Select specific month and year in b-form-datepicker - vue.js

I would like to ask, how can I select for specific month and year in b-form-datepicker?
my date picker looks like this
but I need it to have like this feature
Any help would be appreaciated


SQL Server : get data where date + last 2 financial years

I wish to find data from where current date and also include data from the last 2 financial years
Basically I want data going back from 'today' to 01/04/2019. I want to add this line of data to dynamically happen, not just a one off for the future
Thus if the date today was 05/06/2022, I would want the date going from that date, backwards until what would be 01/04/2020
The column name is Date - please help
I am quite sure that it should be possible to do it in some simpler way, but you can use something like below:
declare #b date
set #b = datefromparts(year(getdate()),4,1) --first daty of fiscal year in current calendar year
select case when #b<getdate() then dateadd(year,-2,#b) else dateadd(year,-3,#b) end

How to get Previous date from given date ex. If today is 5-Feb-2018 then i wants 5-Jan-2018

For ex. in case of 5-Jan-2018 I wants to get 05-December-2017 like in case of February i need only month back remain year was same but in case of January I need month back and year back also
if date is 05-March-2018
i need 05-february-2018
If date is 05-January-2018
i need 05-December-2017
Try this:
select DATEADD(mm,-1,getdate())

Group Dates by month

I've been working on this query and I'm about 90% where I need to be however there is one piece of this that I'm unable to figure out. Basically I'm looking for the Sum of Net flows by month, starting 12/31/2014 through the current date. I'm able to extract data by day and the sum of net flows for that day, however now I really need to be able to group all the dates in to their respective months. Ex. If I have 01/01/2015, 01/02/2015 and 01/03/2015 I just want both of them to be grouped together and show up as 01/2015. Bellow is the query that I have written. Please help with this last step.
DATE >= TO_DATE ('12312014','MMDDYYYY')
You can truncate a date to a given format (day, year, month, etc.), as shown here:

Month-to-Date metric

I have a situation where the metric calculation(Month to Date Sales) is based on the month from the report date filter.
We want the month to date filter to be for the report month and not the current month - in other words, if the user selects 03/10/2015 for the report date, we want the month sales to be the sales for March,
and not the sales for June.
Is there a way to parse the report date to extract the report month into a variable that can be used in the ‘where' clause of the metrics in order to generate the desired results.
Thanks in advance.
I am not entirely sure if this answers your question, but achieving something like this may be possible when using disconnected timeline date filter. Your metric should look like this:
SELECT Sales_metric BY Month/Year (Date) ALL OTHER WHERE Month/Year (Date) = (SELECT MAX(Month/Year (Timeline)) BY ALL OTHER EXCEPT Date (Timeline))
I hope this helps, in case if it doesn't feel free to log a ticket to GoodData Support at

how to summarize sql result, week and month wise in single query

I want to summarize sql query result week wise and month wise at the same time in a grid view. Is this even possible or I am just dreaming?
Show last one month data and next two month's data week wise in the grid.
If the current month is September then I want to show data from 1st August to 31st October categorized in weeks.
Show the data after the next month of current month in month wise view in the same grid.
data for month November and December will be shown categorized in month not in weeks.
grid or result should look something like below -
Please suggest something to achieve this
If you want a maintainable solution, use two independent queries, one for weekly aggregation other for monthly. Depending on the input run corresponding query.
I think you must work with group by or group by ... cube
SELECT x , y from <tabel> GROUP BY date_feld( to_char( 'MM' ))
but i don't now your DBMS so i can't give you a exact example for the date handling.