Generate Private Key From PEM File - ssl

I'm trying to install an SSL Certificate on my website, I bought the certificate online but they didn't give me a private key file, I got a pem file instead. Is their any way I can generate the private key file from the pem file?
I'm using a Mac and tried OpenSSL to generate the key file:
openssl rsa -in myfile.pem -out private.key
But this gave me the following error:
unable to load Private Key
4781944428:error:09FFF06C:PEM routines:CRYPTO_internal:no start line:/AppleInternal/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/ ANY PRIVATE KEY
Any help is greatly appreciated!

Usually the private key is generated on your web server through the web server software or else using openssl.
When you buy a certificate online from a certificate authority, you generate a certificate request, and send it to the authority. The cert request doesn't have the private key, only a signature from the private key, so that's why you can't extract it from the pem file they sent you back.
You need to look at the software you used to generate the certificate request. If you didn't do this, and the company you bought the cert didn't require it, they may be a hosting provider who has the private keys.


How do I use OpenSSL to make a public and private key using a .crt and .key file?

I know this is probably a bad question but I am so confused. I have a tls certificate and a tls key file, tls.crt and tls.key. I think I'm supposed to convert them into a public and private key, relatively, in order to use openssl.
side note: Am I approaching this wrong? Is there some TLS application to encrypt/decrypt?
To convert the public key, I use
$ openssl x509 -pubkey tls.crt -noout > pubkey
This created a public key that I was able to encrypt a message file with by doing
$ opensssl rsautl -encrypt -inkey pubkey -pubin -in <message file> -out <encrypted output>
I have successfully encrypted the file but now I don't know how to decrypt it. I don't know how to convert my private key (tls.key) into an ssl private key. This is what stumps me. Shouldn't I be doing some tls encryption/decryption? If not, and I am supposed to be using openssl, how should I convert tls.key into a private key usable by openssl rsautl -decrypt?
tl;dr: The key file is the key file you want. No conversion should be required.
The trick here is in the following question: "What is a certificate?" The answer is that it is a signed public key that goes along with a secure private key. It (usually) gets signed by a CA ("Certificatation Authority").
The basic process is:
Entity that wants a certificate creates a private/public key pair.
Entity send the public key and some information about the Entity to the CA.
The CA performs "some level" of validation on the Entity, verifying their identity. Usually this is just some level of proof that the requestor owns the web site the certificate is to be used for.
The CA takes the provided public key and the other info provided, uses their private key to generate a signature for that data, which then can be verified by decrypting the signature using the CA's public key. That becomes your certificate.
So, you took your own public key from the certificate. The private key (tls.key) should be the key file you created in the first step - just use it on your encrypted data.

How do I get the public key that "Enable TLS" wants. Openssl doesn't create pem formated public key for self-signed certificates

I'm attempting use "Use Your Own TLS Certificate" the "Use PEM Format" of the following web page:
I'm trying to "helm install" kafka with TLS certificates using the above instructions which wants me to use the certificate, public key, and private key of the self-signed certificate I created using openssl. But, openssl does not create a public key. So, I believe this is why my "helm install" never works, i.e. the kafka-0 pod always ends up with a Status of 'CrashLoopBackOff". And, when I read the pods log file I see that the reason it crashed was because of 'Invalid PEM keystore configs' which I believe was caused by me using the CSR file, created by openssl as the public key file that kafka wants. The CSR file does contain the public key but it also contains other information.
The following openssl command will create a public key from the CSR:
sudo openssl req -in cert.csr -noout -pubkey -out public.key
where 'cert.csr' is the CSR file.

Issue with openSSL Private Key with modulus error

I'm new to setting up ssl for curl. We were given a .cer file and the admin created a private.key. When we tried to associate the .cer with the private.key, the modulus's don't match. Is there a way to correct this? it would be easier to recreate the private.key with the proper modulus but I'm unsure how to do this without wrecking the openssl configuration.
any assistance would be appreciated!
Something wrong with the process here. You can't be just 'given' a certificate and then create a private key for it. The process goes like this:
You create a private key.
You create a certificate signing request (CSR).
You submit the CSR to some certificate authority (CA).
They verify your identity and then issue you a signed certificate.
The CSR and the signed certificate both contain the public key corresponding to the private key you first created.

No private key in SSL Certificate for IIS 6.0

We use IIS 6.0 (Win2003 SP2) at work and needed to renew our SSL certificate.
I created a certificate request by using openssl. Therefor I'd created a 2048 bit key with openssl first. I did not use that certreq.txt request file, since that produced format errors at the website of our used CA.
That request has been accepted meanwhile and I got a .pem file from our organization's CA. So far so good. I even was able to import the certificate. But unfortunately the private key is missing now. I think, windows (or IIS) just doesn't know, where to look for it. The private key of course lives in a *.key file, that I used for creating the request.
But how may I integrate the key into the certificate or make Windows/IIS using it?
You should be able to build a PKCS#12 file using OpenSSL using:
openssl pkcs12 -export -in cert.pem -inkey file.key -out cert.p12
Then, using the .p12 file, import both the cert and its private key at the same time.
More info on openssl
Since your running Windows Server take advantage of DigiCert's free utility (
You can create the CSR from OpenSSL if you plan to import it back to OpenSSL and were using Apache.
Otherwise you'll make the CSR request from IIS or running DigiCert Utility and clicking 'Create CSR' option. Once you have the new CSR, submit it to your CA in order to have them issue a new cert that will match the proper private key in IIS.
Once you receive the new cert file, use the 'Import' function on the utility to load the cert file on your local MMC.
Final step is binding the SSL cert to the site's port 443 connection in the IIS console.
If you happen to need the private key, you can use the 'Export' function to create a .key file or a PFX file which includes both your domain certificate and the private key.
Some firewall devices require a PKCS#12 file over the PFX. If so, rename file extension from .pfx to .p12

C# WCF client error "The private key is not present in the X.509 certificate"

I'm am trying to create a very simple WCF client application which will send SOAP messages to a 3rd party service. All the messages must be digitally signed. It's really a proof of concept before I add the code to a larger application.
I have a .cer file containing the certificate and a .pem file containing the private key. What I have been trying to do is load the certificate using the .cer file then fire off a message. But I get the following error "The private key is not present in the X.509 certificate".
The problem, well one of the problems, is that I really know almost nothing about WCF, digital certificates, private keys and all that guff. I've done some reading, I've Googled till I'm blue in the face and I've not got anywhere.
If I open the .cert file there is a section labelled "BEGIN ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY" which suggests that the private key is included in the certificate. So, why am I getting a message saying that it is not present? Also, if the private key does need to be added to the certificate how do I do it?
Here basically what I'm doing. It's not my actual code, but it includes all the relevant stuff:
MyWSClient c = new MyWSClient();
c.ClientCredentials.ClientCertificate.Certificate = new X509Certificate2(#"pathToFile.cer");
How are you creating this cert / key pair? You can combine them into a PKCS#12 certificate using openssl:
openssl pkcs12 -export -in yourcert.crt -inkey yourprivkey.key -out newcert.p12
You may need to play with the input format to get it to work with a .pem private key.
My colleague has found a solution. I don't know why but using a .der file rather than a .cer file solves the problem. This is the command he used to generate the .der file using a certificate, private key and root certificate as.pem files:
openssl pkcs12 -export -in cert.pem -inkey private_key.pem -certfile root_cert.cer -out pkcs12.der