Does WPE WebKit support WebAssembly? - webkit

Is there a version of WPE WebKit ( that supports WebAssembly?


Does Spokestack support React-Native?

I see the React-Native library hasn't been updated lately?
Is it still being supported?
The 2.1.2 version is still supported! There will be a 3.0 soon™ with Text to Speech support and other shiny new features TBD.

Do iOS and Android support the html5 tag <main>?

Do the iOS and Android browsers support the html5 tag <main>? I read that do not. Dispel my doubts, please.
According to MDN, it is supported in anyhow modern versions of iOS and Android browsers (Safari 7.1 released in 2014, so you don't really have to worry about versions older than that)

videojs v4.7.2 support for vast 3

We're using videojs v4.5.2 to show a preroll/postroll/midroll video. vast 2 is works well with video js 3.2.0 but not work with 4.5.2
Does videojs v4.5.2 has support for VAST 3?
VAST support depends on which plugins you use, as advertising isn't part of the core player itself. Try using Google's IMA plugin.

Worklight support for Android 3.0?

Checking the supported operating systems with the IBM Software Product Compatibility Reports web page:
It jumps from Android 2.3 to Android 4.0.
Is it an error that Android 3.0 is not in the list?
Thank you.
Android 3.x is not supported by Worklight. Android mobile app using outdated Facebook SDK? Warning to upgrade to 3.0.1 from Facebook

I've recently received an alert in for my Android app built using Forge:
Please upgrade to the Facebook SDK 3.0.1 for Android
This app uses an outdated version of the Facebook SDK for Android. Please download the latest version: Android SDK 3.0.1. You can also learn how the newest SDK makes it easier and faster to build great mobile apps.
We also provide an upgrade guide to make this process as easy as possible.
Facebook will stop supporting v2.0 of the SDK in June 2013, so you are advised to upgrade to the new SDK as soon as possible.
I'm using the latest forge platform version 1.4.38.
What version of the FB SDK is using, and what is the schedule for updating to 3.0.1?
We updated our integration to the latest Facebook Android SDK (3.0.1 at this time) in our v1.4.41 platform version: