I want to use https://whapi.io/api/send with google Sheets but documentation on their website is very little.
If someone has developed sheet to send messages via https://whapi.io/api/send it would be helpful
I need help writing a simple script or example for "Code.gs" in Google Sheets using the BigQuery to import from Google Local Ads API (Not Google Ads) to Google Sheets. The information needed would be everything that the LSA API has to has offer. I have currently done a lot of research on the back end and can't seem to find any examples on how to write function scripts for importing from Google LSA. Thank you in advance for your help.
What I have set up.
I have created my Oauth credentials and tokens
Tested the tokens in Google playground to ensure that everything works correctly.
What I need done:
Need a function script (for Google Sheets - Code.gs) that can grab my local service ads api info to into Google Sheets using the BigQuery API scripting language.
I am trying to share a Sheet, not the hole Spreadsheet, using Sheets API, via Make (former Integromat).
I tried via Google Drive, but it shares the hole Spreadsheet. CanĀ“t especify a single Sheet.
I'm trying to figure out a simple way to allow the users of our website to press a button to import a spreadsheet (which is created dynamically in code within the website) into their Google Sheet drive.
Right now I'm currently I've setup a button that allows users to log in to their Google Account with the scope set to "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file". However, it's asking our users for way too much personal information for our taste, which we don't need at all.
Is there any other simpler way to do this without accessing personal information? I've noticed that when you log into Google Analytics and export data there it's just a simple Import button and you get your data immediately. That's exactly what I'm be looking for.
Thanks in advance.
Best and simpliest way is to give them the link to the spreadsheet with copy at the end
I found the Google Sheet Java API to hide columns, but I couldn't find any API to unhide/show a hidden column. The only way I could figure out till now is using Apps Script. Can you please help with the corresponding Java API?
Is it possible to create google sheet template programmatically? If yes how to do it? I know I am suppose to check API documentation but I am not a technical person.
I don't think this is supported as of now.
I searched in Introduction to the Google Sheets API docs for a guide on how to do operations with Sheets API but have not found an explicit guide on how to do this.
You can also check Spreadsheet using Google App Script but there is no mention as well.