Vue: Update part of an html string from data v-for loop with v-model input - vue.js

Using Vue2 I have an array of objects in data which have an html string rendered in a v-for loop. Part of each string is a prop, which renders correctly initially. However, when the prop value is updated with v-model the data in the v-for loop is not updated.
jsfiddle: When the input is changed from "Bob" to "Sally" all instances should change, but those in the for-loop do not.
<div id="app">
<li v-for="statement in statements" v-html="statement.text"></li>
<input v-model="name" placeholder="edit name">
<p>Name is: {{ name }}</p>
<p class="italic">Outside loop: <b>{{name}}</b> likes dogs.</p>
new Vue({
el: "#app",
data: function() {
return {
statements: [
id: 'food',
text: '<b>'+ + '</b> likes to eat ice cream.',
id: 'fun',
text: 'Running is the favorite activity of <b>'+ + '</b>',
props: {
name: {
type: String,
default: 'Bob',
The code has been simplified - the actual HTML strings have ~3 variables each that need to update, and are at different locations in each string, so I can't think of another way to replace the values when they are updated, while preserving the html tags. This is intended to be a single-page vue application, but is using Laravel and blade for some general page formatting.

name should be in data, not in props (it's not coming from a parent, it's just reactive data, which needs to be tracked for changes internally - inside this component).
statements should be in computed, because you want Vue to update it whenever its reactive references (e.g: change. Besides, this is not what you think it is inside the data function.
See it working:
new Vue({
el: "#app",
data: () => ({
name: 'Bob'
computed: {
statements() {
return [
id: 'food',
text: '<b>'+ + '</b> likes to eat ice cream.',
id: 'fun',
text: 'Runing is the favorite activity of <b>'+ + '</b>',
body {
background: #20262E;
padding: 20px;
font-family: Helvetica;
#app {
background: #fff;
border-radius: 4px;
padding: 20px;
li {
margin: 8px 0;
h2 {
font-weight: bold;
margin-bottom: 15px;
p.italic {
font-style: italic;
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<li v-for="(statement, key) in statements" v-html="statement.text" :key="key"></li>
<input v-model="name" placeholder="edit name">
<p>Name is: {{ name }}</p>
<p class="italic">Outside loop: <b>{{name}}</b> likes dogs.</p>
If you're trying to create a reusable component which takes in a person (with some values) and creates the statements based on those values and also allows editing the person's values, here's how to do it:
Vue.component('person-editor', {
template: '#person-editor-tpl',
props: {
person: {
type: Object,
default: () => ({})
data: () => ({
details: [
{ name: 'name', placeholder: 'Name' },
{ name: 'fun', placeholder: 'Running', label: 'Favorite activity' },
{ name: 'food', placeholder: 'pizza', label: 'Favorite food'}
methods: {
update(payload) {
this.$emit('update:person', { ...this.person, ...payload })
getDetailLabel(d) {
return d.label || ([0].toUpperCase() +
Vue.component('person-details', {
template: '#person-details-tpl',
props: {
person: {
type: Object,
default: () => ({})
data: () => ({
statements: [
{ id: 'food', text: p => `<b>${}</b> likes to eat ${}.` },
{ id: 'fun', text: p => `${} is the favorite activity of <b>${}</b>` }
new Vue({
el: "#app",
data: () => ({
persons: [
{ name: 'Jane', food: 'apples', fun: 'Hiking' },
{ name: 'Jack', food: 'pizza', fun: 'Sleeping' }
methods: {
updatePerson(key, value) {
this.persons.splice(key, 1, value);
label {
display: flex;
label > span {
width: 150px;
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<template v-for="(person, key) in persons">
<hr v-if="key" :key="`hr-${key}`">
<person-details :person="person"
<person-editor :person.sync="person"
#update:person="updatePerson(key, person)"></person-editor>
<template id="person-editor-tpl">
<template v-for="detail in details">
<label :key="">
<span v-text="getDetailLabel(detail)"></span>
<input :value="person[]"
#input="e => update({ []: })">
<template id="person-details-tpl">
<li v-for="(statement, key) in statements" v-html="statement.text(person)"></li>
I separated the editor and the display in two separate components.
Because I had to define the components on the Vue instance it's a bit crammed in this example, but it looks a lot more elegant when using sfcs (and each component is a standalone .vue file).


Nested route of categories in Vue.js

What is an appropriate way to achieve a nested "n" levels of routes based on currently selected category ?
I would like to properly access the routes, so my URL would look like this:
I have a list of categories like so:
const categories = [
name: 'outfit',
childs: [
{ name: 'jackets',
childs: [
{ name: 'mountains' }
{ name: 'pants', childs: ['many subcategories'] },
{ name: 'boots', childs: ['many subcategories'] }
name: 'knives',
childs: [
{ name: 'hunting' },
{ name: 'souvenirs' },
{ name: 'kitchen' },
{ name: 'skinning' },
{ name: 'throwing' }
I have a main page of Categories (TOP LEVEL):
<div class="col-6" v-for="category in categories" :key="">
<div class="block q-pa-md">
<router-link :to="'/categories/' + category.slug">
<h4>{{ }}</h4>
And there is a nested page for 1st level of childs:
<h1>{{ }}</h1>
<q-img :src="category.image"/>
<p>{{ category.description }}</p>
<div class="row q-col-gutter-md">
<div class="col-md-4 col-xs-6" v-for="subcategory in category.childs" :key="">
<div class="block q-pa-md">
<router-link :to="'/categories/' +">
<h4>{{ }}</h4>
How would I do some repeating nested childs ?
Dynamic Route Matching feature of Vue router allows to define a dynamic parameter which captures more than one segment of the path by defining your route as /categories/:categoryId+ (router uses path-to-regex to match)
When defined this way, route as /categories/outfit/jackets/mountains will have a categoryId parameter with value outfit/jackets/mountains, which can be passed into the component, easily parsed and worked with...
See my example below:
Vue.config.devtools = false
Vue.config.productionTip = false
const categories = [{
name: 'outfit',
childs: [{
name: 'jackets',
childs: [{
name: 'mountains'
name: 'pants',
childs: [{
name: 'short'
}, {
name: 'long'
name: 'boots',
childs: [{
name: 'barefoot'
}, {
name: 'mountains'
name: 'knives',
childs: [{
name: 'hunting'
name: 'souvenirs'
name: 'kitchen'
name: 'skinning'
name: 'throwing'
const cat = Vue.component('categories', {
data: function() {
return {
categories: categories // in real life, this data is shared for example using Vuex
template: `
<template v-for="cat in categories">
<router-link :to="'/categories/'" :key=""> {{ }} </router-link>
const catView = Vue.component('category-view', {
data: function() {
return {
categories: categories // in real life, this data is shared for example using Vuex
props: ['categoryId'],
template: `
<router-link :to="parentCategoryPath"> <- Back </router-link>
<div>Params: {{ categoryId }}</div>
<template v-if="categoryDefinition && categoryDefinition.childs">
<template v-for="cat in categoryDefinition.childs">
<router-link :to="$route.path+ '/'" :key=""> {{ }} </router-link>
computed: {
categoryDefinition() {
let subCategory = this.categories.find(cat => === this.categoryId[0]);
for (i = 1; i < this.categoryId.length; i++) {
subCategory = subCategory.childs.find(cat => === this.categoryId[i])
return subCategory
parentCategoryPath() {
return '/categories/' + this.categoryId.slice(0, -1).join('/')
const router = new VueRouter({
base: '/js',
mode: 'history',
routes: [{
path: '/',
redirect: '/categories',
path: '/categories',
component: cat,
path: '/categories/:categoryId+',
component: catView,
props: route => ({
categoryId: route.params.categoryId.split('/')
const vm = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: function() {
return {}
hr {
border: none;
border-top: 3px double #333;
color: #333;
overflow: visible;
text-align: center;
height: 5px;
<script src=""></script>
<script src="" integrity="sha512-c5QVsHf336TmWncPySsNK2ncFiVsPEWOiJGDH/Le/5U6q1hU6F5B7ziAgRwCokxjmu4HZBkfWsQg/D/+X3hFww==" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<div id="app">
{{ $route.path }}

Vue.js: Including same instance of component multiple times in page

What I am trying to accomplish:
I have some filters that display on a page to filter the products that display on the page. In mobile, I want to hide these filters behind a button that, once pressed, will show the filters in a slide out menu from the side.
While I can duplicate the same components on the page twice, the components are not the exact same instance, that is, clicking on a filter will trigger that function to filter the products on the page, but it sets its own data attributes, which I am using to say "if data attribute 'selected' is true, add a 'selected' class to the component. When I resize the window, the other instance of the component does not have the 'selected' data attribute marked as 'true'.
I expect this, because, from the docs:
Notice that when clicking on the buttons, each one maintains its own, separate count. That’s because each time you use a component, a new instance of it is created.
...but what would be the best way to do this?
I played around with the idea of just setting a class 'mobile' on the component, and the .mobile css would style the components differently, but I need for it to break out where it is nested.
<!-- desktop -->
<!-- mobile -->
Here is my Vue component 'guitar-filters' that displays several components called 'instrument-filter':
Vue.component('guitar-filters', {
data: function() {
return {
isMobile: false
mounted: function() {
var comp = this;
window.addEventListener('resize', function() {
methods: {
setIsMobile: function() {
this.isMobile = (window.innerWidth <= 900) ? true : false;
template: `
<ul class="filters" :class="{mobile: isMobile}">
<instrument-filter filter-by="series" filter="All">All</instrument-filter>
<instrument-filter filter-by="series" filter="Frontier">Frontier</instrument-filter>
<instrument-filter filter-by="series" filter="Legacy">Legacy</instrument-filter>
<instrument-filter filter-by="series" filter="USA">USA</instrument-filter>
Body Shape
<instrument-filter filter-by="bodyType" filter="All">All</instrument-filter>
<instrument-filter filter-by="bodyType" filter="Concert">Concert</instrument-filter>
<instrument-filter filter-by="bodyType" filter="Concertina">Concertina</instrument-filter>
<instrument-filter filter-by="bodyType" filter="Concerto">Concerto</instrument-filter>
<instrument-filter filter-by="bodyType" filter="Orchestra">Orchestra</instrument-filter>
The instrument-filter component:
Vue.component('instrument-filter', {
data: function() {
return {
selected: false
props : [
methods: {
addFilter: function() {
this.$root.$emit('addFilter',{filterBy: this.filterBy,filter: this.filter});
clearFilter: function() {
this.$root.$emit('clearFilter',{filterBy: this.filterBy,filter: this.filter});
template: `
<li :class="{ 'selected' : selected }" #click="selected = !selected; selected ? addFilter() : clearFilter()"><slot></slot></li>
ul.filters > li > ul > li.selected::before {
content: "✔️";
The goal is to have a filter have the 'selected' class in both instances. If I click on 'concert' body shape, and then resize the window to mobile breakpoint, the other instance of that filter component will be selected also.
EDIT: I could hack this. I could move one instance of the component with javascript, but I'm learning Vue, and want to do this the Vue way and best practices.
There's a number of different ways you can handle this. It looks like you've started down the event bus path. Another option could be to use shared app state (see Vuex).
What I've done is similar to shared state, but just using app (same would apply to a common parent component) data. The shared object is passed to both instances of the component. If an item is selected, the appropriate entry is toggled. Since the object is shared, both components stay in sync.
If there was no common parent component, you'd have to look at events or state.
Take a look and see if that helps.
Vue.component('guitar-filters', {
props: [ 'data' ],
data: function() {
return {
isMobile: false
mounted: function() {
var comp = this;
window.addEventListener('resize', function() {
methods: {
setIsMobile: function() {
this.isMobile = (window.innerWidth <= 900) ? true : false;
template: `
<ul class="filters" :class="{mobile: isMobile}">
<instrument-filters :list="data.seriesFilters"/>
Body Shape
<instrument-filters :list="data.bodyFilters"/>
Vue.component('instrument-filters', {
props : [ 'list', ],
methods: {
toggle(toggleItem) {
let itemInList = this.list.find((item) => item.value === toggleItem.value);
itemInList.selected = !itemInList.selected;
template: `
<li v-for="item in list" :class="{ 'selected' : item.selected }" #click="toggle(item)">{{ item.label }}</li>
new Vue({
el: "#app",
data: {
filterData: {
seriesFilters: [
{ label: 'All', value: 'All', selected: false },
{ label: 'Frontier', value: 'Frontier', selected: false },
{ label: 'Legacy', value: 'Legacy', selected: false },
{ label: 'USA', value: 'USA', selected: false },
bodyFilters: [
{ label: 'All', value: 'All', selected: false },
{ label: 'Concert', value: 'Concert', selected: false },
{ label: 'Concertina', value: 'Concertina', selected: false },
{ label: 'Concerto', value: 'Concerto', selected: false },
{ label: 'Orchestra', value: 'Orchestra', selected: false },
ul {
ul > li {
cursor: pointer;
ul.filters > li > ul > li.selected::before {
content: "✔️";
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<!-- desktop -->
<guitar-filters :data="filterData" />
<!-- mobile -->
<guitar-filters :data="filterData" />

Filter out duplicate data in Vue

How can I filter out duplicate tags in a list, so that only one of each tag is listed?
Here's my component code:
<v-layout row wrap>
<li v-for="post in sortByName(posts)" :key="post.key">
v-for="i in sortByName(post.tags)"
:color="`${i.color} lighten-3`"
<span class="pr-2">
{{ i.text }}
import { mapState } from 'vuex'
const fb = require('../firebaseConfig.js')
export default {
data: () => ({
computed: {
methods: {
// function to put the tags in the right order to a -> z
sortByName (list) {
return _.orderBy(list, 'text', 'asc');
For example, in the screenshot below, I want to filter out Beach, so that I only see Beach once in the list:
The data looks like this:
One solution is to use a computed property that returns a new list (e.g., filteredPosts) of posts with its tags array filtered. In the example below, a cache inside the computed property is used to track tags. The computed handler maps this.posts[] into a new Array and filters each entry's tags[], tracking new tags in the cache as "seen" and removing tags already "seen".
<li v-for="post in filteredPosts" :key="post.key">
computed: {
filteredPosts() {
const tagCache = {};
const newPosts = => {
return {,
tags: post.tags.filter(tag => {
const seen = tagCache[tag.text];
tagCache[tag.text] = true;
return !seen;
return newPosts;
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data() {
return {
posts: [
key: 1,
tags: [
{ color: 'blue', text: 'Sky' },
{ color: 'green', text: 'Tree' },
{ color: 'yellow', text: 'Beach' },
key: 2,
tags: [
{ color: 'purple', text: 'Grape' },
{ color: 'red', text: 'Apple' },
{ color: 'orange', text: 'Orange' },
key: 3,
tags: [
{ color: 'blue', text: 'Blueberry' },
{ color: 'yellow', text: 'Beach' },
key: 4,
tags: [
{ color: 'pink', text: 'Flower' },
{ color: 'yellow', text: 'Beach' },
methods: {
// function to put the tags in the right order to a -> z
sortByName (list) {
return _.orderBy(list, 'text', 'asc');
computed: {
filteredPosts () {
const tagCache = {};
// map `posts` to a new array that filters
// out duplicate tags
const newPosts = => {
return {,
tags: post.tags.filter(tag => {
const seen = tagCache[tag.text];
tagCache[tag.text] = true;
return !seen;
return newPosts;
#import ''
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<v-app id="inspire">
<v-container fluid class="pa-0">
<v-layout row wrap>
<li v-for="post in filteredPosts" :key="post.key">
<v-chip v-for="i in sortByName(post.tags)"
:color="`${i.color} lighten-3`"
<span class="pr-2">
{{ i.text }}

Vue js toogle the items in the list

I wanted to create a side menu bar. I have added a class show when the li should be shown.
But in my case what happen is when one item is shown(1st) and next(2nd) item is clicked, the 1st get collapsed(which is fine) but the 2nd do not show up immediately.
new Vue({
el: '#app',
methods: {
setActiveItemId(itemIndex) {
this.activeItemId = itemIndex
this.isActive = !this.isActive
data: {
message: 'Hello Vue.js!',
isActive: false,
activeItemId: '',
sideBar: [{
name: "Dashboard",
url: "/dashboard",
icon: "ti-world",
children: [{
name: "Buttons",
url: "/components/buttons",
icon: "fa-book",
name: "Social Buttons",
url: "/components/social-buttons",
icon: "icon-puzzle",
name: "Components",
url: "/components",
icon: "ti-pencil-alt",
children: [{
name: "Buttons",
url: "/components/buttons",
icon: "fa-book",
name: "Social Buttons",
url: "/components/social-buttons",
icon: "icon-puzzle",
}) {
display: block;
.collapse {
display: none;
.list-unstyled {
padding-left: 0;
list-style: none;
.collapse.list-unstyled {
padding-left: 15px;
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<ul class="list-unstyled">
<i class="ti-home"></i>Home</a>
<li v-for="(x, itemIndex) in sideBar" :key="itemIndex">
<a #click="setActiveItemId(itemIndex)">
<i class="fa" :class="x.icon"></i>{{}}
<ul :id="" class="collapse list-unstyled" :class="{'show':activeItemId === itemIndex && isActive}">
<li v-for="y in x.children" :key="">
So, How can i collapse the 1st and display the 2nd immediately, when 2nd item is clicked?
The problem is that inside your setActiveItemId method you are always toggling the isActive state, regardless of which item is being activated. That means that it toggles the same item, but when jumping to another you'll have to click twice. I'd take a different approach, where isActive is a computed property instead of residing in the data.
// ...
methods: {
setActiveItemId(itemIndex) {
// If item is currently selected, toggle
if (itemIndex === this.activeItemId) {
this.activeItemId = ''
this.activeItemId = itemIndex
computed: {
isActive () {
return this.activeItemId !== ''
Here's the updated fiddle:
Unrelated but worth noting: remember that your data must be a function that returns the data object, and not an object itself.

VueTwo Way Data Binding with Nested Components

Suppose I want to display a List of Questions. For each question, there is a list of answers, none of which are right or wrong. For each question, the user can choose an answer. I'm wondering how to create two-way binding on the selected answer.
The Vue:
new Vue(
el: "#app",
questions: [{}]
Example Question Model:
id: 1,
name: "Which color is your favorite?",
selectedAnswerId: null,
selectedAnswerName: null,
{id: 1, name: red, photoUrl: ".../red", selected: false},
{id: 2, name: green, photoUrl: ".../green", selected: false},
{id: 3, name: blue, photoUrl: ".../blue", selected: false},
var myAnswer =
props: ["id", "name", "url", "selected"],
<div class="answer" v-bind:class="{selected: selected}">
<img class="answer-photo" v-bind:src="url">
<div class="answer-name">{{name}}</div>
props: ["id", "name", "answers"],
"my-answer": myAnswer
<div class ="question">
<div class="question-name">{{name}}</div>
<div class="question-answers">
<my-answer v-for="answer in answers" v-bind:id="" v-bind:name="" v-bind:url="answer.photoUrl" v-bind:selected="answer.selected"></my-answer>
When the user selects an answer to a question by clicking on the div, I want the Question model's selectedAnswerId/selectedAnswerName along with the answers selected property to be set accordingly. Therefore, what do I need to add to my components in order to accomplish this two-way binding? I believe it requires input elements and v-model, but I couldn't quite figure it out. Also, I am only one day into Vue.js and have no experience with related frameworks. So if I am doing anything blatantly wrong or against best practice, that would be good to know as well. Thanks in advance!
The answer will handle a click event and emit a (custom) selected-answer event. The question will have its own data item to store the selected answer ID; the answer component's selected prop will be based on that. The question will handle the selected-answer event by setting its selectedId.
var myAnswer = {
props: ["id", "name", "url", "selected"],
template: `
<div class="answer" v-bind:class="{selected: selected}"
<img class="answer-photo" :src="url">
<div class="answer-name">{{name}}</div>
methods: {
setSelection() {
Vue.component("my-question", {
props: ["id", "name", "answers"],
data() {
return {
selectedId: null
components: {
"my-answer": myAnswer
template: `
<div class ="question">
<div class="question-name">{{name}}</div>
<div class="question-answers">
<my-answer v-for="answer in answers"
:id="" :name="" :url="answer.photoUrl"
:selected=" === selectedId" #selected-answer="selectAnswer"></my-answer>
methods: {
selectAnswer(answerId) {
this.selectedId = answerId;
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
questions: [{
id: 1,
name: "Which color is your favorite?",
answers: [{
id: 1,
name: 'red',
photoUrl: ".../red"
id: 2,
name: 'green',
photoUrl: ".../green"
id: 3,
name: 'blue',
photoUrl: ".../blue"
.answer {
cursor: pointer;
.selected {
background-color: #f0f0f0;
<script src="//"></script>
<div id="app">
<my-question v-for="q in questions" :name="" :answers="q.answers"></my-question>