How do I use OpenSSL to make a public and private key using a .crt and .key file? - ssl

I know this is probably a bad question but I am so confused. I have a tls certificate and a tls key file, tls.crt and tls.key. I think I'm supposed to convert them into a public and private key, relatively, in order to use openssl.
side note: Am I approaching this wrong? Is there some TLS application to encrypt/decrypt?
To convert the public key, I use
$ openssl x509 -pubkey tls.crt -noout > pubkey
This created a public key that I was able to encrypt a message file with by doing
$ opensssl rsautl -encrypt -inkey pubkey -pubin -in <message file> -out <encrypted output>
I have successfully encrypted the file but now I don't know how to decrypt it. I don't know how to convert my private key (tls.key) into an ssl private key. This is what stumps me. Shouldn't I be doing some tls encryption/decryption? If not, and I am supposed to be using openssl, how should I convert tls.key into a private key usable by openssl rsautl -decrypt?

tl;dr: The key file is the key file you want. No conversion should be required.
The trick here is in the following question: "What is a certificate?" The answer is that it is a signed public key that goes along with a secure private key. It (usually) gets signed by a CA ("Certificatation Authority").
The basic process is:
Entity that wants a certificate creates a private/public key pair.
Entity send the public key and some information about the Entity to the CA.
The CA performs "some level" of validation on the Entity, verifying their identity. Usually this is just some level of proof that the requestor owns the web site the certificate is to be used for.
The CA takes the provided public key and the other info provided, uses their private key to generate a signature for that data, which then can be verified by decrypting the signature using the CA's public key. That becomes your certificate.
So, you took your own public key from the certificate. The private key (tls.key) should be the key file you created in the first step - just use it on your encrypted data.


Is it possible to recover certificate thumbprint (sha1 fingerprint) from private key material?

Is it possible to recover certificate thumbprint (sha1 fingerprint) only from private key that will match original certificate thumbprint?
I can not find any information about how thumbprints are generated.
Private key material:
I have a .PFX file with single certificate and it's private key. From .PFX I export only private key:
openssl rsa -inform p12 -in cert.pfx -outform der -out cert.key.der
It is not possible to get a certificate fingerprint from the private key only. The private key matches only the public key in the certificate. There can actually be multiple certificates using the same public and private key, all having different certificate fingerprints. This is not uncommon - certificate renewals often use the same key pair as the previous (expired) certificate.
What would be possible is to get the public key fingerprint, but not the certificate fingerprint.

Generate Private Key From PEM File

I'm trying to install an SSL Certificate on my website, I bought the certificate online but they didn't give me a private key file, I got a pem file instead. Is their any way I can generate the private key file from the pem file?
I'm using a Mac and tried OpenSSL to generate the key file:
openssl rsa -in myfile.pem -out private.key
But this gave me the following error:
unable to load Private Key
4781944428:error:09FFF06C:PEM routines:CRYPTO_internal:no start line:/AppleInternal/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/ ANY PRIVATE KEY
Any help is greatly appreciated!
Usually the private key is generated on your web server through the web server software or else using openssl.
When you buy a certificate online from a certificate authority, you generate a certificate request, and send it to the authority. The cert request doesn't have the private key, only a signature from the private key, so that's why you can't extract it from the pem file they sent you back.
You need to look at the software you used to generate the certificate request. If you didn't do this, and the company you bought the cert didn't require it, they may be a hosting provider who has the private keys.

Why SSL certificates are signed with private key?

As far as I read all the SSL certificates are signed using public key of the asymmetric pub/priv key pair.
But all (atleast what I checked) the examples out there on internet are using private key
One way I found for self-signing is using below command:
openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem -days 365
Other way I found is:
sudo openssl genrsa -out mykey.key 2048
sudo openssl req -new -key mykey.key -out mycsr.csr
sudo openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in mycsr.csr -signkey mykey.key -out mycert.crt
Are the above examples using public key to create the certificate or private key. If private key, is it a right usage?
One more thing,
What is the difference from self-signing vs CA signing the certificate.
Is there any additional information of the signing authority present in the certificate?
And what does CA signing actually mean?
Do they use their own private keys to sign or what is it all about?
The above statement As far as I read is from point#2 of the following website.
I could be completely wrong in understanding its statement since I'm very new to SSL concepts
If private key is used for signing the certificate and also the same private key is used in apache http server configuration I'm still confused from where will the browser get the public key in its initial SSL handshake
I'm referring to the following configuration of apache httpd
DocumentRoot /var/www/html2
SSLEngine on
SSLCertificateFile /path/to/your_domain_name.crt
SSLCertificateKeyFile /path/to/your_private.key
SSLCertificateChainFile /path/to/DigiCertCA.crt
I'm specially pointing to the section 1.2.2 of the above link where it states
This someone, you have to implicitly trust: you have his/her certificate loaded in your browser (a root Certificate). A certificate, contains information about the owner of the certificate, like e-mail address, owner's name, certificate usage, duration of validity, resource location or Distinguished Name (DN) which includes the Common Name (CN) (web site address or e-mail address depending of the usage) and the certificate ID of the person who certifies (signs) this information. It contains also the public key and finally a hash to ensure that the certificate has not been tampered with.
Why SSL certificates are signed with the private key?
Because that's how digital signatures are defined. Signing it with the public key wouldn't prove anything. A digital signature has to be something that only the signer can do, just like your signature on a cheque only harder to forge. Much harder.
As far as I read all the SSL certificates are signed using public key of the asymmetric pub/priv key pair.
No you didn't, you misunderstood what you were reading.
But all (atleast what I checked) the examples out there on internet are using private key
Of course.
Are the above examples using public key to create the certificate or private key. If private key, is it a right usage?
They are using both. The public key is embedded in the certificate and the private key is used to sign it.
What is the difference from self-signing vs CA signing the certificate.
Is there any additional information of the signing authority present in the certificate?
Yes, there is an IssuerDN field.
And what does CA signing actually mean? Do they use their own private keys to sign?
The above statement As far as I read is from point#2 of the following website.
No it isn't.
I could be completely wrong
If private key is used for signing the certificate and also the same private key is used in apache http server configuration I'm still confused from where will the browser get the public key in its initial SSL handshake
From the certificate.
I'm specially pointing to the section 1.2.2 of the above link where it states
[snip] It contains also the public key and finally a hash to ensure that the certificate has not been tampered with.
There is nothing there about signing the certificate with the public key. 'Contains' does not mean 'signed with'.

Falsificate X509 signature

Suppose we have two x509 certificates - client and server.
Is it possible to change some fields of client certificate (CN for example) and recalculate signature using server's public key (wich is known) in such a way that server will accept and successfuly verify client certificate?
In public key cryptography private key can encrypt and decrypt, public key encrypt only. So it seems that anyone who knows public key can recalculate signature and modify certificate?
In public key cryptography private key signs and decrypts and public key verifies and encrypts. You cannot perform both operation without having both keys.
Although, you are right that signing in case of RSA is essentially encryption with the private key, but since you don't posses private key you cannot re-sign certificate.

C# WCF client error "The private key is not present in the X.509 certificate"

I'm am trying to create a very simple WCF client application which will send SOAP messages to a 3rd party service. All the messages must be digitally signed. It's really a proof of concept before I add the code to a larger application.
I have a .cer file containing the certificate and a .pem file containing the private key. What I have been trying to do is load the certificate using the .cer file then fire off a message. But I get the following error "The private key is not present in the X.509 certificate".
The problem, well one of the problems, is that I really know almost nothing about WCF, digital certificates, private keys and all that guff. I've done some reading, I've Googled till I'm blue in the face and I've not got anywhere.
If I open the .cert file there is a section labelled "BEGIN ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY" which suggests that the private key is included in the certificate. So, why am I getting a message saying that it is not present? Also, if the private key does need to be added to the certificate how do I do it?
Here basically what I'm doing. It's not my actual code, but it includes all the relevant stuff:
MyWSClient c = new MyWSClient();
c.ClientCredentials.ClientCertificate.Certificate = new X509Certificate2(#"pathToFile.cer");
How are you creating this cert / key pair? You can combine them into a PKCS#12 certificate using openssl:
openssl pkcs12 -export -in yourcert.crt -inkey yourprivkey.key -out newcert.p12
You may need to play with the input format to get it to work with a .pem private key.
My colleague has found a solution. I don't know why but using a .der file rather than a .cer file solves the problem. This is the command he used to generate the .der file using a certificate, private key and root certificate as.pem files:
openssl pkcs12 -export -in cert.pem -inkey private_key.pem -certfile root_cert.cer -out pkcs12.der