how to generate GPS location from scanning QR code? - gps

We have an idea for our IT graduation project Mobile app, but we ere a little bit confused about it’s implementation and if it’s duable or not, and of course what technology we can use for the implementation
Part of the idea is about generating a location when a person scan a QR code, so our application should let me know where that location is, so what we want to know is how can the application that we are going to develop track a loctaion where a person scanned a QR code? Is there an exciting technology that we can use or some tools that might be helpful in our case


Use Webcam to Track User's Finger Location

I have a project just starting up that requires the kind of expertise I have none of (yet!). Basically, I want to be able to use the user's webcam to track the position of their index finger, and make a particular graphic follow their finger around, including scaling and rotating (side to side of course, not up and down).
As I said, this requires the kind of expertise I have very little of - my experience consists mostly of PHP and some Javascript. Obviously I'm not expecting anyone to solve this for me, but if anyone was able to direct me to a library or piece of software that could get me started, I'd appreciate it.
Cross compatibility is of course always preferred but not always possible.
Thanks a lot!
I suggest you to start reading about OpenCV
OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision) is a library of programming functions mainly aimed at real-time computer vision, developed by Intel Russia research center in Nizhny Novgorod, and now supported by Willow Garage and Itseez.1 It is free for use under the open-source BSD license. The library is cross-platform. It focuses mainly on real-time image processing.
But first, as PHP and JavaScript are mainly used for web development, you should start reading about a programming language which is supported by OpenCV like C, C++, Java, Python or even C# (using EmguCV) etc.
Also, here are some nice tutorials to get you started with hand gestures recognition using OpenCV. Link
Good luck!

Building Air Apps (Desktop) with Haxe - Steps

I'm a developer in ActionScript and while I'm watching Haxe as a language to be used by me, since besides the resemblance ActionScript, still be possible to make applications with output to flash yet.
However I have a question about building AIR packages. When I search about building AIR applications with Haxe, the search does not bring satisfactory results.
I ask, after the codification and development of the code (in Haxe), how is it possible to transform what was built into an AIR package?
Thank you!
It isn't a very popular topic it seems. Anyhow, as far as I remember my experience building it some years ago, what you need would be:
If you need some air-specific APIs then you should write externs for them. There is this existing project, but it would need a bit of update as it was written for flash9, however, I believe it is doable in like 1 hour of work.
Compile to flash.
Write all the manifests you need for Air. (Sorry, don't remember what exactly it needs.)
Use this guides to package(also test and sign) your apps.
Note: If you want to go the same way you did before, you could compile haxe to as3 and be happy. However, I wouldn't recommend this method due to loosing speed and probable implications which may arrive.

Open source tablet computer

I'm an experienced software engineer in the telecomm industry, lately I've been interested in working on a hardware project.
One of the ideas that floated around in my head is the concept of an open source tablet computer. I'm inspired by the success that the Arduino has made, and it is my personal belief that if this device was open source it could be a great platform for inspiring new projects, and become a cheap device for schools!
Can any of you give me suggestions where an idea like this has been tried before, what went right, and what went wrong?
Well I agree with Casio (this is probably not the place to ask such a question: not sure what is, though), but a significant effort with something similar was made as a part of the OLPC project: it is as open as you could hope, low cost...I would say that is as good a starting point as any: replace the screen with a touch screen and hack away!
On the other hand, there's a company selling kits for basically exactly what you described. Let us know if you go anywhere with this...I'd like to know. :)
Check out the Open Compute Project which started back in 2011 building vanity free open source hardware (servers) for data centres.
If you want to campion an idea for open source hardware then get involved in the global community

Which IDE to use for ATMega32 micro controller coding

I am involved in a project which requires designing a mini rover (mars rover types). I am using ATMega32 micro controller. I have other hardware like DC motors, IR sensors etc. My query is that is there any IDE that I can use to code the micro controller? It must be user friendly since I am new to the concept of micro controller coding, and also it must have simulators. I did look it up on the net, but there are so many terms associated with it, that it confused me in the end. I think a simple IDE where I can write code, test it using simulator would be enough. Any suggestions?
I would try the Arduino's IDE:
It supports a lot of things such as building and debugging and interfacing with avrdude all from inside the IDE, so definitely a good one for embedded work, though I've never used it myself.
Also, while you are there, you may want to give the Wiring libraries a try. They are really nice for new people and are specifically for the ATMega32(I think).
There's no silver bullet.
Start here
Look for some videos on Youtube to learn.
Arduino is also a very good choice like Earlz wrote.
The best IDE to use would be ATMEL STUDIO 6. You can find it here Also you would need a ICSP programmer to burn the .hex file into the Atmega32. Note: The ICSP programmer can also be use to program other atmega chips

Are There Any Good Open-Source Mac Application Templates

I am looking to make a Mac version of one of my iPhone apps and was looking for a good ay to hit the ground running. I know how to code in Objective-c and Cocoa, and I know how to piece something together from scratch if I have to, but I am looking for an easier way.
Are there any open-source templates for coding Mac desktop applications that I might be able to pick up and use to get started off without reinventing the wheel?
I guess what I am looking for is an easy way to get started on an app that has the "iTunes Look and Feel". If there are some bare-bones version of this layout as some sort of template project, that would be great. Also, why has somebody down-voted this question? Have I asked something that is not appropriate for SO?
Apple includes lots of project templates with Xcode (vanilla application, document-based application, Core Data document-based application, etc.). I don't really know how much more you would want in a template. They're generally pretty good for getting you started, I think. If you're looking for something more than these offer out of a "template," maybe you could elaborate.
If you're just looking for a starting point for the interface, then check out BW Toolkit:
He has some nice videos on his site showing how to create a Mail-like interface very quickly.
Besides the project templates included with Xcode, you should browse the application exmples in /Developer/Examples. Most of these examples are "full" applications that demonstrate one or more Cocoa-related concepts. Many could serve as the starting point for a similarly orriented app of your own.