Suppressing dialog messages coming from WFMC_MESSAGES_PROCESS - abap

Is there a way to suppress/block a dialog from WFMC_MESSAGES_PROCESS?
I've tried adding the exceptions below but it doesn't seem to work.
error_message = 21 ##NUMBER_OK.
Thank you!


Why isn't Entrez NCBI API error handling working?

from Bio import Entrez, __version__
print('Biopython version : ', __version__)
id_list = ["NC_045512.2", "ON248099.1", "ON248101.1", "ON248104.1", "ON248107.1", "ON248108.1", "ON248109.1", "ON248110.1", "ON248114.1", "ON247234.1", "ON247236.1", "ON247240.1", "ON247242.1", "ON247243.1", "ON247244.1", "ON247245.1", "ON247246.1", "ON247247.1", "ON247248.1"]
print ("Downloading "+str(id_list[ax]))
net_handle = Entrez.efetch(db="nucleotide", id=id_list[ax], rettype="fasta", retmode="text")
net_handle_gb = Entrez.efetch(db="nucleotide", id=id_list[ax], rettype="gbwithparts", retmode="text")
except (IOError):
print ("Waiting")
sleep (30) 'Terminal', 'do script "' + command+ ' && ' + "python3 'All Covid'" +'"')
I'm using this try block to download files from NCBI API. Up to this point, the try block was working and the exception was handled as given here. Now it isn't. The code gets stuck in the try section. Returns no errors or exceptions, so it doesn't trigger the exception handler.
I've set max_tries = 1, sleep_between_tries = 1 and got the personal API_Key too.
For context, I'm using the exceptions block to restart the downloading code on Mac Terminal.
I need the try and except section to automatically restart the script when Entrez.efetch returns an error. There isn't any error. The code just gets stuck after
print ("Downloading "+str(id_list[ax]))
Any suggestions are welcome.
P.S. I thought of changing the default timeout for requests.get because that's the module Entrez uses to access the NCBI API. Haven't found a way to do that. (There is no timeout variable that you can set in the efetch module.)
An explanation would be great!

WebSphere wsadmin testConnection error message

I'm trying to write a script to test all DataSources of a WebSphere Cell/Node/Cluster. While this is possible from the Admin Console a script is better for certain audiences.
So I found the following article from IBM which looks promising as it describles exactly what I need.
After having a basic script like:
ds_ids = AdminConfig.list("DataSource").splitlines()
for ds_id in ds_ids:
I experienced some undocumented behavior. Contrary to the article above the testConnection function does not always return a String, but may also throw a exception.
So I simply use a try-catch block:
except: # it actually is a
exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
now when I print the exc_value this is what one gets: Exception thrown in RequiredModelMBean while trying to invoke operation testConnection
Now this error message is always the same no matter what's wrong. I tested authentication errors, missing WebSphere Variables and missing driver classes.
While the Admin Console prints reasonable messages, the script keeps printing the same meaningless message.
The very weird thing is, as long as I don't catch the exception and the script just exits by error, a descriptive error message is shown.
Accessing the Java-Exceptions cause exc_value.getCause() gives None.
I've also had a look at the DataSource MBeans, but as they only exist if the servers are started, I quickly gave up on them.
I hope someone knows how to access the error messages I see when not catching the Exception.
thanks in advance
After all the research and testing AdminControl seems to be nothing more than a convinience facade to some of the commonly used MBeans.
So I tried issuing the Test Connection Service (like in the java example here
) directly:
ds_id = AdminConfig.list("DataSource").splitlines()[0]
# other queries may be 'process=server1' or 'process=dmgr'
ds_cfg_helpers = __wat.AdminControl.queryNames("WebSphere:process=nodeagent,type=DataSourceCfgHelper,*").splitlines()
# invoke MBean method directly
warning_cnt = __wat.AdminControl.invoke(ds_cfg_helpers[0], "testConnection", ds_id)
if warning_cnt == "0":
print = "success"
print "%s warning(s)" % warning_cnt
except ScriptingException as exc:
# get to the root of all evil ignoring exception wrappers
exc_cause = exc
while exc_cause.getCause():
exc_cause = exc_cause.getCause()
print exc_cause
This works the way I hoped for. The downside is that the code gets much more complicated if one needs to test DataSources that are defined on all kinds of scopes (Cell/Node/Cluster/Server/Application).
I don't need this so I left it out, but I still hope the example is useful to others too.

VBA Error - Reflection.FTP.3

I had this error pop up on exactly the 3rd line of code below. There seem to be no explanation on the Internet for this behaviour.
I'm looking at why this error came up, and fixed itself after few minutes.
Set Ftp = CreateObject("Reflection.FTP.3")
Ftp.Open "", "username", "password"
Ftp.SetCurrentDirectory "DirectoryName/DirectoryName/DirectoryName"
What was the error?
Run-time error '-2147418113 (8000ffff)':
Method 'SetCurrentDirectory' of object 'IReflectionFTP' failed
More details:
Application: Excel Macro
Language : VB (VBA)
*Is this because of a coding error? *
Not likely. The macro has been long running and this came up for the first time.
*Is it because of a FTP service disruption? *
May be. But logs have a recording for every second and there seems to be no outage.
It seems to me there is a connection problem here - maybe a timeout? I assume that your three lines of code don't execute one after another (ie the SetCurrentDirectory is after some more code). This error will come up if the Ftp object doesn't have a valid connection that is logged in. Change the IP for the Open command to an invalid one and you'll see you get the same error.
Try setting the following line of code before SetCurrentDirectory command.
If FTP.Status = rcLoggedIn + rcConnected Then
Ftp.SetCurrentDirectory "DirectoryName/DirectoryName/DirectoryName"
'Error handle
End If
Note, that you are late binding the object so for it to work for you, you'll need the If statement to be:
If FTP.Status = 17 Then
Also, if it is a timeout problem then I'd set the Timeout period for the session to be longer, ie FTP.TimeoutSession = 300.

Does exception handling in Clarion exist?

Does Clarion 8 offer anything for exception handling? I know as of Clarion 5 there was no support for things like try / catch but that was released almost 10 years ago. I can't seem to find any info on how to recover from exceptions in C6 to C8 unless I was using Clarion# (aka Clarion.NET) which I'm not. If there's definitely nothing like try / catch, are there any tricks or hacks that can be used to not have a program crash when an exception is thrown even if it goes unhandled?
If it helps, I'm using version
Here is some sample code for a basic program that should supposedly illustrate the feature PROP:LastChanceHook, however, I can't get it to work. When I run this program, I see the first message "Start", but then nothing happens. I've tried returning 0 or 1 from Hook but that hasn't made a difference either. Every time I run this, I have to go onto the Task Manager and end the process for the program because it's not being killed.
Hook(*ICWExceptionInfo), LONG
MESSAGE('[Sample] Start')
SYSTEM{PROP:LastChanceHook} = ADDRESS(Hook)
Test(10, 0) ! Intentionally causes an exception
MESSAGE('[Sample] After Test')
RETURN ! Tried removing this, no difference
Hook PROCEDURE(*ICWExceptionInfo info)
MESSAGE('[Sample] Start Hook')
Message('An exception!')
RETURN 1 ! 0 = don't kill, anything > 0 = tell RTL to kill the thread
a %= b
Yes, take a look at prop:LastChanceHook in the help. It may provide enough function for your needs.
In other cases, the info at this link might also be useful:
In the next public build of C8 (it's presently Sept 27, 2012), the buttons on that exception display (shown at the link above) can be customized a bit.

Rails 3 - how to make own error handler

could anyone help me, please, how to make my own error handler for example for the situation, when I am trying to destroy the item from database, that doesn't exist (delete item with don't exist ID)?
I tried to search on google, but I still haven't something, what works.
I guess you will never read this, but it can help others. You have a problem with .find cause it raise an exception when your id is wrong.
You have 3 ways to manage it.
You can catch the exception with a rescue. But that's not the best way.
You can check if your id exists, you have few ways to do this way. (count for example). But that's not the best way, cause you have 2 queries.
Or you can use find_by_id. This does not raise an exception, and return nil when your object does not exist. You only have to check about the result.
your_item = YourModel.find_by_id(non_existent_id) # returns nil
# PS: YourModel.find(non_existent_id) would raise exception
if your_item
flash[:notice] = "Deleted item with id #{non_existent_id}"
flash[:error] = "Cannot find item with id #{non_existent_id}"