Is it possible to style the output of FSx/Lustre file system to change the look and feel? - apache

I've been digging through all of the documents for FSx, Lustre, and Apache trying to find out if it is possible to style the look and feel of the HTTPS output of a Lustre file system.
Has anyone else already accomplished something similar?
Would this require Velocity or some other templating engine to be installed before it would be possible?
Many thanks!


File extractor that its user can't change the installation path

I would like to know how I can make some kind of file extractor. But the problem is usually users could just change the target path. I wanted that it will ONLY extract the files to the location I specified.
I've seen RAR's .sfx. I've seen InstallShield. I've seen iexpress.exe.
Thank you!
Sorry if I didn't make it clear. Please ask if so.
With Inno Setup you can achive this with the setting:

is script autoloading possible in rebol or red-lang?

Is there a way to do so ? I searched Google but couldn't find any answer, so I guess the answer would be no. Is there anything close ? If not, would it be easy to extend red-lang to do so ?
Startup Scripts
When REBOL starts it will automatically run the rebol.r and user.r files, if they exist.
The system looks for these files first in the current directory (or the directory of the script being run), then in the directory that contains the REBOL executable program.
Note that REBOL/Core runs fine without the rebol.r and user.r files. They simply provide an easy way to include additional code and data on startup, such as your network preferences.
If you compile your own Red interpreter you can add an autoloading file, maybe in after system/console/init "Red Console" and before system/console/launch Best advice is to ask on the site to ask for help. I guess this was already discussed.

Edit style of "index of /"

I want to make a home file server and I did not want to use some custom os or something, I wanted it to be coded by myself. So I have got the files on my hard drive on the server and I know how to download them, but it is not the best way. Basically I href them using "" but that's not very nice. Another thing I found out is that if I only type the directory, in this case "" I get all the files listed, awesome! Just a problem, I don't know how to style it. Any help is truly appreciated!

How to detect image in a document

How can I detect images in a document say doc,xls,ppt or pdf ?
I came across with Apache Tika, I am trying its command line option.
But not quite sure how it will detect images.
Any help is appreciated.
You've said you want to use a command line solution, and not write any Java code, so it's not going to be the prettiest way to do it... If you are happy to write a little bit of Java, and create a new program to call from Python, then you can do it much nicer!
The first thing to do is to have the Tika App extract out any embedded resources within your file. Use the --extract option for this, and have the extraction occur in a special temp directory you app controls, eg
$ java -jar tika.jar --extract ../testWORD_embedded_pdf.doc
Extracting 'image1.emf' (application/x-emf)
Extracting '_1402837031.pdf' (application/pdf)
Grab the output of the extraction if you can, and parse that looking for images (but be aware that some images have an application/ prefix on their canconical mimetype!). You might need to run a second --detect step on a few, I'm not sure, test how the parsers get on with the extraction.
Now, if there were images, they'll be in your test dir. Process them as you want. Finally, zap the temp dir when you're done with the file!
Having used Tika in the past I can't see how Tika can help with images embedded within Office documents or PDFs I was wrong to answer No. You will have may still try to resolve to native APIs like Apache POI and Apache PDFBox. Tika does use both libraries to parse text and metadata but no embedded image support.
Using Tika makes these APIs automatically available (side effect of using Tika).
Since Tika 0.8: look for EmbeddedResourceHandler and examples - thanks to Gagravarr.

MODx Local Development Setup/System

I'm new to MODx, but am quite impressed with its power and flexibility. There's only one caveat, and I'm hoping it's just because I don't know any better.
I'm a frontend dev, and I'm used to building websites of all sizes. But I usually work with files and version control. How would I keep this paradigm with MODx?
From my poking around so far, the only way I found to use an IDE, is to keep static files with my code, to later on copy/paste into MODx Manager. Far from ideal.
I'm aware that a lot of people use an "include" snippet, to include snippets, chunks, etc. Does this work for MODx specific tags? For example, if I include a file as a snippet, and I have a template variable defined in there (or a resource link), would that be properly rendered?
Also, is there a performance hit using a snippet by including a file, vs having the snippet code entered into MODx Manager?
Bottom line, how do you develop sites on MODx? Where do you enter your code? Is there a feature like the "Import HTML" but for snippets and chunks? Is there a way to create new Templates, Documents, Chunks, TVs, etc. without going through the Manager?
Thanks in advance!
there is a whole documentation site for developing in modx, - though it mostly concerns extending it - not customization & modification. The short answer is no, there is no version control for your snippets & such, yes, you will have to maintain them manually. [I wish that was not the case]
Most of your php code will go into either a snippet or a plugin, and yes you can include static files in either of those resource types, no, I on't know if there is a performance gain/loss, but I would imagine "no" if your include is cache-able.
for the includes you can do something like this:
include_once $modx->config['base_path'].'_path_to_my.php_';
There is VersionX for revolution that will allow you version control of chunks, snippets, resources and so on.
There is package called Auditor that will allow you to implement version control in Modx
Sorry just noticed your question is tagged Revolution, Auditor is for Evo. I don't think there's a solution available yet although I believe it is on the Roadmap