Outlook project distribution with custom tab and button to trigger userform - vba

I have created Userform in Outlook Called "Task Manager", which attach the current emails to the task selected from the list.
As excel has .xlsm and word has .docm to add custom tabs, button and save macro to share it with your colleagues. but I realized that outlook is independant, there is no file related to outlook. So there must be a way to add custom tabs and button to trigger the UI at runtime.
we need to do it other way around? I am looking for a method to share .exe file to another user so that they can install the .fxm files and have a custom tab. already searched internet could not find feasible solution, I don't know the right way to start?


Purge an IMAP folder in Outlook 2016 using VBA

In Outlook 2016 I have connected an IMAP folder. Outlook is configured to mark items as deleted in IMAP folders. This is necessary because I want to process those items, that are marked for deletion seperately. After my macro is completed, that IMAP folder should be purged automatically.
In Outlook there is the ribbon "Folder" with the group "purge". In there is the menu "delete" with an menu item to purge the current folder. I can't find a way to execute the function from a VBA macro.
For Outlook 2010 there is this solution:
In Outlook 2016, the findControl method does not find the required control.
Is there any way to purge that folder?
Best solution would be some kind of API function.
Second best would be to simulate a click event on the control of the ribbon. "CommandBars" seems to contain some sort of context menus but not the ribbon controls.
Is it possible to define custom commandbars with standard controls in it? The control id seams to be still "12771".
I very briefly looked into the UI Automation toolkit but have found no good example of how to access the ribbon of a specific application.
Alternatively: can I get access to controls of the quick access toolbar? Adding the correct purge folder control to the quick access toolbar would rely on the user to click on that button at the right moment.
For buttons you can add to a ribbon or the QAT, the idMso can be seen at the end of the text when hovering over the command.
Sub PurgeFolder_Button_idMso()
' For buttons you can add to a ribbon or the QAT,
' the idMso can be seen at the end of the text when hovering over the command.
ActiveExplorer.CommandBars.ExecuteMso ("PurgeFolder")
End Sub

Write a log file using Powerpoint

My objective is to write a log file, once a user open a PPT file and Travers to different slides, system write this information in log file.
Till now I tried following solutions:
1. Create a Add-in (PPA) and attach it manually in PPT file.
2. Create a button on first slide and on click event call Auto-Open event.
But ultimately I want to implement a solution to install Add-in by making entry in REGISTRY.
I already read this great article http://www.pptfaq.com/FAQ00469_Add_-_install_an_addin_via_the_registry.htm
I work along with Abhishek on this. This addin is only available to the user logged in and loaded the addin via file->options->cutomize ribbon. But we want to make this addin machine specific so that we dont have to load the addin each time.
Thanks and Regards,

Creating PowerPoint Add-Ins from VBA defined Macros

So I've created a Macro in a PowerPoint Presentation and I would like to make this Macro readily available to someone else. From what I have gathered, the best way to do this is to create an Add-in.
I have come across several articles stating to do the following, but I am still running into problems:
Open a new PowerPoint Presentation
Create a macro using VBA
Exit VBA, and save the Presentation as a .ppam
Under the Developer Tab, click on the "PowerPoint Add-ins" button
Click the "Add New..." option, and browse for your recently created
.ppam file
Click Load
Click Close
Click Add-ins
You should now see your new Add-in
I have done everything mentioned above and can even see the new Add-in when I select PowerPoint Add-Ins. I'm here because I can't find a way to run the new Add-in, and I don't want it to automatically load on startup or to interfere with the presentation by creating a button on the slides. As instead, I would like to allow the user to run this Add-in from the Ribbon.
First, save as PPTM. THEN save as PPAM. If you only save as PPAM, you won't be able to go back and edit your code later to correct problems.
To launch your add-in from the ribbon, you must include RibbonX code (a type of XML) to your PPAM or PPTM (best to add it to the PPTM ... it'll become part of the PPAM automatically then).
There's an excellent book on RibbonX that'll save you hours of time:
This is a good starting point if you don't want to buy the book:
While you can manually unzip PPTM/PPTX/PPAM files and add the RibbonX code using any text editor, it's silly to do so. Instead use this free tool:

Make a ribbon button reference the macro in a new workbook instance rather than in the source template

I have a macro-enabled Excel template which contains a ribbon button pointing to a macro sub. The button assignment still points to the source template, however, instead of the sub in the new document. If I create a document and then move or delete the template, I'm no longer able to use the button in the new document:
I've noticed that the ribbon button seems have the macro's source template path hard-coded, and there isn't any place I can find in ribbon customization UI to change it:
I'm certain this has been asked before, but I've tried a number of different ways of searching for it without coming up with anything.
I found this which talks about a button on a form, not a ribbon, and I found this which seems to be generating "shapes" programmatically and assigning their action; neither of these two are relevant.
This is the closest I've found, but whereas the QAT customization tab has the option for setting the target:
the ribbon customization tab does not have that. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Permanently append Customized Ribbons to PowerPoint file

I have written 2 Macros in PowerPoint and added the Macros to a customized ribbon named 'My Ribbon' to make those macros available at a click of a button. The only problem is the Ribbon disappears when someone else opens the PowerPoint on a different computer. The macros stay with the file but the customized ribbons do not and we have to create another customized ribbon, and place both macros to the ribbon every time we share the file across our drive.(Which is quite annoying)
I want to permanently append the customized ribbon to the PowerPoint so that anyone who opens the PowerPoint will be able to see the personalized ribbon with both Macros already on their version of PowerPoint.
VBA macros are not designed for distributing the code on multiple PCs. If you need to get a solution which can be installed on other PCs you need to develop an add-in. That's exactly they were invented for. Moreover, you can create an installer for the add-in. It will be installed as other applications on your PC. See Walkthrough: Creating Your First Application-Level Add-in for PowerPoint to get started.
If you choose to stay with VBA macros, you will have to edit the open xml document. See Customize the Word Ribbon User Interface for more information. The process is common for almost all Office applications (Outlook does't support that).
You could use such a program like Ribbon Editor to customize the Ribbon for your pptm file only. (No need for an AddIn it you want it deployed only with the file)