I need help writing a Junit 5 test for a Method - junit5

I am very new to Java, and I have been tasked with creating Junit5 tests for already written code. To start, I have the below method that I need to write a test for. I am unsure how to approach a test for this method.
public static Double getFormattedDoubleValue(Number value){ return getFormattedDoubleValue(value, -1); }
I tried the below test, and it passes, but I feel like I am testing the wrong thing here.
public void testDoubleString() {
Double num = 41.1212121212;
String expected = "41.12";
String actual = String.format("%.2f", num);
assertEquals(expected, actual, "Should return 41.12");}

Writing tests are simpler than they are sometimes made out to be, all it is is just calling your code from a test class instead of a business logic class and making sure that you get the right output based on what you input.
Here is an excellent article that will take you from the very beginning of the process: Baeldung: JUnit 5
Possible Sample Test
As I'm not quite certain what the expectations of your method are, I am just going to pretend that your method should take a Double, and return that number minus one:
void getFormattedDoubleValue_Test() {
Double expected = 5.0L
Double actual = getFormattedDoubleValue(expected + 1L)
assertEquals(expected, actual)


Junit - how to get test result as string?

I am trying to test the code and get a result as String to send it to API later.
class FirstClass{
fun main(){
print("Hello world!")
ort org.junit.jupiter.api.AfterEach
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream
import java.io.PrintStream
import kotlin.test.assertEquals
internal class FirstClassTest {
private val outContent = ByteArrayOutputStream()
private val errContent = ByteArrayOutputStream()
private val originalOut = System.out
private val originalErr = System.err
fun setUp() {
fun tearDown() {
fun main() {
val SUT = FirstClass()
val testResult = assertEquals("Hello world!", outContent.toString())
print("Test result: $testResult")
val api = Api()
val apiResult = api.sendResult(testResult.toString())
print("Api result: $apiResult")
The test is passing, however, I do not see printed messages. How to get a test result as String?
There are several issues here.  The main one is:
The redirection affects your test method too.
Because you've redirected System.out, the print() in your test method goes to outContent, along with the output from FirstClass.main() that you want to test, instead of to the screen or wherever you want it.
I can see two fixes for this.
The quick one is for your test method to output to originalOut:
originalOut.print("Test result: $testResult")
Your test method is in the class which does the redirection, so there's no problem with it knowing about the redirection, and it already has access to originalOut.
However, if you can, I think a better solution is to refactor FirstClass so that it doesn't hard-code the stream it writes to.  For example, the stream could be passed as a parameter; or it could return the string directly (and the caller, in a thin non-tested wrapper, could write it to System.out).
That would be more work, but would make your code more flexible as well as easier to test.
Other issues include:
You're using print() instead of println().
Many streams are line-buffered, writing their output only after a newline, and so you might not see any results if there isn't one.  (And even if you do, all the results would be jammed on a single line!)
You assign the result of assertEquals().
assertEquals() doesn't have a useful return value.  (It return Unit.)  So your code will simply show:
Test result: kotlin.Unit
Instead, like all the assert functions, it throws an exception if the assertion fails.  So there's no point in storing or processing the return value; simply calling the assertion is enough.
— This means that there's usually no need to call print()/println() from your test method anyway!  If there's a failure, it'll be obvious: running from the command line will stop with an exception message and stack trace; IntelliJ shows a big red mark next to that test; Maven and Gradle will stop the build (after all tests have run), showing the number of failures.  So if everything continues smoothly, you know the tests have passed.
Api is not defined.
The code you posted above won't compile, because it doesn't include a definition or import for Api.  (Those last lines can be removed, though, without affecting the question.)
main() is a confusing name for a test.
The unit testing framework will find and run all test methods annotated with #Test.  A test class will often contain many different test methods, and it's usual to name them after the aspect they're testing.  (That makes any failures clearer.)  Calling it main() not only fails to describe what's being tested, but also suggests that the method will be run from outside the testing framework, which would probably not behave properly.

how to test void methods at junit in order to increase code coverage

I want to increase code coverage in junit testing . I have too many methods and all these methods are nearly in the type of "void". Therefore, I could not make assertian or any other junit tests in the void methods. I heard in the forums to test a variable in the void method to increase code coverage. But still it does not work ? What do i need to do to increase code coverage at Junit ?
For instance, in the following code I want to test transform method, not createAngularMethod. How I can do that ?
public void transform(File fileToTransform, LogGenerator logGenerator) {
createAngularLines(menu, transform);
private StringBuilder createAngularLines(Menu menu, Transform transform) {
StringBuilder angularLines = createInitialAngularLines(transform);
createBodyOfTheAngularPage(angularLines, transform);
return angularLines;

Dealing with code duplication in tests

At work I practice Test Driven Development as much as possible. One thing I often end up in though is having to set up a bunch of DTO's and when these have a slightly complex structure this becomes quite alot of code. The problem with this is that the code is often quite repettetive and I feel it distracts from the main purpose of the test. For instance using a slightly contrieved and condensed example (in java, jUnit + mockito):
class BookingServiceTest {
private final static int HOUR_IN_MILLIS = 60 * 60 * 1000;
private final static int LOCATION_ID = 1;
private BookingLocationDao bookingLocationDao;
private BookingService service = new BookingService();
public void yieldsAWarningWhenABookingOverlapsAnotherInTheSameLocation() {
// This part is a bit repetetive over many tests:
Date now = new Date()
Location location = new Location()
Booking existingBooking = new Booking()
// To here
// Then again setting up a booking :\
Booking newBooking = new Booking();
newBooking.setDuration(HOUR_IN_MILLIS / 2);
// Actual test...
BookingResult result = service.book(newBooking);
assertThat(result.getWarnings(), hasSize(1));
assertThat(result.getWarnings().get(0).getType(), is(BookingWarningType.OVERLAPING_BOOKING));
In this example the setup is not that complicated so I wouldn't think of it too much. However, when more complicated input is required the code for the setup of the input to methods tend to grow. The problem gets exacerbated by similar input being used in several tests. Refactoring the setup code into a separate TestUtil class helps a bit. The problem then is that it is a bit hard to find these utility classes when writing new tests a couple of month's later, which then leads to duplication.
What is a good way of dealing with this kind of "complex" DTOs in order to minimize code duplication in test setups?
How do you ensure that extracted TestUtilities are found when working with similar code?
Am I doing it wrong? :) Should I build my software in another way as to avoid this situation altogether? If so, how?
There are a couple of patterns which are of interest for handling this type of situation:
Object Mother
Test Data Builder
For an in-depth discussion about these patterns, take a look at the excellent book "Growing Object-oriented Software Guided by Tests"
Test Data Builder
A builder class is created for each class for which you want to facilitate instantiation/setup. This class contains a bunch of methods which set up the object being built in specific states. Usually these helper methods return an instance to the builder class, so that the calls can be chained in a fluent style.
// Example of a builder class:
public class InvoiceBuilder {
Recipient recipient = new RecipientBuilder().build();
InvoiceLines lines = new InvoiceLines(new InvoiceLineBuilder().build());
PoundsShillingsPence discount = PoundsShillingsPence.ZERO;
public InvoiceBuilder withRecipient(Recipient recipient) {
this.recipient = recipient;
return this;
public InvoiceBuilder withInvoiceLines(InvoiceLines lines) {
this.lines = lines;
return this;
public InvoiceBuilder withDiscount(PoundsShillingsPence discount) {
this.discount = discount;
return this;
public Invoice build() {
return new Invoice(recipient, lines, discount);
// Usage:
Invoice invoiceWithNoPostcode = new InvoiceBuilder()
.withRecipient(new RecipientBuilder()
.withAddress(new AddressBuilder()
Object Mother
An object mother is a class that provides pre-made test data for different common scenarios.
Invoice invoice = TestInvoices.newDeerstalkerAndCapeInvoice();
The examples above are borrowed from Nat Pryce's blog.
As Erik rightly points out the frequently used patterns to solve this are TestDataBuilder and ObjectMother. These are also covered in depth in: Mark Seemans advanced unit testing course as well as growing object oriented software guided by tests, both are very good.
In practice I find that the Test Data Builder pattern almost always leads to better, more readable tests than the ObjectMother pattern except in the simplest cases (as you often need a surprising number of overloads for the objectmother pattern).
Another trick that you can use is to bunch together sets of setups with the test object builder pattern into single methods e.g.
Invoice invoiceWithNoPostcode = new InvoiceBuilder()
.withRecipient(new RecipientBuilder()
.withAddress(new AddressBuilder()
Could become:
new InvoiceBuilder().WithNoPostCode().Build();
And in some cases that can lead to even simpler test setups, but doesn't work in all cases.

Is it a good idea to inject a TestSettings parameter to a method to make it (Unit or integration) Testable?

Is it a good practice to introduce a TestSettings class in order to provide flexible testing possibilities of a method that has many processes inside?
Maybe not a good example but can be simple: Suppose that I have this method and I want to test its sub-processes:
public void TheBigMethod(myMethodParameters parameter)
And imagine that I have unit tests for all
void MethodForCondition1 (string s)
void MethodForCondition2 (string s)
void MethodForCondition3 (string s)
void SomeCommonMethod1 (char c)
void SomeCommonMethod2 (char c)
void SomeCommonMethod3 (char c)
And now i want to test the TheBigMethod itself by introducing such test methods with required Asserts in them:
So, I want TheBigMethod to be exit-able at some points if it is called by one of my integration tests above.
public void TheBigMethod(myMethodParameters parameter, TestSettings setting)
Even though it looks it does what I need to introduce a TestSetting parameter can makee the code less readable and does not look nice to have testing logic and the main functionality combined to me.
Can you advise a better design for such cases so that it can replace a TestSetting parameter idea?
It would (IMO) be a very bad thing to add this TestSetting. An alternative would be to add an interface (or set of interfaces) for MethodForConditionX and SomeCommonMethodX. The test each of the MethodForConditionX & SomeCommonMethodX in isolation and pass in a stub for TheBigMethod which validates that MethodForConditionX is called with value Z.
Edit: You could also make the methods virtual if you don't want to use an interface.
A bit late to the game here, but I would concur that mixing test and production code is a big code smell to be avoided. Big methods in legacy code provide all sorts of issues. I would highly recommend reading Michael Feather's Working Effectively with Legacy Code. It's all about dealing with the myriad of problems encountered in legacy code and how to deal with them.

Using Rhino Mocks, why does invoking a mocked on a property during test initialization return Expected call #1, Actual call #0?

I currently have a test which tests the presenter I have in the MVP model. On my presenter I have a property which will call into my View, which in my test is mocked out. In the Initialization of my test, after I set my View on the Presenter to be the mocked View, I set my property on the Presenter which will call this method.
In my test I do not have an Expect.Call for the method I invoke, yet when I run I get this Rhino mock exception:
Rhino.Mocks.Exceptions.ExpectationViolationException: IView.MethodToInvoke(); Expected #1, Actual #0..
From what I understand with Rhino mocks, as long as I am invoking on the Mock outside the expecting block it should not be recording this. I would imagine the test to pass. Is there a reason it is not passing?
Below is some code to show my setup.
public class Presenter
public IView View;
public Presenter(IView view)
View = view
private int _property;
public int Property
get { return _property;}
_property = value;
... Test Code Below ...
public void Initilize()
_mocks = new MockRepository();
_view = _mocks.StrictMock<IView>();
_presenter = new Presenter(_view);
_presenter.Property = 1;
public void Test()
Why in the world would you want to test the same thing each time a test is run?
If you want to test that a specific thing happens, you should check that in a single test.
The pattern you are using now implies that you need to
- set up prerequisites for testing
- do behavior
- check that behavior is correct
and then repeat that several times in one test
You need to start testing one thing for each test, and that help make the tests clearer, and make it easier to use the AAA syntax.
There's several things to discuss here, but it certainly would be clearer if you did it something like:
var viewMock = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IView>()
var presenter = new Presenter(viewMock);
presenter.Property = 1;
viewMock.AssertWasCalled(view => view.InvokedMethod());
Read up more on Rhino Mocks 3.5 syntax here: http://ayende.com/Wiki/Rhino+Mocks+3.5.ashx
What exactly are you trying to test in the Test method?
You should try to avoid using strict mocks.
I suggest using the Rhino's AAA syntax (Arrange, Act, Assert).
The problem lied with me not understanding the record/verify that is going on with Strict mocks. In order to fix the issue I was having this is how I changed my TestInitilize function. This basicaly does a quick test on my intial state I'm setting up for all my tests.
public void Initilize()
_mocks = new MockRepository();
_view = _mocks.StrictMock<IView>();
_presenter = new Presenter(_view);
Expect.Call(delegate { _presenter.View.InvokedMethod(); });
_presenter.Property = 1;