Upload a large number of files using ASP.NET Core - file-upload

When I load around 900 files, it works as expected.
When I load for example 2000 files, I get this error:
How can I make this work?


Loading a csv file to Apache Phoenix table and logging rows of invalid data

I follow the instruction on the link below to load csv data into a Phoenix data using MapReduce.
I loaded a small file successfully. However, when I tried to load a multi-million-record file, I got "illegal data" error and no record was loaded. I then bypassed the error using the "--ignore-errors" option and loaded the file, and as I expected, not all records were loaded according to the table records count.
I read somewhere that Phoenix or HBase is heavily logged. I wonder whether those errors were logged or some Phoenix configuration I need to do to enable the logging.
Also, the above page briefly describes the tool - org.apache.phoenix.mapreduce.CsvBulkLoadTool. Where can I find the full documentation?

SSRS Datadriven subscriptions Limitations

I am trying to generate 10000 pdf reports into the windows file share location using SSRS data driven subscription methodology and I found that when I run for small bathces and it works and it surely fail when I give 10000 at a time. This behavior is unpredictable and not able to scale the solution. Ex:
When I put 10000 load it generates 2700 and fails rest but when I try to run failed records in another batch then it gets me the PDFs. It fails sometime with small batch sizes also. No proper reason logged.

Orchard CMS 1.7 Media with S3 Storage

Wanting to use Orchard 1.7 with Media storage on S3 (as I'm deploying to AppHarbor)
So far I'm looking at the S3 Storage provider But its a bit out of date.
Has anyone done this ? is there a better way to use S3 with the new media manager?
I've got images uploading to s3, but they don't display when I click the folder.
here is the Gist of my updated S3Provider
Missing methods for create file, rename folder, get file, and Get storage path. any help on how to complete these would be appreciated.... however stepping through the debugger in VS this doesn't seem to be the root cause of my displaying images issue above.
Looks like the file is up loading to s3 but not to the database, due to the GetFile method throwing an error...
Edit 2
Added some code to the Get file method. Now that works; (gist updated) Can up load images. However the thumbnails are still not working, they just come back as empty tags ...Think this is because the media manager is using the Open get method - which is supposed to open a file so you can write a stream to it. Don't know how to achieve this with S3... any ideas welcome
As Part of the AWSSKD NuGet package version you can access a S3FileInfo object. I've used this in my S3 Storage File and updated the S3 Storage provider.
This seem to work, need to do a bit more testing on it.
NOTE: I had to add some code on the GetFile Method to ensure the permissions where set correctly otherwise the updating of thumbnails overwrote permissions on the file.... I'm sure there is a better way to do this.

Why does my Azure deploy say my empty MVC 4 app is too large for extra small?

I'm going through the tutorials on Azure with an empty MVC 4 Basic project.
I set my VM size to extra small, and resized my Local Storage-> Diagnostics to 100mb, yet I still get the error:
Validation Errors: Total requested resources are too large for the specified VM size
I have a hard time believing that an empty MVC 4 project is more than 20gb. Any ideas what is going on here?
I deleted and re-added my local storage Diagnostics and it appears to be working now.

ASP upload files to server and limit size

I am looking for a free ASP script that will allow me to upload files to my server but limiting the size and type of the files uploaded. It should also inform the user of the errors and not throwing him to IIS error page because of IIS size limits.
I'd really appriciate if there will be an addition that will check the size limit before the file is actually uploaded (meaning - at the browser)
Is there anything like this?
I found this code by a guy named Lewis Moten several years ago:
It includes checking of file size, though it does happen server-side, not client-side.
I used this code for a project a few years ago and it worked great.