Is there a simpler method for getting the two digit year? - sql

EDIT: Forced to use 2008 R2
I need to get the two digit year to appended to an invoice number (for simplicity sake I am using a test variable). Previously I only needed the month and day appended but the customer is now asking for the two digit year.
REPLACE((SUBSTRING(STR (Year(#Date),4),3,2)), ' ', '0')**
My code:
DECLARE #TestVariable AS VARCHAR(100),
#Date as datetime = GetDate()
SET #TestVariable = '1234'
+ REPLACE(STR(MONTH(#Date), 2), ' ', '0')
+ REPLACE(STR(DAY(#Date), 2), ' ', '0')
+ REPLACE((SUBSTRING(STR (Year(#Date),4),3,2)), ' ', '0')
PRINT #TestVariable

Honestly, just don't work with 2 digit years any more; learn the lessons of last century's mistake and use 4 digits.
If you "have" to, then you could use CONVERT with a style code, and then just replace the characters with an empty string:
DECLARE #TestVariable varchar(100) = '1234',
#Date datetime = GETDATE();
SELECT #TestVariable + REPLACE(CONVERT(varchar(8),#Date, 1),'/','');

You can simplify the whole process, not just the year portion. Using FORMAT you can accomplish this easily.
DECLARE #TestVariable AS VARCHAR(100) = '1234'
, #Date as datetime = GetDate()
Select #TestVariable + FORMAT(#Date, 'MMddyy')

select replace(convert(varchar(20),#date,1)'/','') --or any other you need
See the docs

I'll echo others' sentiment of "do you really have to use a two-digit year"? But if you have to, I like this sort of thing
set #TestVariable = '1234'
+ right('0' + cast(month(#date) as varchar(2)), 2)
+ right('0' + cast(day(#date) as varchar(2)), 2)
+ right('0' + cast(year(#date) % 100 as varchar(2)), 2);
To talk through the general approach, I'm using right('0', «something», 2) as a means to zero pad to two places, using cast(«something» as varchar(2)) to get a string instead of a number (so implicit conversion doesn't just add zero and the relevant datepart), and finally year(#date) % 100 to get the last two digits of the date.


Operand type clash: date is incompatible with int solved with CONVERT() ... but WHY?

My question is about WHY? WHAT is SQL doing to cause this error message in the situation below.
There are a few of these queries on stack but usually because of a missing DateAdd(). Here I am simply trying to put the date passed in as part of an audit note string against the record. I am not specifically asking the two variables to play together and give me a result.
Below is the line of issue. At the bottom the fuller query for context.
#Days INT,
#Date DATE
'Extension to claim of ' + #Days + ' from ' + #Date + '.' ,
WorkFlowStatusCode ,
'Number of days: ' + #Days + ' from ' + #Date + '.' ,
#UserId ,
FROM dbo.Table
WHERE ID= #VariableA
What I have found is that wrapping the #Date in a Convert() to 103 solves the issue. See Below.
'Extension to claim of ' + #Days + ' from ' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR(10),#Date,103) + '.' ,
I am simply trying to understand why I would need to do that in this situation from SQL/Database point of view. I can't find that answer online to help my understanding.
All comments greatly appreciated.
Presumably #Day is an integer. Remember that + can mean both addition and string concatenation, so SQL can get confused. Try this:
'Number of days: ' + convert(varchar(255), #Days) + ' from ' + convert(varchar(10), #Date, 103) + '.'
When using varchar() or nvarchar(), always include a length. SQL Server has a default length that varies by context. Not including the length is an easy way to create a very-hard-to-debug error.
Your code suggests varchar() rather than nvarchar() because the rest of the string are not national character sets.

SQL Most efficient way to create int value from dateTime

Using SQL Server 2008 R2, I have a trigger which updates a field AFTER UPDATE. It inserts the date for each of the updated rows. This line in the trigger does this action:
SET t.lastUpdatedDateTime = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
Using yyyymmddhhmmss the above line will insert this 2015-07-16 16:19:00. Now I have a situation where the business wants an integer version of this.
What is the most effective way to achieve this. This is what I have which does work but it seems very long and expensive:
SET t.lastUpdatedDateTimeINT = CAST('' + cast(year(GETDATE()) as varchar(4)) + right('0' + cast((month(GETDATE())) as varchar(2)), 2) + right('0' + cast((day(GETDATE())) as varchar(2)), 2) + right('0' + cast((datepart(hh, GETDATE())) as varchar(2)), 2) + right('0' + cast((datepart(MI, GETDATE())) as varchar(2)), 2) + right('0' + cast((datepart(ss, GETDATE())) as varchar(2)), 2) as bigint)
Is there a better more efficient way to do this? The desired outcome is 20150716161900
A secondary question. I am not a fan of storing dates as integers at all. in fact I have never done it before this current role. Can I ask for opinions on this, what are great reasons to avoid this? There are a few reasons why there is a preference for this in this organisation. Here is one, every time a client hit a webservice this dateTime value is delivered with the content, when the client hits the webservice in the future it need to pass in this dateTime value to effectivley get the best data back. Simply, The business is afraid this will come back in a different format.
Here is the full trigger for completness:
ALTER TRIGGER [dbo].[trig_lastUpdated]
ON [dbo].[AAdeleteMe]
IF NOT UPDATE(lastUpdatedDateTime)
-- my original code (the long way for my result)
--SET t.lastUpdatedDateTimeINT = CAST('' + cast(year(GETDATE()) as varchar(4)) + right('0' + cast((month(GETDATE())) as varchar(2)), 2) + right('0' + cast((day(GETDATE())) as varchar(2)), 2) + right('0' + cast((datepart(hh, GETDATE())) as varchar(2)), 2) + right('0' + cast((datepart(MI, GETDATE())) as varchar(2)), 2) + right('0' + cast((datepart(ss, GETDATE())) as varchar(2)), 2) as bigint)
--and here is the solution below (the shortway for my result)
--SET t.lastUpdatedDateTimeINT = REPLACE(REPLACE((convert(varchar(10),CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,111) + convert(varchar(8),CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,114)),'/',''),':','')
--Just discovered the 112 format so managed to drop one replace
SET t.lastUpdatedDateTimeINT = REPLACE((convert(varchar(10),CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,112) + convert(varchar(8),CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,114)),':','')
FROM dbo.AADeleteMe AS t
INNER JOIN inserted AS i
ON t.ID = i.ID;
If you want only integer part of Date, then one of the solution will be just remove the separators in Date Value ex:- '/', '-', ':' and ' ' space from date, and you will get the date with the format you want:-
SELECT REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE ( '2015-07-16 16:19:00' , '-' , '' ),':',''),' ','')
Output:- 20150716161900
Use this As per you requirement
Select REPLACE(REPLACE((convert(varchar(10),CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,101)
+ convert(varchar(8),CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,114)),'/',''),':','')
And If your column lastUpdatedDateTimeINT is INT then its going to throw overflow error, so overcome that you have to change the datatype for that column as Value you going to assign is quite big for INT
If business is afraid that client can't handle complex data type such as datetime properly and wants to use simple int, at least use a standard way to store dates as int.
One of the widely spread ways to store dates as simple int - is unix time. It is always UTC. It is simply a number of seconds passed since 1970-01-01. You should use bigint, not int in any case. Still, I would store the date in the database as datetime and convert it to and from unix time when talking to client.
Convert from unix time to datetime:
DATEADD(second, [unixtime_value], '19700101')
Convert from datetime to unix time:
DATEDIFF(second, '19700101', [datetime_value])
Instead of CURRENT_TIMESTAMP use GETUTCDATE to get the current UTC time and then convert it to bigint:
DATEDIFF(second, '19700101', GETUTCDATE())

Turn string with date and time to hh:mm

I have a string field in my table with date and time. Like this
Now i have to get the hour and Minute out of this like 09:40.
How can i easily get that?
I am going to assume, based on your string that the format is YYYYMMDDHHMMSS (Year,Month,Day,Hour,Minute,Second). This solution is for SQL Server.
Considering that you could go for the poor man fix of string manipulation.
LEFT(RIGHT(20131001094049, 6 ) , 2) + ':' +
RIGHT(LEFT(RIGHT(20131001094049, 6 ) , 4),2)
Which returns 09:40
What happens is it takes the original date, 20131001094049, takes the right six characters 094049 and then the left two 09. Then it concatenates that to a : and then concatenates the resulting string to 04 of the assumed MM(Minutes) section.
Because your date and time information is not stored in a standard DateTime format for direct conversion, you will need to rely on string manipulation i.e:
SELECT SUBSTRING('20131001094049', 9, 2) + ':' +
SUBSTRING('20131001094049', 11, 2)
To return a full DateTime type you could manipulate the whole string and use the FORMAT function (available in SQL Server 2012 or greater):
DECLARE #dt nvarchar(50), #newdt nvarchar(50)
SET #dt = '20131001094049'
SET #newdt = SUBSTRING(#dt, 1, 4) + '-' + SUBSTRING(#dt, 5, 2) + '-' + SUBSTRING(#dt, 7, 2) + ' ' + SUBSTRING(#dt, 9, 2) + ':' + SUBSTRING(#dt, 11, 2) + ':' + SUBSTRING(#dt, 13, 2)
SELECT FORMAT(CONVERT(datetime, #newdt), 'HH:mm')
Both will return 09:40

Converting separate columns for mm, dd, and yr into a workable mm/dd/year format

Basically I have 3 separate columns in a table. I will call them SMonth, Sday, Syear. They are stored as numeric values for some reason. I can use the following string to format them into what looks like a date but doesn't allow me to use functions such as sort, order by, datediff or dateadd.
CAST(SMonth AS varchar(2)) + '/' + CAST(SDay varchar(2)) + '/' + CAST(SYear AS varchar(4))
Anyone know how to convert this into a workable date, without changing the table?
It doesn't matter how it looks as long as I can use it ie a date or datetime makes no difference.
Thanks in advance.
Just convert your result into a date or datetime.
DECLARE #SYear as INT = 2013
SELECT CONVERT(DATE,CAST(#SMonth AS varchar(2)) + '/' + CAST(#SDay AS varchar(2)) + '/' + CAST(#SYear AS varchar(4)))
you should convert format the string as yyyy/mm/dd in order to make sure that SQL Server uses ODBC canonical format
SELECT CONVERT(date, CONVERT(varchar, Syear) + '/' + convert(VARCHAR, SMonth) + '/' + convert(VARCHAR, SDay ) )
Otherwise it your results could depend on the default dateformat or someone changed it using SET DATEFORMAT, for example:
05/10/2013 could mean
May 10, 2013 if the DATEFORMAT is U.S.
October 5, 2013 if the DATEFORMAT is Brithish / French
see this for complete reference of dateformat

SQL Change format of datetime to specific style

I'm trying to convert a datetime value to a specific format, but noe of the style codes seem to do what I want. I tried the SQLUSA post on style codes, but none of them are quite right.
I have a column where the date/time is stored as yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss (24 hour time)
I have a select statement were I want to take this column, but express the date as: mm/dd/yyyy hh:nn:ss AM/PM
The closest I've come is:
CONVERT(varchar,[datetimecolum],22) AS [newcolumnname]
but that only gives me a 2 digit year, not a century year (yyyy).
Any ideas? I'm totally lost. :(
Firstly, datetime fields are not stored in a specific string format, or but as a serial number. So what you see on screen is not what is stored but rather your database tool's default rendering of the date. Secondly why are you doing this in SQL? If you're passing the value to an application, make the conversion there from a native type. Thirdly, I don't think 22 is a valid conversion code in TSQL. Check, for more info.
Judging by all the other formats listed, it would infer just add 100 to the format number to get "with century" (yyyy).
Although according to the documentation (and my tests) there is no format 22 (or 122) - so you'll have to combine two other formats to get exactly what you need:
CONVERT(varchar,[datetimecolum],101) + ' ' + CONVERT(varchar,[datetimecolum],108) AS [newcolumnname]
SQLFiddle demo
I think this does it
select stuff(convert(varchar(20),getdate(),22),7,2,
CAST( DATEPART(yyyy,getdate()) as CHAR(4)))
This is close but no AM PM
select convert(varchar(100),getdate(),22),
+ ' ' + CAST(DATEPART(mm,getdate()) as CHAR(2))
+ '/' + CAST( DATEPART(dd,getdate()) as CHAR(2))
+ '/' + CAST( DATEPART(yyyy,getdate()) as CHAR(4))
+ ' ' + CAST(DATEPART(HH,getdate()) as CHAR(2))
+ ':' + CAST(DATEPART(mi,getdate()) as CHAR(2))
+ ':' + CAST(DATEPART(ss,getdate()) as CHAR(2))
This is a Even clunkier than my original, but it works, except you won't get leading zeros for hours or minutes. You could modify this code to do that as well, but it will get really messy then, so I leave that to you ;-)
In other words, if the date + time is
3/1/2012 10:01:35 PM,
you will instead get:
3/1/2012 10:1:35 PM
Irritating, eh?
Anyway, here you go. Hope this helps.
FROM MyTable AS mt
WHERE mt.ID = dt.ID
AND (DATEPART(HH, mt.TheDate)) > 12)
CONVERT(varchar,(MONTH(dt.TheDate))) + '/' +
CONVERT(varchar,(DAY(dt.TheDate))) + '/' +
CONVERT(varchar,(YEAR(dt.TheDate))) + ' ' +
CONVERT(varchar, DATEPART(HH, dt.TheDate)-12) + ':' +
CONVERT(varchar,(DATEPART(mi, dt.TheDate))) + ':' +
CONVERT(varchar,(DATEPART( ss, dt.TheDate))) + ' PM')
CONVERT(varchar,(MONTH(dt.TheDate))) + '/' +
CONVERT(varchar,(DAY(dt.TheDate))) + '/' +
CONVERT(varchar,(YEAR(dt.TheDate))) + ' ' +
CONVERT(varchar, DATEPART(HH, dt.TheDate)) + ':' +
CONVERT(varchar,(DATEPART(mi, dt.TheDate))) + ':' +
CONVERT(varchar,(DATEPART( ss, dt.TheDate))) + ' AM') END As FullDate
FROM MyTable AS dt
you need to do it in 2 parts and you need to use stuff to remove millisecond.I will update if find an other way to get rid of millisecond
output : 09/13/2012 11:15:21PM
Edit: incase you want space before AM/PM then use ' ' instead of '' in stuff
output : 09/13/2012 11:15:59 PM