How can I completely disable user interface in Jasper Reports for specific user/role? - access-control

We have developed a few reports in Jasper v 6.3.0. we call these reports from a web interface we have developed. We would like to completely disable the Jasper user interface for the user/role that we have assigned these reports to.
Right now if the user strips the right hand side of the url they get a screen that allows them to see the repository, look at the reports, etc. Although as a non admin user they cannot change things we would like to disable this screen completely.
An alternative would be to disable this screen from access other than from the local server, or the local network.
What is the best way to resolve this issue?
Edit - clarification:
Basically we developed the report using ireport. and then we deploy it to JasperReportServer. We then "link" to the report on JasperReportServer from our web application. If you strip the url of everything after "/jasperserver" it displays a UI panel. I want to disable that panel.

Jasper Report generates a jasper design and this design is written a file/stream etc. I think this issue can be done in a higher level not in Jasper. When user onmouseover "link", you can control the user via ajax and if is enabled you can show the panel.


How to generate Domino dialogboxes on traditional (non-xpages) webforms

I want to have a popup/dialogbox with an "OK" button on it that will close the dialogbox...after someone performs a task on a Domino webform. I know I used overlays in xpages before, but the current application I am maintaining was built with traditional Domino forms (lots of pass-thru HTML) and my initial attempt to build an overlay effect did not work.
I have tried using javascript code of:
var window =, windowName, [windowFeatures]);
...but this has not been successful. No errors in debug, yet my url page does not pop up. I am hoping someone might be able to provide a snippet of what you use so I can see where I am going wrong.
The url parameter I am passing is correct, as I used an alert to show me what was going in there, but I am doing something basic wrong.
If I can answer any questions for you I can do that as well.
Thank you
The only way I know to display a dialog box in a classic Domino web application is to do just like you would on any HTML-based webpage. Either you create your own popup functionality, or you use one of the many plugins available.
When I work with classic Domino web applications, I have often added Bootstrap to it, to make things look a bit better. Then I can use either the native Bootstrap dialog boxes, or a plug-in called Bootbox.js. But there are many other ones.

How to change Pentaho after login page

After login to Pentaho BI server as a user, the Pentaho shows a default page.
I need to redesign that page to match look at feel of a company website. What files do I need to edit and how to give links from that page to dashboards in Pentaho?
Instead of redesigning the Pentaho screens create a "central dashboard" with links to all of your "sub-dashboards". This central place can be created as an another Pentaho CDE dashboard and you can make it look and feel as company website, because you can attach any HTML, CSS, JavaScript code and image files to the dashboard. You don't need to use any component (chart, etc.) or datasource. Just edit the layout of the dashboard.
So, the central dashboard will be accessible on e.g.:
When a user navigates to the above URL (he did not used Pentaho Login Screen to log in = http://localhost:8080/pentaho/Home), he is prompted to log in by a dialog. He fills the dialog, logs in and see the central dashboard. So provide the user only a link to central dashboard instead of Pentaho Login Screen.
When you create a central dashboard you need to have a links to your sub-dashboards. To get the links navigate through the Browse Files in Pentaho to a particular dashboard, click on CDE file of the dashboard and choose Open in a new window to open the dashboard. This opens the dashboard in a new browser window. So you can copy the URL of it and then paste this link to the central dashboard.
This way users do not need to use the Pentaho Login screen but they directly access the central dashboard page where they choose concrete sub-dashboard they want to work with.
Similar to the example above, but I wouldnt necessarily re-implement the login process (as you could well introduce security flaws etc). I would instead use CST - Community Startup Tabs - that does exactly what you're asking for.
Details here:
I don't know what's the version of Pentaho BI server you are using.
In my case with Pentaho 5.3
If you want to change the login page, just modify the jsp file under biserver-ce/tomcat/webapps/pentaho/jsp/PUCLogin.jsp
If you want to change the home page after login, just modify this jsp file biserver-ce/tomcat/webapps/pentaho/mantle/Mantle.jsp
The default page bi server is showing is located in:
You can modify it as your needs.

Customising an authentication dialog in OSX with SFAuthorizationPluginView

I'm currently developing a custom dialog to be displayed via an Authorization Plugin, based upon the Apple example code of "NameAndPassword", which subclasses the SFAuthorizationPluginView (
From what I understand, this should allow me to provide different types of authorization / authentication, such as, for example, developing facial recognition for authentication. The problem I have is that when my dialog is launched by the authorization services, it is embedded in a parent dialog and there is additional text automatically added that states: -
"Type the name and password of the user in the "(null)" group to allow this".
After many hours searching the web, I have discovered that I can remove the "(null)" group section with an undocumented environment flag of "suggested-user" (
...but text still remains prompting for a password.
In testing, I can launch other available plugin dialogs by calling from my mechanism of the rules in /etc/authorization and these dialogs do not appear to be attached to the parent dialog.
Does anyone know what I need to do to prevent the default text being displayed, or even better, how to have my dialog launched, independently from the parent dialog? Is this even possible with inheriting from SFAuthorizationPluginView?

SharePoint 2010 Webpart Chrome

I created a web part and deployed it. I want to display only webpart data. I dont want to display toolbar which allow minimize, close and edit web part & title , i did set Chrome Type=None . but its not working. How can i make web part as non-configurable to users means user can see it. not configure it.
This is depend on privileges. Where you administrator you will see every web part options, but if you a anonymous user can see only title if you not set as chrome.

Enabling like button comment field for secure browsing users

We've been having trouble with inconsistent display of the like button comment field on our external sites (i.e. some people see it pop up after clicking the like button, and some people don't). We searched around and made sure that the app id referenced when loading the HTML5 version of the like button code matched the website domain in the app settings (per this thread), and finally determined that the "problem" is the user's security settings: if they have enabled "secure browsing" in their security settings, then they won't see the comment field pop up unless the page is also hosted securely. (only other place I could find this discussed is on this site)
Has anyone figured out a workaround for this? It appears that the iframe version doesn't have this problem (though it does make the user click a link to see the comment field), but it requires 400px of minimum width which busts our layouts. We want to always make the comment field appears after the user clicks the like button, but it isn't feasible for us to host every page on the site securely. Any suggestions?