Converting separate columns for mm, dd, and yr into a workable mm/dd/year format - sql

Basically I have 3 separate columns in a table. I will call them SMonth, Sday, Syear. They are stored as numeric values for some reason. I can use the following string to format them into what looks like a date but doesn't allow me to use functions such as sort, order by, datediff or dateadd.
CAST(SMonth AS varchar(2)) + '/' + CAST(SDay varchar(2)) + '/' + CAST(SYear AS varchar(4))
Anyone know how to convert this into a workable date, without changing the table?
It doesn't matter how it looks as long as I can use it ie a date or datetime makes no difference.
Thanks in advance.

Just convert your result into a date or datetime.
DECLARE #SYear as INT = 2013
SELECT CONVERT(DATE,CAST(#SMonth AS varchar(2)) + '/' + CAST(#SDay AS varchar(2)) + '/' + CAST(#SYear AS varchar(4)))

you should convert format the string as yyyy/mm/dd in order to make sure that SQL Server uses ODBC canonical format
SELECT CONVERT(date, CONVERT(varchar, Syear) + '/' + convert(VARCHAR, SMonth) + '/' + convert(VARCHAR, SDay ) )
Otherwise it your results could depend on the default dateformat or someone changed it using SET DATEFORMAT, for example:
05/10/2013 could mean
May 10, 2013 if the DATEFORMAT is U.S.
October 5, 2013 if the DATEFORMAT is Brithish / French
see this for complete reference of dateformat


Looking to replace the year in SQL Server

I am converting a date using CONVERT(varchar,DateOfBirth,101) for birthdates.
I want to show these dates with the current year, I've tried REPLACE but you can't use wildcards with it and when I use DATEPART, it doesn't format with the right digits for month and day. I also can't add years because they are wildly different birthdates. Thanks.
If you want to display the date as a string in 101 format for current year, one option uses a direct format():
format(DateOfBirth, 'MM/dd/2020')
You can compute the current date dynamically:
format(DateOfBirth, concat('MM/dd/', year(getdate())))
On the other hand, if you want your result as a date, then you could use datefromparts():
datefromparts(year(getdate()), month(DateOfBirth), day(DateOfBirth))
If it is a datevalue, you can use FORMAT function. If it is a character value, you can use RIGHT and REPLACE.
DECLARE #dateValue DATETIME = '05/12/1999'
DECLARE #dateCharValue VARCHAR(12) = '05/12/1999'
SELECT FORMAT(#dateValue, 'MM/dd/2020')
SELECT REPLACE(#dateCharValue, RIGHT(#dateCharValue,4),2020)
This could helped you:
The code CONVERT(varchar(5),GETDATE(),1) return this 05/27 and then just add the year of the date
SELECT CONVERT(varchar(5),GETDATE(),1) + '/' + cast(year(getdate()) as varchar)
SELECT CONVERT(varchar(5),GETDATE(),1) + '/' + convert(varchar,year(getdate()))
The result of both:
05/27/2020 --(This is my current date n.n )
This work but if you use a string something like your example DateOfBirth will be the variable and if this is a string (DateOfBirth = '5/27/1987') you need to convert the string DateOfBirth to Date:
SELECT CONVERT(varchar(5),convert(date,DateOfBirth),1) + '/' + cast(year(GETDATE()) as varchar)
SELECT CONVERT(varchar(5),convert(date,DateOfBirth),1) + '/' + convert(varchar,year(GETDATE()))
The Result of Both :

sql convert string to date/datetime

My Filename column looks like 'D181115.T000000'. I used the following code to make it a string, looks like '2018-11-15'.
select '20' + substring(filename, 2,2) + '-' + substring(filename, 4,2) + '-' + substring(filename,6,2)
from table_name
Then I want to convert the string to date type (because I need to sort by date)
select convert(datetime, '20 + substring(filename, 2,2) + '-' + substring(filename, 4,2) + '-' + substring(filename,6,2)')
from table_name
Then I got this error message:
The data types varchar and varchar are incompatible in the subtract
Any help will be greatly appreciated!
I suspet the database is SQL Server. In that case one can use just
select cast('20' + substring('D181115.T000000', 2,6) as date)
select try_cast('20' + substring('D181115.T000000', 2,6) as date)
YYYYMMDD is one of the two unambiguous date formats. The other is the full ISO8601 date+time format. YYYY-MM-DD on the other hand depends on the DATEFORMAT setting
I'd suggest performing this conversion as part of data loading though. Applying functions to a field prevents the server from using any indexes that cover the field. The server will have to scan the entire table in order to produce the final values used for filtering and sorting.
At least consider addd an indexed computed column that produces the file date
I want to convert the string to date type
Look at the first and 2nd statements you included, they are different in that you are missing a quote and you added an extra quote in the second one.
declare #filename varchar(20) = 'D181115.T000000'
select convert(datetime, '20' + substring(#filename, 2,2) + '-' + substring(#filename, 4,2) + '-' + substring(#filename,6,2))
Produces output:
2018-11-15 00:00:00.000

Convert datetime to numeric

I am trying to take a date which is in a varchar column in a table, add 1 day to it, and set it as the value of a datetime variable. This is part of a process that runs daily and I need to make sure the day resets to one at the end of the month. Or at the end of the year it doesn't increase from 151231 to 151232. The problem I am having is converting #Date back to numeric in the form YYMMDD. For example VIRN_CHK = '151231', #Date as written below is 'Jan 1 2016 12:00AM'. I need to convert it to 160101 so I can save it in a column in another table of type numeric(6,0).
DECLARE #Date as datetime
set #Date = convert(varchar,dateadd(d, 1,(select top(1) VIRN_CHK from STAGE_INST)))
update cdcdatei
set OT_DATE = #Date
This will work by rebuilding the string format
SELECT RIGHT(YEAR('2015-11-01'),2)
+ RIGHT('00' + CAST(MONTH('2015-11-01') AS VARCHAR(2)),2)
+ RIGHT('00' + CAST(DAY('2015-11-01') AS VARCHAR(2)),2)
So you need to extract the year, month and day numbers from the date? You can to that using DATEPART
DATEPART(yy,dateadd) AS DateYear,
DATEPART(mm,dateadd) AS DateMonth,
DATEPART(dd,dateadd) AS DateDay
then you can multiply and sum them to obtain what you need
VIRN_CHK = DateDay + DateMont * 100 + DateYear * 10000

convert date to YYMM format in sql for given date

How can we convert date format to YYMM(ex:1208) for the given date 25/08/2012.
Use convert with style 12 and pick the first four characters.
select convert(char(4), getdate(), 12)
try this:
declare #date date='08/25/2012'
select CONVERT(varchar(4),#date,12)
You did not specify the datatype for the value 25/08/2012.
declare #dt char(10)
set #dt = '25/08/2012'
select right(#dt, 2) + substring(#dt, 4, 2)
If you don't like remembering the string convert formulas, you can also use:
declare #date date=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
select right(CAST(year(#date) as varchar(4)), 2) + RIGHT('0'+cast(month(#date) as varchar(2)), 2)
It is a bit more cumbersome, but saves a trip to the help pages.

Convert CMMDDYY into date in SQL Server

If I have a date string in the format of CMMDDYY
C = 0, 1 or 2 where 0 represents 19, 1 represents 20 and 2 represents 21
1022511 would be 02/25/2011 in mm/dd/yyyy format.
Is there a way to convert this into mm/dd/yyyy format in sql server?
Is CMMDDYY even a valid date format? I haven't found much information on it.
The Year algorithm is simply: (19 + int(C))*100 + int(yy)
Try this:
declare #st nvarchar(7)
set #st = '1030609'
substring(#st,2,2) + '/'
+ substring(#st,4,2) + '/'
+ cast((19 + cast(substring(#st,1,1) as int) )* 100
+ cast(substring(#st,6,2) as int) as nvarchar)
as datetime)
This outputs:
It doesn't sound like a built in date format but you should be able to find it on msdn if it is. If not you could write a function in SQL server that parses a string in that format to a DateTime object