Assembly name was changed after deployment in core web api application - api

I am using VS 2019 to develop web Api. I am trying to read the all methods and Parameters inside my controller. I am using Repository pattern to develop API.
Below is the code from my repository.
var method = MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod();
_log4net.Info("Assembly Name : " + Assembly.GetCallingAssembly().FullName);
_log4net.Info("Method Name : " + method.Name);
_log4net.Info("Repository Name :" + method.ReflectedType.FullName);
var result =
=> type.FullName.Contains("AsmeController")).FirstOrDefault()).DeclaredMethods;
In Debug Mode:
After deployment in IIS
This code is working as expected and returns the list of Method Info in Debug mode and not working and return Null in Release mode even after deployed in IIS.
As i observed using logs, Assembly name was changing Demo.dll to “ Assembly Name : Anonymously Hosted DynamicMethods Assembly “ after deployment.
Please give me suggestions to solve this problem.

For the work around i am directly reading the application dll, Instead of reading current assembly. So that i can able to access the all info from there.
string assemblyFile = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location + "\\Demo.dll");
Assembly testAssembly = Assembly.LoadFile(assemblyFile);
var result = ((TypeInfo)testAssembly.GetTypes().Where(type => type.FullName.Contains("AsmeController")).FirstOrDefault()).DeclaredMethods;


Microsoft.Graph, c# sdk, trying to get list of driveitems from onedrive root folder: Error "DriveRequestBuilder does not contain a definition for Root

I am trying to get a list of Children from Root folder on Drive... I get this error in edition/compile time, when I use a snippet of code from MS Learn:
'DriveRequestBuilder' does not contain a definition for 'Root' and no accessible extension method 'Root' accepting a first argument of type 'DriveRequestBuilder' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
I just cloned a sample project developed by microsoft staff and inserted a snippet of code from MS Learn.
Pls, get the entire project with the error here:
The error is in:
MauiAppBasic.csproj project ->
MSALClient folder ->
MSGraphHelper.cs file ->
TestRootChildrenAsync method
Using Microsoft.Graph version 5.0.0-rc.1
EDITION: Here a minimal example:
using Microsoft.Graph;
GraphServiceClient graphClient = new GraphServiceClient(new HttpClient());
var children = await graphClient.Me.Drive.Root.Children.Request().GetAsync();
The problem was Microsoft.Graph v5.00 rc1. When I set v4.50 the errors disappeared. I hope that Microsoft staff update the documentation with the changes when final release of v5 is available.
Since version 5 the Root is accessible through Drives[userDriveId] but not through Me.Drive
var children = await client.Drives[userDriveId].Root.Children.GetAsync();
If you don't know the user's drive id you need to call Me.Drive.
var driveItem = await client.Me.Drive.GetAsync();
var children = await client.Drives[driveItem.Id].Root.Children.GetAsync();

Using Kentico API from LINQPad is throwing an exception

I am trying to call Kentico API from LINQPad, but getting the following exception:
[AbstractProvider.GetProvider]: The object type 'cms.document' is missing the provider type configuration
My code is:
void Main()
var pages = DocumentHelper.GetDocuments("CMS.MenuItem").Path("/", PathTypeEnum.Children);
Note: I tested the code from Visual Studio, it works, but not from LINQPad.
The problem is that during the initial discovery Kentico looks only at the following paths:
Which in case of LINQPad are C:\Program Files (x86)\LINQPad4\ and null. Therefore the providers do not get resolved.
I've tried running the code in a new AppDomain but it doesn't seem to work in LINQPad. I suggest submitting this to Kentico as an idea or an issue.
A workaround to this would be copying the LINQPad executable to a location of Kentico DLLs - e.g. C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Kentico82\Lib. That works just fine.
Update (thx to Joe Albahari):
If you wrap your code in this:
var appDomain = Util.CreateAppDomain ("AD", null, new AppDomainSetup
PrivateBinPath = #"C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Kentico82\CMS\bin",
appDomain.DoCallBack(() => { /* your code */ });
you'll be able to execute it. However, you can't Dump() it to the output window. But you can write it to a text file for example. If you experience the following error:
FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'LINQPad, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=21353812cd2a2db5' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
Go to Edit -> Preferences -> Advanced -> Run each query in its own process and turn it off.

Application name is not set. Call Builder#setApplicationName. error

Application: Connecting to BigQuery using BigQuery APIs for Java
Environment: Eclipse, Windows 7
My application was running fine until last night. I've made no changes (except for restarting my computer) and my code is suddenly giving me this error:
Application name is not set. Call Builder#setApplicationName.
Thankfully I had a tar'd version of my workspace from last night. I ran a folder compare and found the local_db.bin file was different. I deleted the existing local_db.bin file and tried to run the program again. And it worked fine!
Any idea why this might have happened?
Hopefully this will help anyone else who stumbles upon this issue.
Try this to set your application name
Drive service = new Drive.Builder(httpTransport, jsonFactory, null)
.setApplicationName("Your app name")
If you are working with only Firebase Dynamic Links without Android or iOS app
Try this.
FirebaseUtil is custom class add keys and application name to this class
FirebaseDynamicLinks.Builder builder = new FirebaseDynamicLinks.Builder(
GoogleNetHttpTransport.newTrustedTransport(), JacksonFactory.getDefaultInstance(), null);
// initialize with api key
FirebaseDynamicLinksRequestInitializer firebaseDynamicLinksRequestInitializer = new FirebaseDynamicLinksRequestInitializer(
// build dynamic links
FirebaseDynamicLinks firebasedynamiclinks =;
// create Firebase Dynamic Links request
CreateShortDynamicLinkRequest createShortLinkRequest = new CreateShortDynamicLinkRequest();
createShortLinkRequest.setLongDynamicLink(firebaseUtil.getFirebaseUrlPrefix() + "?link=" + urlToShorten);
Suffix suffix = new Suffix();
// request short url
FirebaseDynamicLinks.ShortLinks.Create request = firebasedynamiclinks.shortLinks()
CreateShortDynamicLinkResponse createShortDynamicLinkResponse = request.execute();

How to load a dll in an AppDomain with different NET version

I have some third party assembly which was build using Net 2.0. Although I can of course reference that assembly in net 4, running the app results in all kinds of strange errors.
So I though loading it in a separate application domain will fix the problem but it does not. I assume it is still executed using the Net 4 runtime. Is there any way to force execution of an application domain in a different net version ?
I use CreateInstanceFromAndUnwrap and than call the proxy.
Thanks for any help
You can use the supportedRuntime configuration element to set the CLR version of an AppDomain. If you do not want to add this to your app.config, you can add a second .config file that will be used during the construction of the new AppDomain. Have a look at AppDomainSetup.ConfigurationFile for more info.
Create AppDomain. And Create DomainManager:MarshalByRef object in new domain.
DomainManager Load Assembly To created(new) domain.
AppDomainSetup ads = new AppDomainSetup();
AppDomain managerAD = AppDomain.CreateDomain("AD1", null, ads);
Assembly asm = managerAD.Load(typeof(DomainManager).Assembly.FullName);
string typeName = typeof(DomainManager).FullName;
DomainManager manager = (DomainManager)managerAD.CreateInstanceAndUnwrap(asm.GetName().Name,
public class DomainManager : MarshalByRefObject
public void GetAppDomain(string assemblyFileName)
Assembly asm2 = Assembly.LoadFrom(assemblyFileName);
Type neededType = asm2.GetType(<paste type>);
object instance = Activator.CreateInstance(procType);

How to read xml file from a relative path in RIA Service?

I am trying to read an XML file in RIA Service and I am getting the following error.
Load operation failed for query 'GetSummaryList'. Could not find a part of the path 'C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CoreResources\SumaryListDS.xml'.
I am using Silverlight 4 which is using RIA service. I am trying to read the SumaryListDS.xml located in the bin\CoreResources folder. But the application insted of looking for the file under bin\CoreResources, its trying to read it from C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CoreResources.
I am just wondering how to read a file using relative path in RIA Service with Silverlight front end?
You should be able to use .. to go up one directory, such as ../CoreResources/GetSummaryList.xml
Here is how I resolved my problem. Its been implemented in one of the layers of business tier, which can be used by variety of clients (ASP.NET, Console App, Windows Client, Silverlight hosted inside ASP.NET). So when GetSummaryXml is called, previously it used to be
public DataSet GetSummaryXml()
var dsReport = new DataSet("Report");
var summaryListXmlPath = "CoreResources/SumaryListDS.xml";
return dsReport;
I started getting an error when I started consuming it in RIA Domain Service to be used by Silverlight 4 client.
Load operation failed for query
'GetSummaryList'. Could not find a
part of the path
But SumaryListDS.xml located in the bin\CoreResources, not WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CoreResources
So I modified GetSummaryXml to...
public DataSet GetSummaryXml()
var dsReport = new DataSet("Report");
var currContext = HttpContext.Current;
var summaryListXmlPath = "CoreResources/SumaryListDS.xml";
if (currContext != null)
summaryListSchemaPath = currContext.Server.MapPath(#"../bin/" + summaryListXmlPath);
return dsReport;
And now its working fine. I am not sure if this is a perfect solution thou.