timestamp string to timestamp in sql - sql

Date data saved from stripe start_date as string timestamp like "1652789095".
Now I want to filter with this timestamp string form last 12 months.
what should I do ?
how can I filter with this timestamp string?

These are some examples - I'm sure there are plenty of options that would work.
convert to date
select *
from Table
to_timestamp(cast(start_date as int)::date > date_add(now(), interval -1 year);
work with unix timestamps
-- approx 1 year ago, by way of example
select *
from Table
start_date > '1621253095';
-- exactly one year ago, calculated dynamically
select *
from Table
start_date >
cast(unix_timestamp(date_add(now(), interval -1 year)) as varchar);
I'm not a MySQL guy really so forgive any syntax errors and fix up the sql as needed to work in MySQL.
PostgreSQL: how to convert from Unix epoch to date?


Timestamp update DB2 SQL

I would like to update query for records between 24 hours since the specific date and time. The current query works fine, except I need to update two timestamps manually. I am looking to reduce timestamps number to one or replace it with dynamic expression, so it will minimize human error if possible.
Current query looks like this:
SELECT timestamp
FROM table
WHERE timestamp BETWEEN '2023-01-18-' AND '2023-01-19-'
I have been trying multiple recommended options but it does not work yet:
WHERE timestamp > '2023-01-19-' - 24 HOURS
WHERE timestamp > '2023-01-19-' – ‘24 HOURS’
WHERE timestamp ('2023-01-19-' - 24 HOURS)
WHERE timestamp > '2023-01-19-' - ''
WHERE timestamp BETWEEN '2023-01-04-' AND INTERVAL - 24 HOURS
WHERE timestamp ('2023-01-19' - 1 DAY, ('' - 24 HOURS))
Could anyone let me know what I am doing incorrectly?
'2023-01-19-' - 24 HOURS is near, but incorrect because DB2 doesn't see the first value as a timestamp but as a string even if it makes the automatic cast in the working query. so what you have to do is to tell it is a timestamp, because you add a duration
with the timestamp keyword
WHERE yourtimestamp > timestamp '2023-01-19-' - 24 HOURS
or the timestamp function
WHERE yourtimestamp > timestamp('2023-01-19-') - 24 HOURS
or this notation
WHERE yourtimestamp > '2023-01-19-'::timestamp - 24 HOURS
if you're not using DB2LUW or an old version, one or more option may not be available
i suggest you try something like this
SELECT timestamp
FROM table cross join (values timestamp '2023-01-19-') as ref (stamp)
WHERE timestamp between ref.stamp - 24 hours and ref.stamp
For the past 24hrs, as implied by your example
For a specific period, you'll always need two dates specified in the WHERE clause like so
WHERE timestamp BETWEEN startTs AND endTs
For a specific 24hr period from a given starting timestamp, you can do something like so:
WHERE timestamp BETWEEN startTs AND startTs + 24 hours
You can define startTs as a global variable, and use it in your select
create variable startTs timestamp default('2023-01-18 06:00:00.000');
SELECT timestamp
FROM table
WHERE timestamp BETWEEN startTs AND startTs + 24 hours;
Or you could use a table value constructor to store it for use...
WITH tmp (startTime) AS (
VALUES (timestamp('2023-01-19 06:00:00.000'))
select timestamp from table
where timestamp between (select startTime from tmp limit 1)
and (select startTime + 2 hours from tmp limit 1);
Depending on your use case, it might be worthwhile to encapsulate the statement as a stored procedure or a user defined table function (UDTF)...

Oracle 11g and SQL Server EPOCH-3600 and EPOCH (Unix_timestamp)

I need to write a select query that gets data in between EPOCH(datetime)-3600 AND EPOCH(datetime).
select all incidents modified in specific date range between EPOCH(datetime)-3600 AND EPOCH(datetime)
So my query is:
Will this query get the data from 1 hour ago to the current time, in Unix TimeStamp format?
Given a column (COLUMN_NAME) where data is stored as a unix timestamp (eg number of seconds elapsed since January 1st, 1970), you are looking to filter records based on a DATE passed as parameter.
My understanding is that you need a way to convert a unix timestamp to a date. There is no such built-in function in Oracle, however you are allowed to add a number to a date, where the number represents the number of days to add.
Try :
TO_DATE('01/01/1970', 'dd/mm/yyyy') + COLUMN_NAME/60/60/24 -- convert unix timestamp to date
BETWEEN :mydate - 3600 AND :mydate
Replace both :mydate with the actual DATE for which you want the search to be performed.

Hive SELECT records from 1 hour ago

I have a hive table that contains a column called timestamp. The timestamp is a bigint field generated from java System.currenttimemillis(). I suppose it should be in UTC. Right now I am trying to select records from 1 hour ago. I know in MySQL you can do something like:
SELECT * FROM table WHERE datetimefield >= DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 HOUR)
In hive, it seems like NOW() is missing. I did some searching and find unix_timestamp(). I should be able to get the current UTC time in milliseconds by doing a unix_timestamp()*1000.
So if i want to get records from 1 hour ago I am thinking about doing something like:
SELECT * FROM hivetable WHERE datetimefield >= (unix_timestamp()*1000-3600000);
Can someone suggest if it's the right way to approach this problem? Also what if I want to select like 1 day ago? Seems inconvenient to convert that to milliseconds. Any help or suggested readings will be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance for your help.
Yes unix_timestamp() gets you the seconds elapsed since Unix epoch. You can subtract 60*60*1000 milliseconds and compare your field to get the desired records.
For Hive 1.2.0 and higher you can use current_timestamp
select *
from hivetable
datetimefield >= ((unix_timestamp()*1000) - 3600000);
For 1 day,convert the milliseconds to date format and use date_sub
select *
from hivetable
from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(datetimefield,'MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm:ss')) >=

VB.net SQL statement to query 1 yr old Timestamp

I want to display in my gridview all data whose timestamp is not older than 1 years from current date.
My timestamp is formatted like so: 20110125-071830 or yyyymmdd-hhmmss
I have tried to reference :
Retrieve rows less than a day old:
Select * from table_name WHERE DATE(timestampVal) > DATE(NOW() - INTERVAL 1 YEAR);
but got missing expression flag
I also tried various others; however, my timestampVal is different simply by how it is formatted.
Like for example: https://community.oracle.com/thread/2207956
With coding: Select * from table_name WHERE timestampVal < sysdate - interval '1' year ;
but get error: literal does not match format string which means sysdate can't read how mine is formatted.
How do I query my timestamp to pull all that are a year or less old?
FYI: timestampVal is string type [varchar]
It looks like the following should work:
Select *
from table_name
WHERE TO_DATE(timestampVal, 'YYYYMMDD-HH24MISS') > sysdate - interval '1' year;
Also note that I reversed the comparison: you indicated that you want rows where timestampVal is not older than 1 year ago - so timestampVal should be greater (newer) than current time minus one year.
Give that a try.
Best of luck.

How to retrieve the records based on a date from oracle database

I have a table with date column in it. I need to fetch the records from it based on
the given date.
Currently when i used the query:
select * from workingemployee_data where created_date like '20-Jan-2012'
I am getting those records which have created_date on 20-Jan-2012
But i want to get the records those were created 10 days earlier to a given
date (i.e) 20-Jan-2012.
Please suggest me on this.
This gives all records between today and 10 days ago:
FROM workingemployee
WHERE created_date BETWEEN sysdate - INTERVAL '10' DAY
AND sysdate
This gives all records entered exactly 10 days ago:
FROM workingemployee
WHERE created_date = sysdate - INTERVAL '10' DAY
Replace sysdate with exact date if you want.
Why do you use like and not = ?
Assuming that created_date is of type DATE, it's bad practice to rely on implicit conversion according to NLS_DATE_FORMAT (this is what happens when you compare a date and a string)
dd-mon-yyyy isn't a good format for querying since it deffers according to NLS_LANGUAGE better use mm for months numbers
So, either use #mvp's answer or do something like this:
FROM workingemployee
WHERE trunc(created_date) = to_date('20-01-2013', 'dd-mm-yyyy') - 10
FROM workingemployee
WHERE created_date > sysdate - INTERVAL '10' DAY;