Why does my merge make a new node rather than match the existing one? - cypher

When I run the following query:
MERGE (n:PERSON {name: "John Green", occupation: 'writer', age: 42})
on create set n.created = timestamp()
on match set n.updated = timestamp()
I get a node with all the appropriate metadata.
but once I run the second query
MERGE (p1:Person { name: 'John Green'})
on create set p1.created = timestamp()
on match set p1.updated = timestamp()
MERGE (p2:Person { name: 'Hank Green', occupation: 'youtuber'})
on create set p2.created = timestamp()
on match set p2.updated = timestamp()
MERGE (p1)-[r:Brother {since: '1942'}]->(p2) ON CREATE SET r.updated = timestamp() RETURN p1, p2, r
A second John Green node appears. How do I format my query so that Cypher recognizes that the John Green in the second query should be a Match and not a Create?

Ahh in query 1 I had PERSON (caps) and in the second I had Person (title case). It works now!


Postgresql updating JSON column

Running into an odd issue here that I hope you may be able to help me with.
I have a query as part of a set that I want to have update however when I run the query I always get
ERROR: invalid input syntax for type json
DETAIL: The input string ended unexpectedly.
CONTEXT: JSON data, line 1:
SQL state: 22P02
update attendee_data as t set
fname = c.attendee_fname,
lname = c.attendee_lname,
title = c.attendee_title,
email = c.attendee_email,
phone = c.attendee_phone,
company = c.attendee_company,
description = c.attendee_des,
links = CAST(c.attendee_links AS json),
grouplistid = c.attendee_groups,
attendeeonly = c.attendee_atonly
from (values (' Sandy1', 'Abbot', 'Sales Rep', '', '', '', '', '', '', '[{"test":"test"}]', '')) as c(attendee_fname,attendee_lname,attendee_title,attendee_email,attendee_phone,attendee_company,attendee_des,attendee_links,attendee_groups,attendee_atonly,attendee_id)
where CAST (c.attendee_id AS bigint) = CAST (t.sid AS bigint) AND aid = 91848 AND cid= 84616
The above query is test data running directly in PG admin, not sure what I'm doing wrong here but any help would be apreciated!

Erlang ets:select sublist

Is there a way in Erlang to create a select query on ets table, which will get all the elements that contains the searched text?
[{ %% Match spec for select query
{'_', #movie_data{genre = "Drama" ++ '_' , _ = '_'}}, % Match pattern
[], % Guard
['$_'] % Result
}]) ;
This code gives me only the data that started (=prefix) with the required text (text = "Drama"), but the problem is I need also the the results that contain the data, like this example:
#movie_data{genre = "Action, Drama" }
I tried to change the guard to something like that -
{'_', #movie_data{genre = '$1', _='_'}}, [string:str('$1', "Drama") > 0] ...
But the problem is that it isn't a qualified guard expression.
Thanks for the help!!
It's not possible. You need to design your data structure to be searchable by the guard expressions, for example:
-record(movie_data, {genre, name}).
-record(genre, {comedy, drama, action}).
example() ->
Table = ets:new('test', [{keypos,2}]),
ets:insert(Table, #movie_data{name = "Bean",
genre = #genre{comedy = true}}),
ets:insert(Table, #movie_data{name = "Magnolia",
genre = #genre{drama = true}}),
ets:insert(Table, #movie_data{name = "Fight Club",
genre = #genre{drama = true, action = true}}),
[{#movie_data{genre = #genre{drama = true, _ = '_'}, _ = '_'},

Save array in DB when checked more than one checkbox

I have a problem greatest!! I guess that really want Array, look my console when I checked just one:
{"value_solve"=>["", "", "333", ""], "contract_number"=>["33"]}
SQL (317.5ms) UPDATE "authorizations" SET "value_solve" = '', "situation" = 2 WHERE "authorizations"."contract_number" = ? [["contract_number", "33"]]
After, when I checked just one, the first:
{"value_solve"=>["111", "", "", ""], "contract_number"=>["11"]}
SQL (317.5ms) UPDATE "authorizations" SET "value_solve" = '111 ', "situation" = 2 WHERE "authorizations"."contract_number" = ? [["contract_number", "11"]]
And, for last, when I just more then one:
{"contract_number"=>["11", "44"], "value_solve"=>["111", "", "", "444"]}
SQL (297.7ms) UPDATE "authorizations" SET "value_solve" = '111', "situation" = 2 WHERE "authorizations"."contract_number" = ? [["contract_number", "11"]]
SQL (121.9ms) UPDATE "authorizations" SET "value_solve" = '', "situation" = 2 WHERE "authorizations"."contract_number" = ? [["contract_number", "44"]]
And this is my controller:
#selected_ids = params[:authorization][:contract_number]
#authorizations = Authorization.where("contract_number in (?)", #selected_ids)
auth_params = params[:authorization]
auth_params[:contract_number].zip(auth_params[:value_solve]).each do |contract_number, value_solve|
Authorization.where(contract_number: contract_number).update_all(value_solve: value_solve, situation: 2)
Just save the first value on DB, how I can save more then one value? Thanks!
As I understood, you want the contract_number with id 44 to be “associated” with value_solve == "444". If this is correct, you should remove blanks from your value_solve array:
Now 44 is being updated with the second element of value_solve, which is apparently an empty string.
See Array#zip for more details.

ActiveRecord has_many with multiple conditions

I'm trying to find an object by checking for several of its relations.
.where(credit_memo_attributes: {name: 'pr2_gtx1_y', value: '2014'})
.where(credit_memo_attributes: {name: 'pr1_gtx1_y', value: '2013'})
.where(credit_memo_attributes: {name: 'tx1_y', value: '2014'})
Calling to_sql on that gives:
"SELECT `loans`.* FROM `loans` INNER JOIN `credit_memo_attributes`
ON `credit_memo_attributes`.`loan_id` = `loans`.`id`
WHERE `credit_memo_attributes`.`name` = 'pr2_gtx1_y' AND `credit_memo_attributes`.`value` = '2014'
AND `credit_memo_attributes`.`name` = 'pr1_gtx1_y' AND `credit_memo_attributes`.`value` = '2013'
AND `credit_memo_attributes`.`name` = 'tx1_y' AND `credit_memo_attributes`.`value` = '2014'"
So, I'm checking for Loans that have credit_memo_attributes with all of those attributes. I know at least 1 of our 20,000 loans meets this criteria, but this query returns an empty set. If I only use 1 of the where clauses, it returns several, as I'd expect, but once I add even 1 more, it's empty.
Any idea where I'm going wrong?
Based on comments I believe you want multiple joins in your criteria. You can do that like this:
attr_1 = {name: 'pr2_gtx1_y', value: '2014'}
attr_2 = {name: 'pr1_gtx1_y', value: '2013'}
attr_3 = {name: 'tx1_y', value: '2014'}
Loan.something_cool(attr_1, attr_2, attr_3)
class Loan < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.something_cool(attr_1, attr_2, attr_3)
joins(sanitize_sql(["INNER JOIN credit_memo_attributes AS cma1 ON cma1.loan_id = loans.id AND cma1.name = :name AND cma1.value = :value", attr_1]))
.joins(sanitize_sql(["INNER JOIN credit_memo_attributes AS cma2 ON cma2.loan_id = loans.id AND cma2.name = :name AND cma2.value = :value", attr_2]))
.joins(sanitize_sql(["INNER JOIN credit_memo_attributes AS cma3 ON cma3.loan_id = loans.id AND cma3.name = :name AND cma3.value = :value", attr_3]))
If you look at the SQL generated (that you included in your question, thank you) you'll see that all those conditions are being ANDed together. There are NO rows for which name = 'pr2_gtx1_y' AND name = 'pr1_gtx1_y' (and so forth). So you are getting the result I would expect (no rows).
You can put all names and values into array like ids and years and pass those into where clause like this. Active Record will query all the values in the array.
.where(credit_memo_attributes: {name: ids, value: years})
Personally I'm still learning active record, in this concern i don't think active record supports multiple where clauses.
Notice how the SQL version is returning your code: it is joining the requirements with an AND.
"SELECT `loans`.* FROM `loans` INNER JOIN `credit_memo_attributes`
ON `credit_memo_attributes`.`loan_id` = `loans`.`id`
WHERE `credit_memo_attributes`.`name` = 'pr2_gtx1_y' AND `credit_memo_attributes`.`value` = '2014'
AND `credit_memo_attributes`.`name` = 'pr1_gtx1_y' AND `credit_memo_attributes`.`value` = '2013'
AND `credit_memo_attributes`.`name` = 'tx1_y' AND `credit_memo_attributes`.`value` = '2014'"
Now, this is next to impossible. An Object.name can never be all pr2_gtx1_y, pr1_gtx1_y, and tx1_y. Same goes for the value attributes.
What you need here is an OR as opposed to the AND.
To this effect, try to change your query to the following:
"credit_memo_attributes.name = ? and credit_memo_attributes.value = ?
OR credit_memo_attributes.names = ? and credit_memo_attributes.value = ?
OR credit_memo_attributes.name = ? and credit_memo_attributes.value = ?",
'pr2_gtx1_y', '2014',
'pr1_gtx1_y', '2013',
'tx1_y', '2014'

Raven query returns 0 results for collection contains

I have a basic schema
Post {
Labels: [
{ Text: "Mine" }
{ Text: "Incomplete" }
And I am querying raven, to ask for all posts with BOTH "Mine" and "Incomplete" labels.
queryable.Where(candidate => candidate.Labels.Any(label => label.Text == "Mine"))
.Where(candidate => candidate.Labels.Any(label => label.Text == "Incomplete"));
This results in a raven query (from Raven server console)
Query: (Labels,Text:Incomplete) AND (Labels,Text:Mine)
Time: 3 ms
Index: Temp/XWrlnFBeq8ENRd2SCCVqUQ==
Results: 0 returned out of 0 total.
Why is this? If I query for JUST containing "Incomplete", I get 1 result.
If I query for JUST containing "Mine", I get the same result - so WHY where I query for them both, I get 0 results?
Ok - so I got a little further. The 'automatically generated index' looks like this
from doc in docs.FeedAnnouncements
from docLabelsItem in ((IEnumerable<dynamic>)doc.Labels).DefaultIfEmpty()
select new { CreationDate = doc.CreationDate, Labels_Text = docLabelsItem.Text }
So, I THINK the query was basically testing the SAME label for 2 different values. Bad.
I changed it to this:
from doc in docs.FeedAnnouncements
from docLabelsItem1 in ((IEnumerable<dynamic>)doc.Labels).DefaultIfEmpty()
from docLabelsItem2 in ((IEnumerable<dynamic>)doc.Labels).DefaultIfEmpty()
select new { CreationDate = doc.CreationDate, Labels1_Text = docLabelsItem1.Text, Labels2_Text = docLabelsItem2.Text }
Now my query (in Raven Studio) Labels1_Text:Mine AND Labels2_Text:Incomplete WORKS!
But, how do I address these phantom fields (Labels1_Text and Labels2_Text) when querying from Linq?
You got the reason right. The default index would generate 2 index entries, and your query is executing on a single index entry.
What you want is to either use intersection, or create your own index like this:
from doc in docs.FeedAnnouncements
select new { Labels_Text = doc.Labels.Select(x=>x.Text)}
And that would give you all the label's text in a single index entry, which you can execute a query on.