Two datasets in scatterplot connect them with a line - matplotlib

Can somebody help me with this problem:
I have two different measurements which I gave value of 0 or 1. Then I made a scatterplot so that all values of measurement 1 are on x=0 and values of measurement 2 are no x=1. Now I want to connect the corresponding measurement 1 and 2 values with a line.
This is how the graphs looks now
Thank you in advance!


How to label a whole dataset?

I have a question.I have a pandas dataframe that contains 5000 columns and 12 rows. Each row represents the signal received from an electrocardiogram lead. I want to assign 3 labels to this dataset. These 3 tags belong to the entire dataset and are not related to a specific row. How can I do this?
I have attached the picture of my dataframepandas dataframe.
and my labels are: Atrial Fibrillation:0,
right bundle branch block:1,
T Wave Change:2
I tried to assign 3 labels to a large dataset
(Not for a specific row or column)
but I didn't find a solution.
As you see, it has 12 rows and 5000 columns. each row represents 5000 data from one specific lead and overall we have 12 leads which refers to this 12 rows (I, II, III, aVR,.... V6) in my data frame. professional experts are recognised 3 label for this data frame which helps us to train a ML Model to detect different heart disease. I have 10000 data frame just like this and each one has 3 or 4 specific labels. Here is my question: How can I assign these 3 labels to this dataset that I I told before these labels don't refers to specific rows, in fact each data frame has 3 or 4 label for its whole. I mean, How can I assign 3 label to a whole data frame?

Why can't I read all of the values in the matrix in scilab?

i am trying to read a csv file and my code is as follows
param=csvRead("C:\Users\USER\Dropbox\VOA-BK code\assets\Iris.csv",",","%i",'double',[],[],[1 2 3 4]); //reads number of clusters and features
data=csvRead("C:\Users\USER\Dropbox\VOA-BK code\assets\Iris.csv",",","%f",'double',[],[],[3 1 19 4]); //reads the values
numft=param(1,1);//save number of features
numcl=param(2,1);//save number of clusters
data_pts = max(size(data, "r"));//checks how many number of rows
disp(data(numft-3:data_pts,:));//print all data points (I added -3 otherwise it displays only 15 rows)
disp(numft);//print features
disp(data_pts);//print features
below is the values that i am trying to read
I do not know why the code only displays 15 rows instead of 17. The only time it displays the correct matrix is when i put -3 in numft but with that, the number of columns would be 1. I am so confused. Is there a better way to read the values?
In the csvRead call in the first line of your script the boundaries of the region to read is incorrect, it should be corrected like this:
param=csvRead("C:\Users\USER\Dropbox\VOA-BK code\assets\Iris.csv",",","%i",'double',[],[],[1 2 2 2]);

Plotting data from two sets with different shapes in the same plot

I am using data collected from two different instruments which have different resolution because of the sampling rate of each instrument. For a specific time, one of the sets have >10k entries while the other has ~2.5k. They however capture data over the same time interval, and I want to plot them on top of each other even though they have different resolution in data. The minimum and maximum x of both sets are the same however one of them have more entries.
Simplified it could look like this:
1st set from instrument with higher sampling rate:
time(s) value
0.0 10
0.2 11
0.4 12
0.6 13
0.8 14
... ..
100 50
2nd set from instrument with lower sampling rate:
time(s) value
0 100
1 120
2 125
3 128
4 130
. ...
100 430
They are measuring different things, but I would like to display them in the same plot. How can I accomplish this?
I found the mistake.. I was trying to plot both datasets using the time data from the first instrument. Of course they need to be plotted with their respective time data and I put the first time data in the second plot by mistake..

SPSS Compute Variable

Below is some data:
Test Day1 Day2 Score
A 1 2 100
B 1 3 62
C 3 4 90
D 2 4 20
E 4 5 80
I am trying to take the values from column 'day' and 'day2' and use them to select the row number for the column score. For example for Test A I would like to find the sum of 100 and 62 because that is the values of the first and second rows of score. Test B I would like to find the sum of 100, 62 and 90.
Is their anyway to do this in the Compute Variable window? Found in the menu Transform-Compute Variable?
I tried the following:
This is not the proper way to call the cell location of Score and I received an error.
Can anyone help?
Thank you!
You really have two different datasets here. One is a dataset of scores numbered 1 through 5.
The other is a dataset that includes indexes into the score dataset. So the steps would be something like this.
First take the scores dataset and transpose it so that it has one row and 5 columns (Data>Transpose)
Then match that dataset to each case in the main dataset (Data>Merge Files>Add Variables).
Next you have to resort to using syntax directly.
You would declare a vector for the scores (VECTOR)
Finally, you use COMPUTE to index into the scores.
For your real problem, I suppose that you might have batches of scores and maybe there are some gaps. The Restructure Data Wizard can help you generalize this - convert cases into variables, but let's not go there yet.
Jon Peck

Identifying graphs in heap of connected nodes -- how is this called?

I have a SQL table with three columns X, Y, Z. I need to split it in groups in such a way that all records with same value of X or Y or Z are assigned to the same group. I need to make sure that the records with same value X or Y or Z are never split across multiple groups.
If you think of records as nodes and values of X, Y, Z as edges, this problem is the same as finding all graphs where the nodes in each graph will be connected directly or indirectly via X, Y, or Z-edge, but each graph will have no edges in common with other graphs (otherwise it would be part of the same graph).
A few years ago I knew what this was called and even remembered the algorithm but now it escapes me. Please tell me how this problem is called so I can Google for solution. If you now a good algorithm -- please point me to it. If you have a SQL implementation -- I will marry you :)
--------- ---------------- --------- -----------
1 34 56 1
54 43 45 2
1 12 22 1
2 34 11 1
The last row is in bucket 1 because of the value of Y=34 which is the same as of the first row, which is in bucket 1.
It looks not like a graph, more like a simplicial complex.
But if we treat this complex as its skeletal graph (the numbers are treated as vertices and a row in a table means that all that three vertices are connected by an edge), then we may just use any algorithm to find connected components of this graph. I'm not sure whether there is a feasible way to do this in SQL though, perhaps it would be more prudent to use a graph database somehow.
However, for this specific problem there may be some easy solution attainable by means of SQL which I didn't look for.
to find how many nodes in each group x:
select x, count(x)
from mytable
group by x
or to find the list of sets x:
select distinct x from mytable;
Why don't you initially GROUP BY one of the colums (say X), make buckets, then do so for Y and Z, each time merging all the buckets from the previous step if you find new groups.
Repeat the process for X, Y, and Z until the buckets stop changing.
Are you working for linked-in or facebook? :)