Is it possible to instruct msbuild to output its execution plan without actually building the code? - msbuild

Suppose we have sequential build, i.e. a single node. msbuild parses the solution file, examines all the project dependencies and decides to build the projects in a certain order.
Is it possible to instruct msbuild just to output this order without actually building anything?
I realize I can implement this logic myself using MSBuild API. I can read the solution file and all the projects and build the dependency graph myself. I am specifically curious if msbuild can do it, since it does this logic anyway already.

There are various diagnostic features in MSBuild but currently there isn't a feature that is like reporting a SQL execution plan or like PowerShell's -WhatIf parameter.
You could submit a feature request at dotnet/msbuild.
If you do submit a feature request, provide the link here.


How to override csproj.user for msbuild invocation?

My colleagues and I have user specific settings in csproj.user files. They are not checked into the repository. I would like for the build server to use its own set of csproj.user files, overriding certain properties, leaving the "base" project configuration at a decent developer default. But from the looks of it there is no such option in the msbuild command-line for doing that.
Is there really no way, other than copy csproj.user-files to where it'll be picked up by subsequent msbuild invocations?
While writing I realize I'm too much of a prude about these things and should just copy as a step prior build. Still posting in case someone knows a better way, for instance a way that does not modify the source tree.
Passing properties to the MSBuild command line overrides properties in the solution, including dependent projects. Here omitting debug information in build server, otherwise generated for release build to improve profiling:
msbuild MySolution.sln /p:DebugType=none ...
This does not work should I want different properties for different projects. Building projects individually should work nicely though.
Finally, passing arguments on command line can get messy, so to get a more "settings file"-like experience one may instead use #file arguments and MSBuild response files.

Is is possible to pass a variable from the build process to Visual Basic code?

My goal is to create build definitions within Visual Studio Team Services for both test and production environments. I need to update 2 variables in my code which determine which database and which blob storage the environment uses. Up till now, I've juggled this value in a Resource variable, and pulled that value in code from My.Resources.DB for a library, and Microsoft.Azure.CloudConfigurationManager.GetSetting("DatabaseConnectionString") for an Azure worker role. However, changing 4 variables every time I do a release is getting tiring.
I see a lot of posts that get close to what I want, but they're geared towards C#. For reasons beyond my influence, this project is written in VB.NET. It seems I have 2 options. First, I could call the MSBuild process with a couple of defined properties, passing them to the .metaproj build file, but I don't know how to get them to be used in VB code. That's preferable, but, at this point, I'm starting to doubt that this is possible.
I've been able to set some pre-processor constants, to be recognized in #If-#Else directives.
#If DEBUG = True Then
BarStaticItemVersion.Caption = String.Format("Version: {0}", "")
BarStaticItemVersion.Caption = String.Format("Version: {0}", "")
#End If
msbuild CalbertNG.sln.metaproj /t:Rebuild /p:DefineConstants="DEBUG=False"
This seems to work, though I need to Rebuild to change the value of that constant. Should I have to? Should Build be enough? Is this normal, or an indication that I don't have something set quite right?
I've seen other posts that talk about pre-processing the source files with some other builder, like Ant, but that seems like overkill. It feels like I'm close here. But I want to zoom out and ask, from a clean sheet of paper, if you're given 2 variables which need to change per environment, you're using VB.NET, and you want to incorporate those variable values in an automated VS Team Services build process upon code check-in, what's the best way to do it? (I want to define the variables in the VSTS panel, but this just passes them to my builder, so I have to know how to parse the call to MSBuild to make these useful.)
I can control picking between 2 static strings, now, via compiler directives, but I'd really like to reference the Build.BuildNumber that comes out of the MSBuild process to display to the user, and, if I can do that, I can just feed the variables for database and blob container via the same mechanism, and skip the pre-processor.
You've already found the way you can pass data from the MsBuild Arguments directly into the code. An alternative is to use the Condition Attribute in your project files to make certain property groups optional, it allows you to even include specific files conditionally. You can control conditions by passing in /p:ConditionalProperty=value on the MsBuild command. This at least ensures people use a set of values that make sense together.
The problem is that when MsBuild is running in Incremental mode it is likely to not process your changes (as you've noticed), the reason for this, is that the input files remain unchanged since the last build and are all older than the last generated output files.
To by-pass this behavior you'd normally create a separate solution configuration and override the output location for all projects to be unique for that configuration. Combined with setting the Compiler constants for that specific configuration you're ensured that when building that Configuration/Platform combination, incremental builds work as intended.
I do want to echo some of the comments from JerryM and Daniel Mann. Some items are better stored in else where or updated before you actually start the compile phase.
Possible solutions:
Store your configuration data in config files and use Configuration Transformation to generate the right config file base don the selected solution configuration. The process is explained on MSDN. To enable configuration transformation on all project types, you can use SlowCheetah.
Store your ocnfiguration data in the config files and use MsDeploy and specify a Parameters.xml file that matches the deploy package. It will perform the transformation on deploy time and will actually allow your solution to contain a standard config file you use at runtime, plus a publish profile which will post-process your configuration. You can use a SetParameters.xml file to override the variables at deploy time.
Create an installer project (such as through Wix) and merge the final configuration at install time (similar to the MsDeploy). You could even provide a UI which prompts for specific values (and can supply default values).
Use a CI server, like the new TFS/VSTS 2015 task based build engine and combine it with a task that can search&replace tokens, like the Replace Tokens task, Tokenization Task, Colin's ALM Corner Build and Release Tasks. And a whole bunch that specifically deal with versioning. Handling these things in the CI server also allows you to do a quick build locally at all times and do these relatively expensive steps on the build server (patching source code breaks incremental build in MsBuild, because there are always newer input files.
When talking specifically about versioning, there are a number of ways to set the AssemblyVersion and AssemblyFileVersion just before compile time, usually it involves overriding the AssemblyInfo.cs file before compilation. Your code could then use reflection to read the value at runtime. You can use the AssemblyInformationalversion to specify something like you do in the example above which contains .xxx or other text. It also ensures that the version displayed always reflects the information obtained when reading the file properties through Windows Explorer.

Can I access the MsBuildWorkspace from within a MsBuild Task class?

As far as I understand, Roslyn have introduced the concept of Workspaces. One implementation of Workspaces is the MsBuildWorkspace.
My question is, can I from within a custom build task access a Roslyn Workspace representing the project being built?
I suspect that this is the purpose of MsBuildWorkspace. If so, can I access this workspace from the Execute method in my custom task (derived from Microsoft.Build.Utilities.Task)?
In case you are wondering why, I need to traverse other aspects of the project being built.
It is not enough for me to have access to the specific input file of the task to generate the output.
I suspect that this is the purpose of MsBuildWorkspace
The point of MsBuildWorkspace is to parse an MSBuild project or solution into a Roslyn workspace.
MSBuild itself (which is what actually runs your MSBuild task) does not use Roslyn at all (it just invokes the C# compilation task, which is implemented using Roslyn), so there is no existing MsBuildWorkspace that you could fetch.
You could create your own MsBuildWorkspace from the project file.

WIX MSBuild automation help - solution best practices

I know there are many questions out there regarding this same information. I have read them all, but my brain is all turned around and I don't know which way to go. Plus the lack of documentation really hurts.
Here is my scenerio. We are trying to use WIX to create an installer for our application that goes out to our dealers for our product information. The app includes about 2000 images and documents of our products and a SQL CE database that are updated via Microsoft Sync Framework. The data changes so often that keeping these 2000 as content files in the app's project is very undesirable. The app relies on .NET Framework 3.5 SP1, SQL Server CE 3.5, Microsoft Sync Framework 1.0 and ADO.NET Sync Services 2.0.
Here are the requirements for the app:
The dealers will be given the app on a CD every year for any updates (app or data updates).
The app must update itself from the internet to get any new images, documents or data.
The prerequisites must be installed if they do not exist on the client machine.
The complete installer should be generated from an MSBuild script with as little human interaction as possible (we don't want to be manually updating the 2000+ file list).
What we have accomplished so far is that we have a Votive project in our solution. We have manually specified the binaries in a .wxs file. Web have modified the .wixproj file to use the HeatDirectory task to gather our data (images and documents and database) from a specified location (This is broken and giving an ICE38 error). This seems all right, but still is a lot of work. We have to manually update our data by running the program in release mode and copying it to the specified directory.
I am looking to see what other people would do in this situation.
How would you arrange your solution with regards to the 2000+ data files? Would you create a custom build script that gets the current data from the server or would you include them as content files in the main project?
How would you get WIX to include all of the project output (including the referenced assemblies) and all of the data files? If you have any complete samples, that would be great. All I have found are little clips here and there and not an entire example from start to finish.
How would you deal with the version numbers? Would you put them as a constant in the build script and reference them through the $(var.VersionNumberName)? Would you have the version number automatically picked up from the project being deployed? If so, How?
If there is any better information than what I am finding, please include. I have read numerous articles, blogs, Stackoverflow questions, the tuturial, the wiki, etc. Everything seems to be in bits and pieces. The tutorial is nice, but doesn't explain anything about MSBuild and Votive. I would like to see a start to finish tutorial on using MSBuild and Votive and all the WIX MSBuild targets. If no one knows of a tutorial like this I may put one together. I have already spent the entire week gathering info and reading. I'm new to MSBuild as well, so if anyone has any great articles on MSBuild, please include them.
The key is to isolate the different types of complexities into separate merge modules and put them altogether into an MSI as part of the build. That way things that change often can change without impacting things that hardly change at all.
1) For the data files:
We use Paraffin to generate the WiX and hence the merge modules for an html + Flash based help system consisting of thousands of files (I can't convince the customer to go to CHM).
Compile these into a merge module all by themselves.
2) Assemblies: assuming that this is a set that changes less often just make a merge module by hand or with WixEdit with the correct files and dependencies.
3) For the version number there a lot of ways to manage this depending on your build system. The AssemblyInfoTask is pretty straight forward way to make sure all your assemblies are versioned appropriately. The MSBuild Extension Pack has some versioning stuff if you are using TFS.
I had a similar scenario and was unable to find a drop in solution so ended up with the following:
I wrote a custom command line program called wixgen.exe for generating wxs manifest files. It is pretty specific to our implementation in that it only knows how to create 2 types of wxs files. One for IIS Website/Virtual Directory deployments and another for Windows Service deployments.
Each time a build is triggered by our continuous integration server a post-build task runs wixgen with the right args to generate a new manifest.wxs for the project being changed. It automatically includes all the files needed for the deployment. These builds also version the dlls using a variation of the technique at:
A seperate build which is manually triggered is then used to build the wixproj projects containing the generated wxs files and produce the msi's.
I would ditch the CD delivery (so 90's) and got with ClickOnce. This solution seems to fit well since you already use the .NET framework. With ClickOnce you should be able to just keep updating the content of your solution and make updates available to your heart's content. Let me know if you need, sample ClickOnce deployment code.
You can find more ClickOnce information here.
Similar to dkackman's answer, you should seperate your build into several components, isolating build components to be built seperately.
I come from a mainly Java background, however for building MSIs and NET executables we use maven; with the 'maven-wix-plugin' plugin for building the installers, and using the NMaven plugin for compiling any NET code. However, as we're only performing very basic development in NET, with most development in Java, we don't need too much complexity from the NMaven plugin (which is probably a 'good thing' (TM) as it's only at version 0.17).
If you're a purely NET house, you could also look into Blydan (, which seems to be the focus of development there at the moment (it's the same team for NMaven and Byldan).
If you do want more information on NMaven or Byldan raise another question and I'll give as much info as I can (which is not a huge amount, as stated I only do very limited NET development).

Seeing project dependancies from MSBuild

Is there a mode, some switch or a programmatic way that I can ask MSBuild to display or output it's calculated dependencies for a given build file?
Some background -
I have a large project that requires splitting up to speed up the build time and want to remove the slow changing infrastructure code into it's own release area. Not all of the information is contained in the build file itself, as some sub-projects are referenced by their vcproj or csproj files.
I'd really like to see what MSBuild thinks needs doing (either worse-case [rebuild all] and perhaps for a make) without actually doing the rebuild.
The MSBuild Profiler project should be able to help you in seeing where time is being taken on the build. It doesn't directly show dependencies. With or without build dependencies, just profiling the builds can probably give some insight and help speed up the process.
I did just come across this application, but I have not used it myself yet, Dependency Visualizer that looks to have just added MSBuild-compatible project files. There have also been posts about doing this previously, but no code (see A, B).
Whilst I asked the original question quite a long time ago, I have moved on in jobs and surprisingly encountered the same need. In this case I was more successful in my pursuit of a tool and discovered Microsoft Build Sidekick which offers:
of Microsoft Visual Studio© 2005, 2008 and 2010 project files.
As well as debugging and logging features I haven't yet used, it has a diagramming mode where you can select the "Target" and it shows all of the dependent Targets and steps within them. Apparently this diagram can be viewed when stepping through the build process (debugging)!