has the instruction for the online IDE locahost setup:
Has the dmg to install on MAC:
npm install -g node-gyp-install
sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/
xcodebuild -version
npm install -g remixd
install the dmg file.
remixd -s /Users/denisputnam/git/solidity --remix-ide package://a7df6d3c223593f3550b35e90d7b0b1f.mod
In step 5. you will set it up for the online web IDE. Once you get the installed, activate the remix plugin from the plugins list. When it tries to connect to your local file system, you will get something like:
Sun Jan 19 2020 15:49:17 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) Connection from origin package://a7df6d3c223593f3550b35e90d7b0b1f.mod rejected.
Copy the "package://a7df6d3c223593f3550b35e90d7b0b1f.mod ".
Stop the remixd with Ctrl-C.
Then restart it with something like:
remixd -s /Users/denisputnam/git/solidity --remix-ide package://a7df6d3c223593f3550b35e90d7b0b1f.mod
Now the remixd will point to your local remix IDE rather than the online IDE.
So why do all this? So that you can create a repo in your own github account, clone it to your local file system, and then hookup your local remix IDE to use your local github repo. This will allow you to check in code to github.
First, some environment details -
Virtual Box 6.0
guest OS: Ubuntu 18.04
host OS: Windows 10
package versions on guest -
nodeJS 8.10.0
npm 3.5.2
expo-cli 3.9.1
vue-native-cli 0.1.1
Now for the issue and question -
When the vue-native init my-vue-app command is executed while in a location in the home directory of the guest the response is the following:
An error occurred while getting Expo CLI version
Please globally install expo-cli
However, Expo CLI is installed globally
What is causing this error when Expo CLI is already installed globally? What should be done to get the vue-native init my-vue-app command to execute successfully?
I was able to get the vue-native init my-vue-app command working by starting with a clean VM and doing the package installation differently than on the first VM. Two changes were made on the second VM:
Node version manager (called n) was used to install NodeJS and npm (rather than using curl)
Expo CLI was installed globally using npm (not Yarn)
I'm not sure if one of these changes or both were necessary to get Vue Native to work because they were not tested separately but Vue Native is working now! Woo hoo!
Here is a screenshot of the package versions on the working VM:
I am deploying a vuejs app on my server.we have EC2 instance with ubuntu 16.04,As of now I am just deploying my test project but when I go running serve command like sudo serve -s dist but it is throwing an error which is: ERROR: Cannot copy to clipboard: Command failed: xsel --clipboard --input
xsel: Can't open display: (null)
: Inappropriate ioctl for device
I don't know this error is caused by ubuntu or vuejs please help me solve it.
I have followed these cammands so far.
First installed vue cli using
npm install -g #vue/cli
Then created a hello world app using
vue create helloWorld
Now run serve command
npm run serve
It was showing me a message like:
App running at:
- Local: http://localhost:8081/
- Network:
Now i have created a build to run an app on the production server
npm run build
So my build was created successfully
i run command to run the app on the live server
serve -s dist
And it is throwing an error which is not solving by me so far
WARNING: Checking for updates failed (use--debugto see full error)
ERROR: Cannot copy to clipboard: Command failed: xsel --clipboard --input
xsel: Can't open display: (null)
: Inappropriate ioctl for device
I am also attaching screenshot below.
As you can see, there is an X11 dependency with the serve module - which means you need an xserver(display) for it to work.
Alternatively, (highly recommended) you could use a high performance HTTP server like nginx, apache etc. instead.
All you need is to copy your dist folder to your instance, and point your virtual server block to the dist dir, and restart your HTTP server - BAM! you're up and running.
I had the same issue and I solved it by adding "-n" option to serve.
"-n, --no-clipboard Do not copy the local address to the clipboard"