Compare two result sets if employee Id is matches change status flag to true - mule

Can anyone kindly provide the DataWeave logic for the below output structure based on the two Inputs resultSet1 and resultSet2. if the id is matched change the status to true and by default, the status is false?
resultSet1 = [{
id: "12334",
id: "13357",
resultSet2 = [
id: "12334",
status: false
id: "11521",
status: false
id: "13357",
status: false
final output:
id: "12334",
status: true
id: "11521",
status: false
id: "13357",
status: true
Thanks in advance!

this solution iterates resultSet2 and for each item checks if the ID is in the list of IDs of resultSet1
resultSet2 map {
id: $.id,
status: contains $.id


suitescript 2.0 unable to search inventorydetails subrecord from saved search data

I have created one saved search, and I am fetching data from by suitescript and here is the demo data response which I am getting this result from saved search response
"results": [
"recordType": "itemreceipt",
"id": "2572118",
"values": {
"trandate": "2021-3-25",
"type": [
"value": "ItemRcpt",
"text": "Item Receipt"
"tranid": "RCV123",
"salesrep": [
"value": "16018",
"text": "MXZ"
"entity": [
"value": "16993",
"text": "ABC"
"memo": "",
"amount": "1218.00",
"location": [
"value": "1",
"text": "XYZ"
"inventoryDetail.inventorynumber": [
"value": "10504",
"text": "3566044578"
AND I AM USING BELOW CODE TO MAKE FILTER BY inventoryDetail.inventorynumber FIELD WHICH IT MENTIONED IN SAVED SEARCH RESPONSE DATA AND IT THROWS ERROR "An nlobjSearchFilter contains invalid search criteria: inventoryDetail.issueinventorynumber."
but if I used tranid instead of inventoryDetail.issueinventorynumber then it does not throw the error, why I can not filter by inventoryDetail.inventorynumber I am trying since two days but no luck, please help me guys
* #NApiVersion 2.1
* #NScriptType Restlet
* #NModuleScope Public
Script Information
Saved Search API
response = new Object();
define( [ 'N/log', 'N/search' ], main );
function main( logModule, searchModule ) {
log = logModule;
search = searchModule;
return { post: postProcess }
function postProcess( request ) {
try {
var searchObj = search.load( { id: 1234 } );//saved search id
// Copy the filters from rs into defaultFilters.
var defaultFilters = searchObj.filters;
// below code works
name: "tranid",
operator: search.Operator.IS,
values: ["RCV123"]
// but this code does not works and it throws error "An nlobjSearchFilter contains invalid search criteria: inventoryDetail.issueinventorynumber."
name: "inventoryDetail.inventorynumber",
operator: search.Operator.IS,
values: ["3566044578"]
searchObj.filters = defaultFilters;
searchObj.filters = defaultFilters;
response.results = [];
var resultSet =;
var start = 0;
var results = [];
do {
results = resultSet.getRange( { start: start, end: start + 1000 } );
start += 1000;
response.results = response.results.concat( results ) ;
response.count =results.length;
} while ( results.length );
return response;
} catch( e ) {
log.debug( { 'title': 'error', 'details': e } );
return { 'error': { 'type': e.type, 'name':, 'message': e.message } }
issueinventorynumber is not a valid search Column on the inventorydetail record. You are probably looking for inventorydetail.inventorynumber. You can reference the Search Columns section for the Inventory Detail within the Records Browser.
Be aware that Search Column names are not always the same as the field ID in the UI, as is the case here. The ID in the UI is issueinventorynumber, while the ID for the Search Column is inventorynumber.
Finally I found the solution
var transactionSearchObj = search.create({
type: "transaction",
["formulatext: {inventorydetail.inventorynumber}","contains","30124578547"]
search.createColumn({name: "trandate", label: "Date"}),
search.createColumn({name: "type", label: "Type"}),
search.createColumn({name: "tranid", label: "Document Number"}),
search.createColumn({name: "salesrep", label: "Sales Rep"}),
search.createColumn({name: "memo", label: "Memo"}),
search.createColumn({name: "amount", label: "Amount"}),
search.createColumn({name: "location", label: "Location"}),
name: "itemid",
join: "item",
label: "Name"
name: "inventorynumber",
join: "inventoryDetail",
label: " Number"
return { start: 0, end: 0 + 1000 } );

Unknown column in sequelize count

I do such node.js Sequelize query to get rows quantity of included unread_messages, so I can get amount of unread messages of specifi user. But it returns me Unknown column '' in 'field list'.
If I remove attributes: {...} error disappears
const result = await Chats.findAndCountAll({
attributes: {
include: [[Sequelize.fn('COUNT', Sequelize.col('')), 'total_unread_messages']]
where: {
...(req.query.filters as WhereOptions),
include: [
{ model: Users, as: 'createdBy', required: false },
{ model: ChatTypes, as: 'type', required: false },
model: ChatMessages,
as: 'unread_messages',
where: {
id: {[]: Sequelize.literal(`(
SELECT last_read_message_id
FROM chats_users
user_id = '${req.user?.id}'
chat_id =
required: false,
model: ChatMessages,
as: 'last_message',
required: false,
include: [
{ model: Users, as: 'to_user' },
{ model: Users, as: 'from_user' },
{ model: Chats, as: 'chat' },
{ model: MessageTypes, as: 'message_type' },
model: Users,
as: 'is_mine',
required: false,
where: { id: req.user?.id },
order: req.query.sort as Order,

Sequelize: on a subset of model A, sum an integer-attribute of an associated model B

I want to do this:
select sum("quantity") as "sum"
from "orderArticles"
inner join "orders"
on "orderArticles"."orderId"="orders"."id"
and "orderArticles"."discountTagId" = 2
and "orders"."paid" is not null;
which results in on my data base:
(1 row)
How can I do it?
My Sequelize solution:
The model definitions:
const order = Conn.define('orders', {
id: {
type: Sequelize.BIGINT,
autoIncrement: true,
primaryKey: true
// ...
paid: {
type: Sequelize.DATE,
defaultValue: null
// ...
// ...
const orderArticle = Conn.define('orderArticles',
id: {
type: Sequelize.BIGINT,
autoIncrement: true,
primaryKey: true
// ...
quantity: {
type: Sequelize.INTEGER,
defaultValue: 1
scopes: {
paidOrders: {
include: [
{ model: order, where: { paid: {$ne: null}} }
// ...
order.hasMany(orderArticle, {onDelete: 'cascade', hooks: true})
I came up with this after hours of research:
.scope('paidOrders') // select only orders with paid: {$ne: null}
.sum('quantity', { // sum up all resulting quantities
attributes: ['quantity'], // select only the orderArticles.quantity col
where: {discountTagId: 2}, // where orderArticles.discountTagId = 2
group: ['"order"."id"', '"orderArticles"."quantity"'] // don't know why, but Sequelize told me to
.then(sum => sum) // return the sum
leads to this sql:
SELECT "orderArticles"."quantity", sum("quantity") AS "sum",
"order"."id" AS "", "order"."taxRate" AS "order.taxRate",
"order"."shippingCosts" AS "order.shippingCosts", "order"."discount"
AS "", "order"."paid" AS "order.paid",
"order"."dispatched" AS "order.dispatched", "order"."payday" AS
"order.payday", "order"."billNr" AS "order.billNr",
"order"."createdAt" AS "order.createdAt", "order"."updatedAt" AS
"order.updatedAt", "order"."orderCustomerId" AS
"order.orderCustomerId", "order"."billCustomerId" AS
"order.billCustomerId" FROM "orderArticles" AS "orderArticles" INNER
JOIN "orders" AS "order" ON "orderArticles"."orderId" = "order"."id"
AND "order"."paid" IS NOT NULL WHERE "orderArticles"."discountTagId" =
'4' GROUP BY "order"."id", "orderArticles"."quantity";
which has this result on the same data base: 0 rows
If you know what I got wrong please let me know!
Thank you :)
Found the solution:
in the scopes definition on the orderArticle model:
scopes: {
paidOrders: {
include: [{
model: order,
where: { paid: {$ne: null}},
attributes: [] // don't select additional colums!
and the algorithm:
.sum('quantity', {
attributes: [], // don't select any further cols
where: {discountTagId: 2}
Note: In my case it was sufficient to return the promise. I use GraphQL which resolves the result and sends it to the client.

How do I query for tag names with :find in SnapshotStore store config

I am trying to setup a filter that is similar to a defect view within a Trend chart. The filter in the defect view is:
(State < Closed) AND (Severity <= Major) AND (Tags !contains Not a Stop Ship)
I cannot seem to get the Tags find to work correctly. Any suggestions?
this.myTrendChart = Ext.create('Rally.ui.chart.Chart', {
storeType: '',
storeConfig: {
find: {
_TypeHierarchy: "Defect",
State: {
$lt: "Closed"
Severity: {
$lte: "Major"
Tags: {
$ne: "Not a Stop Ship"
_ProjectHierarchy: ProjectOid
hydrate: ["Priority"],
fetch: ["_ValidFrom", "_ValidTo", "ObjectID", "Priority"]
calculatorType: 'My.TrendCalc',
calculatorConfig: {},
chartConfig: {
chart: {
zoomType: 'x',
type: 'line'
title: {
text: 'Defects over Time'
xAxis: {
type: 'datetime',
minTickInterval: 3
yAxis: {
title: {
text: 'Number of Defects'
Based on reviewing the JSON messages, I figured out the tag needed to be the ObjectId. Once I found this, I replaced "Not a Stop Ship" with the ObjectId value and the filter worked correctly.

Kendo UI BarChart Data Grouping

Not sure if this is possible. In my example I am using json as the source but this could be any size. In my example on fiddle I would use this data in a shared fashion by only binding two columns ProductFamily (xAxis) and Value (yAxis) but I would like to be able to group the columns by using an aggregate.
In this example without the grouping it shows multiple columns for FamilyA. Can this be grouped into ONE column and the values aggregated regardless of the amount of data?
So the result will show one column for FamilyA of Value 4850 + 4860 = 9710 etc.?
A problem with all examples online is that there is always the correct amount of data for each category. Not sure if this makes sense?
//Sample data (see fiddle for complete sample)
"ProductName":"CABLE USB",
var productDataSource = new{
data: dr,
//group: {
// field: "ProductFamily",
sort: {
field: "ProductFamily",
dir: "asc"
//aggregate: [
// { field: "Value", aggregate: "sum" }
//schema: {
// model: {
// fields: {
// ProductFamily: { type: "string" },
// Value: { type: "number" },
// }
// }
dataSource: productDataSource,
//autoBind: false,
title: {
text: "Product Family (past 12 months)"
seriesDefaults: {
overlay: {
gradient: "none"
markers: {
visible: false
majorTickSize: 0,
opacity: .8
series: [{
type: "column",
field: "Value"
valueAxis: {
line: {
visible: false
labels: {
format: "${0}",
skip: 2,
step: 2,
color: "#727f8e"
categoryAxis: {
field: "ProductFamily"
legend: {
visible: false
tooltip: {
visible: true,
format: "Value: ${0:N0}"
The Kendo UI Chart does not support binding to group aggregates. At least not yet.
My suggestion is to:
Move the aggregate definition, so it's calculated per group:
group: {
field: "ProductFamily",
aggregates: [ {
field: "Value",
aggregate: "sum"
Extract the aggregated values in the change handler:
var view = products.view();
var families = $.map(view, function(v) {
return v.value;
var values = $.map(view, function(v) {
return v.aggregates.Value.sum;
Bind the groups and categories manually:
series: [ {
type: "column",
data: values
categoryAxis: {
categories: families
Working demo can be found here:
I hope this helps.