Domino Designer doesn't initialize - lotus-domino

When I launch Domino Designer, I don't see any databases listed. When I open DD for a specific database, I get the same thing. My Notes client still works fine.
Is my DD behavior due to me no longer hitting a live Domino server? (My user license is good until 2024).
UPDATE: I noticed the errors below under Problems:

Menu "Window --> Show Eclipse Views --> Applications" will show you selected databases in "Applications" tab in Domino Designer.

Using the repair/modify options did not work. The solution was to completely uninstall Notes/Domino Designer/Admin and reinstall.


How can I completely disable user interface in Jasper Reports for specific user/role?

We have developed a few reports in Jasper v 6.3.0. we call these reports from a web interface we have developed. We would like to completely disable the Jasper user interface for the user/role that we have assigned these reports to.
Right now if the user strips the right hand side of the url they get a screen that allows them to see the repository, look at the reports, etc. Although as a non admin user they cannot change things we would like to disable this screen completely.
An alternative would be to disable this screen from access other than from the local server, or the local network.
What is the best way to resolve this issue?
Edit - clarification:
Basically we developed the report using ireport. and then we deploy it to JasperReportServer. We then "link" to the report on JasperReportServer from our web application. If you strip the url of everything after "/jasperserver" it displays a UI panel. I want to disable that panel.
Jasper Report generates a jasper design and this design is written a file/stream etc. I think this issue can be done in a higher level not in Jasper. When user onmouseover "link", you can control the user via ajax and if is enabled you can show the panel.

SSMS SQL SERVER Management Studio 2012 startup freeze

I have a strange situation. IT installed SSMS on my laptop and it runs well the first time, connected to my SQL servers remotely etc. But then it's frozen. I forced quit and then started SSMS again. Now it's totally frozen, no popup window at all to enter the server-connection text string. Then I did a force quit and got a pop up window (see it here ).
Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio has detected that an operation is blocking user input. This can be caused by an active modal dialog or a task that needs to block user interaction. Would you like to shut down anyway?
Has anyone seen this before? My IT department has no clue.
Often this is due to the new connection dialog being off screen (usually due to changing monitor setup e.g. 1 to 2 monitors or resolution change etc).
If so the really easy fix (if your connection dialog just needed approval without changing fields) is :
Focus on SSMS and Hit Enter/Return
..or the easy fix (if above does not work - as your last connection is not ready to go) is:
Alt Tab to SSMS
Alt + Space - context menu
M - select Move (in offscreen context menu)
Arrow Key(s) - to move it back onto screen
As per answers here from #Eirik Toft and here from #Lee Chetwynd
Fixed an issue which presented the same on my machine today by renaming a entry in my registry:
After some digging there seems to be multiple issues that can produce the same error (Application, settings, registry). This blog entry covers it pretty well:
In my case deleteing the SQL server management studio folder under AppData ( c:\users\%userName%Appdata\raoming\microsoft\ ) didn't work.
However I was successfully after deleting / renaming the regisitry entry:
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server]
Worked out the underlying issue on my laptop - was using additional 2 screens with much higher resolutions which caused windows / SSMS to open up the connect to new data source dialog off all of them. If your using multiple screens try returning to just use the native laptop screen to see if you can find the dialog that SSMS is waiting on your input for.
I just had this same situation, with two additional screens connected to my laptop. SQL Server Management Studio was opened on the third screen, with the modal dialog nowhere to be seen.
Two options:
Press tab three times and enter. This cancels the dialog. Now you can move the window to another screen.
Set Windows to only use one or two screens. SSMS opens on the first and should still open there when you move back to using three screens.
When SSMS is on your primary or secondary screen, the modal dialog opens on the first and should be usable.
It was because multi screen display. Turning off multiscreen to single one resolved it. Reenabled multi screen display after ssms started working
In my case, "Run as Administrator" option worked like charm. I was accessing my server screen with the windows RDP. And when I open SQL Server Management Studio and Visual Studio 2010 user hangs at the moment and wont operate unless sign off r disconnected by administrator.
But when I set compatibility mode of both the application to the "run as Administrator", it starts working fine.
the problem also occurs if you have a touch screen. I fixed this by disabling the local thouch screen when I switch to RDP.

Multiple Database Editor Tabs phpStorm

I'm attempting to move from netbeans to phpstorm and I'm running into an issue with the Database console. I got used to being able to have multiple tabs open for one DB connection. Is there any way to duplicate this behavior? I don't see an option to open a new console and I can't find anything in the advanced properties of the DB connection listed in the DB panel.
I tried installing the Database Navigator plugin, but it seems to duplicate a lot of functionality. I like the built in one better, but neither seem to support multiple tabs.
Does anyone have any ideas? It seems like this should be a fairly common use-case.
I'm on the trial version 6.0.3 and am using the bundled Database Support Plugin.
I don't think it is possible with the built in database support.
Update: PhpStorm 9 built in database manager is now able to open multiple consoles for a given connection. Right click on the connection / New / Console.
Using the Database Navigator plugin however you can have multiple consoles open for a single connection. First open up a SQL console, then at the top bar close to the Execute Statement button there is a settings dropdown. Open that up and at the bottom of that list you will find Create Console.

Microsoft SQL Server not letting me open .bak

I am taking a class and our instructor gave us a file to download called cs.bak and its supposed to be formatted for the version of SQL we are using. So I downloaded the one for Microsoft SQL Server.
Well I tried to do the restore but when I get to the part that I choose device and locate the file cs.bak it loads and now I am suppose to be able to choose destination. Well after I choose destination I do not have the OK button to go through with the restore.
On these instructions
If you count the window screens. I can only get as far as the 6th screen.
I am suppose to do this, "Some questions will ask you to write out query results from a database. In order to answer these questions you will need to have the example database available to you."
Well I can't open it to do this. Any help would appreciated. Thank you.
Check this:
This checkbox might be unchecked - and then the [OK] button remains disabled...
This seems to be a Windows Layout issue. To resolve this, reset the SSMS Window Layout by selecting from the main menu Window -> Reset Windows Layout.

Edit a view in Runtime

I'm developing a website with ASP MVC 3 and Razor in VS2010 SP1.
When I'm running the site from VS, if the view was open in the IDE, I can edit a view in runtime, and press F5 to show the changes, but if I open the view after run the site, then the view is locked (no message, simply I can write in the VS Editor)
When I stop debuggin the solution, the views that are locked remains locked, and I have to close the file and open id again in order to modify the code.
This behaviour is uncomfortable. Can anyone tell me why sometimes I can write in the VS2010 editor and other times I can't?
Other Notes:
The TFS is not the problem.
It happens in all the VS 2012 SP1 of my office.
It only happens in projects, not in C# proyects.
It didn't happens in VS2012.
I've disabled all the extensions.
I have experienced this as well.
I've found that just reopening the file, while in debug, works most of the time. The nearest thing I can figure is that you're not actually editing the file but actually viewing a debug version of the file.
This normally happens, for instance, a javascript method causes an exception within the source of that page. It then loads the active version of that page instead of the one you're editing. Though I've had it happen without any errors generated so I'm fairly certain that's not the whole issue. It might be worth posting an issue on It hasn't happened often enough for me to narrow it down but it sounds like it happens for you more often.
After more than a year suffering this problem, a solution was found.
This MS HotFix for VS2010SP1 solved the issue.