Update table by Preference and reorder table accordingly - sql

I have this app when you drag and drop rows in a list it reorders and SETS that row by preference number, 1-5 for example, 1 being most priority. So if I have 5 records in the list, I can then drag each row and when dropped it will reorder the list by preference. I can move row 5 to row 1, or row 2 to row 3, etc... This will update the preference number in the SQL table according where you drop.
This app is in real-time. When new rows are added to the table automatically, they have an initial preference of "0". This query will add the next number preference to the record, so if I have rows with preferences of 1-5, a new record comes in, then it's assigned a preference of 6:
with CTE as (
select Id, Preference, cp.maxpref, row_number() over(order by Id) rn
from [RadioQDB].[dbo].[Rad5]
cross apply (
select max(preference) maxpref
from [RadioQDB].[dbo].[Rad5] p
) cp
where preference = 0
update cte
set preference = maxpref + rn
where preference = 0
The issue I am having now is if a record is removed from the list during an update (not user drag and drop), let's say you have 1,2,3,4,5 records in the list. If during the table update, a record is removed automatically, let's say #2, then you end up with preferences 1,3,4,5. How can I move up everything and reorder the table accordingly by preference?
1 stays the same, 3 moves to 2, 4 moves to 3 and so forth.
Thank you.

To insert a new record with Preference=Max(Preference)+1 use the following query:
insert into Rad5 values(10,(select max(Preference)+1 from Rad5));
-- inserts a new record with id=10
To reorder the records according to the Preference after deleting a record try the following:
with cte as (
select id, Preference, row_number() over (order by Preference) as rn
from Rad5)
update cte set Preference=rn;
You can use Trigger on delete from your table to call the update query automatically whenever a record is deleted, if you want to do so use the following:
create trigger Rad5_Delete on Rad5
for delete
with cte as (
select id, Preference, row_number() over (order by Preference) as rn
from Rad5)
update cte set Preference=rn;
See a demo from db<>fiddle.


SQL How to update every nth row which meets requirement

I have a table that I would like to update one column data on every nth row if it meets row requirement.
My table has many columns but the key are Object_Id (in case this could be useful for creating temp table)
But the one I'm trying to update is online_status, it looks like below, but on bigger scales so I usually have 10rows that has same time but they all have %Online% in it and in total around 2000 rows (with Online and about another 2000 with Offline). I just need to update every 2-4 rows of those 10 that are repeating itself.
Table picture here: (for some reason table formatting doesn't come up good)
So what I tried is: This pulls a list of every 3rd record that matches criteria Online, I just need a way to update it but can't get through this.
SELECT * FROM (SELECT *, row_number() over() rn FROM people
WHERE online_status LIKE '%Online%') foo WHERE online_status LIKE '%Online%' AND foo.rn % 3 =0
What I also tried is:
However this has updated every single row. not the ones I needed.
UPDATE people
SET online_status = 'Offline 00:00-24:00'
WHERE people.Object_id IN
(SELECT people.Object_id, row_number() over() rn FROM people
WHERE online_status LIKE '%Online%') foo WHERE people LIKE '%Online%' AND foo.rn % 3 =0);
Is there a way to take list from Select code above and simply update it or run a few scripts that could add it to like temp table and store object ids, and the next script would update main table if object id would match temp table.
Thank you for any help :)
Don't select other columns but Object_id in the subquery at WHERE people.Object_id IN (..)
UPDATE people
SET online_status = 'Offline 00:00-24:00'
WHERE Object_id IN
( SELECT Object_id
( SELECT p.Object_id, row_number() over() rn
FROM people p
WHERE p.online_status LIKE '%Online%') foo
WHERE foo.rn % 3 = 0

How to update table with field Postgres

I have table like this:
Incident_id is foreign key. What I want to achieve it -> create one more column with named position (int). And populate it like this: find all rows for each incident_id and and update each row with index or list of rows I get by each incident_id. exapmple:
incident_id 5 matches with 4 note rows so updated for the position will be 0, 1, 2, 3 accordingly. Ty
I would not recomment storing such derived information. Instead, you can create a view that uses row_number() to enumerate the rows of each incident_id:
create view myview as
select t.*, row_number() over(partition by incident_id order by id) - 1 rn
from mytable t
To get a stable result, you need a column that can be used to consistently order the rows of each incident: I called it id in the query. You can change that to the relevant column name (or set of columns) for your use case; you would typically use the primary key column(s) of your table.
If you really wanted to materialize that value in a new column, and considering that the primary key of your table, you would do:
alter table mytable add column position int;
update mytable t
set position = t1.position
from (
select incident_note_id,
row_number() over(partition by incident_id order by incident_note_id) - 1 position
from mytable
) t1
where t1.incident_note_id = t.incident_note_id;

How to update with incrementing value

I have a table in PostgreSQL that has an ID column that is supposed to be unique. However, a large number of the rows (around 3 million) currently have an ID of "1".
What I know:
The total number of rows
The current maximum value for the ID column
The number of rows with an (incorrect) ID of "1"
What I need is a query that will pull all the rows with an ID of "1" and assign them a new ID that increments automatically so that every row in the table will have a unique ID. I'd like it to start at the currentMaxId + 1 and assign each row the subsequent ID.
This is the closest I've gotten with a query:
UPDATE table_name
SET id = (
SELECT max(id) FROM table_name
) + 1
WHERE id = '1'
The problem with this is that the inner SELECT only runs the first time, thus setting the ID of the rows in question to the original max(id) + 1, not the new max(id) + 1 every time, giving me the same problem I'm trying to solve.
Any suggestions on how to tweak this query to achieve my desired result or an alternative method would be greatly appreciated!
You may do it step by step with a temporary sequence.
1) creation
create temporary sequence seq_upd;
2) set it to the proper initial value
select setval('seq_upd', (select max(id) from table_name));
3) update
update table_name set id=nextval('seq_upd') where id=1;
If you are going to work with a SEQUENCE, consider the serial pseudo data type for you id. Then you can just draw nextval() from the "owned" (not temporary) sequence, which will then be up to date automatically.
If you don't want that, you can fall back to using the ctid and row_number() for a one-time numbering:
UPDATE tbl t
SET id = x.max_id + u.rn
FROM (SELECT max(id) AS max_id FROM tbl) x
, (SELECT ctid, row_number() OVER (ORDER BY ctid) AS rn
FROM tbl WHERE id = 1) u
WHERE t.ctid = u.ctid;
Related answer on dba.SE:
numbering rows consecutively for a number of tables

SQL Server custom record sort in table, allowing to delete records

SQL Server table with custom sort has columns: ID (PK, auto-increment), OrderNumber, Col1, Col2..
By default an insert trigger copies value from ID to OrderNumber as suggested here.
Using some visual interface, user can sort records by incrementing or decrementing OrderNumber values.
However, how to deal with records being deleted in the meantime?
Say you add records with PK ID: 1,2,3,4,5 - OrderNumber receives same values. Then you delete records with ID=4,ID=5. Next record will have ID=6 and OrderNumber will receive the same value. Having a span of 2 missing OrderNumbers would force user to decrement record with ID=6 like 3 times to change it's order (i.e. 3x button pressed).
Alternatively, one could insert select count(*) from table into OrderNumber, but it would allow to have several similar values in table, when some old rows are deleted.
If one doesn't delete records, but only "deactivate" them, they're still included in sort order, just invisible for user. At the moment, solution in Java is needed, but I think the issue is language-independent.
Is there a better approach at this?
I would simply modify the script that switches the OrderNumber values so it does it correctly without relying on their being without gaps.
I don't know what arguments your script accepts and how it uses them, but the one that I've eventually come up with accept the ID of the item to move and the number of positions to move by (a negative value would mean "toward the lower OrderNumber values", and a positive one would imply the opposite direction).
The idea is as follows:
Look up the specified item's OrderNumber.
Rank all the items starting from OrderNumber in the direction determined by the second argument. The specified item thus receives the ranking of 1.
Pick the items with rankings from 1 to the one that is the absolute value of the second argument plus one. (I.e. the last item is the one where the specified item is being moved to.)
Join the resulting set with itself so that every row is joined with the next one and the last row is joined with the first one and thus use one set of rows to update the other.
This is the query that implements the above, with comments explaining some tricky parts:
Edited: fixed an issue with incorrect reordering
/* these are the arguments of the query */
DECLARE #ID int, #JumpBy int;
SET #ID = ...
SET #JumpBy = ...
DECLARE #OrderNumber int;
/* Step #1: Get OrderNumber of the specified item */
SELECT #OrderNumber = OrderNumber FROM atable WHERE ID = #ID;
WITH ranked AS (
/* Step #2: rank rows including the specified item and those that are sorted
either before or after it (depending on the value of #JumpBy */
ORDER BY OrderNumber * SIGN(#JumpBy)
/* this little "* SIGN(#JumpBy)" trick ensures that the
top-ranked item will always be the one specified by #ID:
* if we are selecting rows where OrderNumber >= #OrderNumber,
the order will be by OrderNumber and #OrderNumber will be
the smallest item (thus #1);
* if we are selecting rows where OrderNumber <= #OrderNumber,
the order becomes by -OrderNumber and #OrderNumber again
becomes the top ranked item, because its negative counterpart,
-#OrderNumber, will again be the smallest one
FROM atable
WHERE OrderNumber >= #OrderNumber AND #JumpBy > 0
OR OrderNumber <= #OrderNumber AND #JumpBy < 0
affected AS (
/* Step #3: select only rows that need be affected */
FROM ranked
WHERE rnk BETWEEN 1 AND ABS(#JumpBy) + 1
/* Step #4: self-join and update */
SET OrderNumber = new.OrderNumber
FROM affected old
INNER JOIN affected new ON old.rnk = new.rnk % (ABS(#JumpBy) + 1) + 1
/* if old.rnk = 1, the corresponding new.rnk is N,
because 1 = N MOD N + 1 (N is ABS(#JumpBy)+1),
for old.rnk = 2 the matching new.rnk is 1: 2 = 1 MOD N + 1,
for 3, it's 2 etc.
this condition could alternatively be written like this:
new.rnk = (old.rnk + ABS(#JumpBy) - 1) % (ABS(#JumpBy) + 1) + 1
Note: this assumes SQL Server 2005 or later version.
One known issue with this solution is that it will not "move" rows correctly if the specified ID cannot be moved exactly by the specified number of positions (for instance, if you want to move the topmost row up by any number of positions, or the second row by two or more positions etc.).
Ok - if I'm not mistaken, you want to defragment your OrderNumber.
What if you use ROW_NUMBER() for this ?
;WITH calc_cte AS (
, OrderNumber
OrderNumber = c.RowNo
calc_cte c
Didn't want to reply my own question, but I believe I have found a solution.
Insert query:
INSERT INTO table (OrderNumber, col1, col2)
VALUES ((select count(*)+1 from table),val1,val2)
Delete trigger:
CREATE TRIGGER Cleanup_After_Delete ON table
WITH rowtable AS (SELECT [ID], OrderNumber, rownum = ROW_NUMBER()
OVER (ORDER BY OrderNumber ASC) FROM table)
UPDATE rt SET OrderNumber = rt.rownum FROM rowtable rt
WHERE OrderNumber >= (SELECT OrderNumber FROM deleted)
The trigger fires up after every delete and corrects all OrderNumbers above the deleted one (no gaps). This means that I can simply change the order of 2 records by switching their OrderNumbers.
This is a working solution for my problem, however this one is also very good one, perhaps more useful for others.

Insert output IDs into another table

I have a status table, and another table containing additional data. My object IDs are the PK in the status table, so I need to insert those into the additional data table for each new row.
I need to insert a new row into my statusTable for each new listing, containing just constants.
declare #temp TABLE(listingID int)
insert into statusTable(status, date)
output Inserted.listingID into #temp
select 1, getdate()
from anotherImportedTable
This gets me enough new listing IDs to use.
I now need to insert the actual listing data into another table, and map each row to one of those listingIDs -
insert into listingExtraData(listingID, data)
select t.listingID, a.data
from #temp t, anotherImportedTable a
Now this obviously doesn't work, because otherDataTable and the IDs in #temp are unrelated... so I get far too many rows inserted.
How can I insert each row from anotherImportedTable into listingExtraData along with a unique newly created listingID? could I possibly trigger some more sql at the point I do the output in the first block of sql?
edit: thanks for the input so far, here's what the tables look like:
listingID (pk), status, date
data, listingID
You see that I only want to create one entry into statusTable per row in anotherImportedTable, then put one listingID with a row from anotherImportedTable into listingExtraData... I'm thinking that I might have to resort to a cursor perhaps?
Ok, here's how you can do it (if I'm right about what you actually want to do):
insert into listingExtraData(listingID, data)
select q1.listingID, q2.data
(select ListingID, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (order by ListingID) as rn from #temp t) as q1
inner join (select data, ROW_NUMBER() over (order by data) as rn from anotherImportedTable) q2 on q1.rn = q2.rn
In case you matching logic differs you will need to change sorting of anotherImportedTable. In case your match order can not be achieved by ordering anotherImportTable [in one way or another] then you're out of luck.