Migrate Android Module to Standalone Library - kotlin

I built an Android app and spent a lot of time creating an api/network layer. Having invested quite a lot of time on this, I wanted to make this module its own library. I have found some solutions to import and export modules between android projects and making them into AAR's however what I am most interested in is using this in our java/kotlin based microservices. Hundreds of endpoints later I went to build a microservice and realized i needed to re-create this entire layer instead of serving it from our own repository.
Exhausting the search engine to no avail, has anyone done this? Any details of how to go about it?


Best way to share NestJS entities(or modules) between the private applications

We've been using the NestJS to build the backend service(=original project from now on). We're also going to create another NestJS application which is depending on same database with the original one so I need to access the entities(typeorm's entities) in original project. What's the best way of the sharing the entities(or modules) between multiple NestJS applications? Some ways I've thought are
creating entity files which might looks same with the one in original applications. (copy and paste)
creating module(need to be shared) as a npm package and install it in new project.
=> I feel like it's quite overkill as I need to create account and pay to npm for making private npm modules.
Any ideas or suggestion? Thanks in advance!
The optimal effort/result solution may be a monorepo. The idea is to create a nestJS project of type library which can hold assets you want to share. Other instances can import assets/interfaces/classes very easly from there.
If you go further than that into monorepos, tools like Nx are also an option but also require more time to set up.
Copy/paste would be a maintenance nightmare in my opinion and manual library/dependency share is pretty much the same effort if not more as using provided solutions like monorepo pattern.

Outdated React Native Project

I posted this question yesterday, but apparently worded it badly, so I'm trying again.
I'm working on a project that had been closed for a couple of years and reopened. During that time, a large number of the included node_modules have gone out of support (or at least the versions being used), React Native has been updated several times, new rules came out for building iOS projects, etc. leaving the project in a pretty broken state.
The previous team that worked on the project didn't leave much in the way of documentation, and we're stuck figuring out the details on our own.
There are two of us on the UI development, and we're able to build the project as-is using all of the old components. However, as soon as we start upgrading anything, we run into conflicts.
I've spent a good bit of time (several different times combined) trying to find a way to get the upgrade started, but everything I've tried runs into conflicts.
For purposes of clarity, he problems that I encounter include:
npm reports ERESOLVE Unable to resolve dependency tree
many errors (hundreds) come out of the XCode build - version compatibility, not allowed to use deprecated components, legacy build system outdated, conflicting pointer assignments, etc
All tools need to be upgraded (Node, npm, Android Studio, Xcode, React, React Native, Gradle, etc
Is there somewhere I can find an article or tutorial or something with a step-by-step, repeatable process for creating a project from scratch and adding the required components in an orderly way so that I can upgrade the whole process at once?
Also, I know that a lot of open source projects support their products with paid services, but that doesn't appear to be the case with React Native as far as I can tell. Is there somewhere we can find a project / build expert to come in and work with us on this?
Any help would really be appreciated!
Thanks in advance!

Ionic2 client + Meteor server, which approach is better?

I want to have Meteor as a server and Ionic2 as a client. I currently have a headache with authentifiacation. It seems that there are two different approaches:
First is use of Meteor server and Meteor client with ionic-angular library. This approach described here
I guess the advantage of this method is use of Meteor native architecture, on the other hand I guess we're using Ionic2 just like a subframework and maybe loosing some stuff from native Ionic2.
The second is using separate Meteor server ('client' folder deleted completely) and native Ionic2. This approach described here
This option is vice versa: use of native Ionic2, but it has to use libraries like meteor-client-side, accounts-base-client-side, accounts-password-client-side etc, which I'm not sure are native for Meteor.
The first approach looks better, because there is a ready-to-use UI component for authentification. But I wonder what issues I would have, when I come to the step of completing my applications for different types of devices.
Thank you in advance for your help.
These approaches are essentially the same for the authentication itself.
What you are pointing out is more about what mobile platform to choose to develop and run mobile projects.
In the first case, you use Meteor's built-in Cordova platform to run the app and Meteor's compiler and bundler plugins (like TypeScript package or Meteor core packages for Babel and UglifyJS etc) to develop the app. In the second case, you develop and run the app solely on Ionic 2 CLI.
But from the app logic point of view these approaches are absolutely same: you import the same Ionic 2 components and use the same Meteor packages with the only difference in the second case is that these packages are now NPMs not Atmosphere ones (essentially though they contain the same scripts since these NPMs are built from Atmosphere packages).
The reason why What’sApp clone is built in that way that differs from the Socially’s one is simply described in the README of
the What’sApp repo (see https://github.com/Urigo/Ionic2CLI-Meteor-WhatsApp). If to repeat: since Ionic is a one of the best Web frameworks that specializes solely in building mobile apps, it’s reasonable to guess that it’ll be (and likely it is) much more powerful in building them than Meteor itself. From that point of view the second approach seems more future-proof, I would say. You could think even of building your project in some way that will allow you to substitute Meteor easily with some another framework if you decide to use it at some point in the future.
If you are though concerned about using those NPMs mentioned in the second case (e.g., if the process of building them doesn’t look transparent to you), you could try this project https://github.com/Urigo/meteor-client-bundler to bundle Atmosphere packages you need into separate scripts and use them after.

Aurelia: Webpack, JSPM or CLI?

I've been developing in Aurelia-CLI for about 3 months and like it so far. I think it's a solid framework and obviously escalating in support and usage. That's a good thing!
Before I develop much more of my large app, I'm wondering if I'm using the best build system. I've only tried Aurelia-CLI and am not really familiar with Webpack or JSPM, and therefore I don't know what I'm missing. Are there any clear advantages or disadvantages in using either of the other two build systems, or is using the CLI the most clean and supported approach? Since I'm developing independently, I don't have any external constraints.
Thanks for your help.
This answer is almost two years old. Feel free to research updates and provide another more complete answer and I can replace this answer or point to that answer. Thanks!
Aurelia CLI
Aurelia CLI is great for getting started. It's important to understand that under the covers the CLI is using require.js but proxies the configuration through aurelia.json in your application. This means that you need to understand how to configure aurelia to work with require.js at the moment. Once you need to start configuring to match your workflow or change build steps up it gets a bit cumbersome at the moment. We are working to improve this. There are many features planned for the Aurelia CLI but given at the time of writing this that it is in an alpha / beta state it should generally be used on proof of concept or other smaller apps, not production-ready large scale apps yet.
WebPack is arguably the most popular kid on the block at the moment. WebPack is not a module loader, but a bundler. It's important to understand this because while we strive to make Aurelia work great with all module loaders WebPack by default is not in charge of loading modules so a dynamically loaded application requires the developer to expand on this. WebPack is strong in creating optimized bundles and can be easy to use as long as you are comfortable with configure WebPack. WebPack has considerably more GitHub stars due to the popularity from React using WebPack it's hard to say whether the choice is better when using Aurelia simply because of the number of GitHub stars.
JSPM / System.js
Some of the skeletons use JSPM and System.js. The reason is that these are the closest to 'spec compliant' solutions. JSPM tries to help as much as possible when loading from the JSPM registry. If not yet available in the registry you can load from NPM or GitHub directly. From a module loading perspective you use a config.js file that is (usually) automatically maintained when installing dependencies to improve the developer workflow.
Side biased note
On most larger apps at the moment I typically prefer using JSPM / System.js simply because I have a great understanding of the tooling and prefer the control that I am provided. I work on a great number of Aurelia apps that are in production and typically reserve CLI for smaller proof of concept apps and WebPack is a great alternative but I prefer the flexibility and understanding I have with JSPM / System.js at the moment.
The CLI isn't currently feature complete, but it is a much simpler setup. Webpack can basically do anything you want to do, but you'll be maintaining your webpack configuration just as much as you maintain your Aurelia code.
Ok, maybe not just as much, but you'll have to learn Webpack to use webpack. The Aurelia CLI is simple to get started, but has some definite limitations. For example, CSS files that reference external resources won't work w/the Aurelia CLI, but they should work fine with Webpack.
First, I can understand if this post gets shutdown due to its subjective nature.
I believe it's time to re-visit the answers about Aurelia CLI being a second-class tool. I respect both PW Kad and Ashley Grant immensely, but I am just not convinced that a statement like this is true anymore:
There are many features planned for the Aurelia CLI but given at the
time of writing this that it is in an alpha / beta state it should
generally be used on proof of concept or other smaller apps, not
production-ready large scale apps yet.
Notably, I have a production application that way back in the day I started with Aurelia CLI, and changed it to JSPM precisely for the reasons noted. But recently, I rebuilt the same app from scratch using the CLI and I realize that it is much easier to use, particularly managing modules and publishing! And this is an app with Google Maps, Google Analytics, Auth0, DevExpress, Bootstrap, etc.
Just think it is time to give Aurelia CLI a little love. It's ready.
Aurelia CLI is the most preferred option with this announcement.
Now It has more flexibility for your choice of preferences.

How do you manage PhoneGap and webapp Code?

As far as I see every time I make a change, for example the value of a configuration variable, I have to
Make a copy of the change in each project (webapp, Android, IPhone, etc.)
Build each project
Distribute each project (besides the webapp)
I have found PhoneGap build which seems to be a great solution for the mobile part. But it's still beta and it doesn't solve everything. I still have webapp's code, which is not exactly the same.
Do you know techniques, tools or tricks, which help to improve this process?
Thanks in advance.
We are currently developing a web/Android app using PhoneGap and Sencha Touch (iOS is coming soon). So far our approach is as follows:
We have one project per platform plus several additional toolkit projects.
One platform is "primary", web in our case. This is what developers mainly use to develop and test the app. We're using jsTestDriver for testing.
During the build, the app is packaged for web in the first step. We're producing several artifacts here (.war file, tests in a .jar file).
"Secondary" platform projects do not include the source code. It gets unpackaged and copied to the right places when projects are built. This also includes tests from the primary platform.
Platform projects contain some additional code - normally only testing code, app code itself is currently cross-platform (not sure if it will stay this way).
So we're doing it mainly through advanced build scripts. We're using Maven for web and Android. iOS is coming soon (into our work, I mean), so we'll be looking for some sensible build tool there too.
We're building our projects using Hudson continuous integration.
What I have to admit is that this whole environment (multi-project Maven builds, JSTD, multi-node Hudson) is a hell of a setup, took quite an effort to figure it out.