what does the meaning of the dotted line in IDEA?
You really should provide more context in your questions.
IntelliJ IDEA follows the UML conventions in showing relationships between the classes. see IntelliJ class-diagram
UML conventions see wikipedia Class_diagram#Relationships
I found out Intellij supports drawing a class diagram or generating it from a given source package. See here for more details.
The default for a field is to draw a 1-1 Composition connector (and 1-* Composition connector for arrays).
Is there any way to edit the multiplicity and to change the connector type (For example set the relationship to (1-3 aggregation)?
I couldn't find anything in the documentation, except a declaration that "IntelliJ IDEA follows the UML conventions"
It's not possible in IntelliJ IDEA at the moment, you can vote for the related feature request.
I'm surprised this is not explained anywhere on the ANTLR website nor in any of the documentation, but what does ATN (not ANT) stand for? Knowing what the acronym stands for would help me understand the role of the ATN, ATNSimulator, etc. components of the library. Can anyone clear this up for me?
Augmented Transition Networks, the description in the context of ANTLR could be found e.g. here
When writing source code, in many IDEs and editors you can
jump to the method declaration
jump to the class declaration
Is there any keyword or technical term which describes this feature?
Code Navigation is the term is was looking for.
I'd like to create an IDE for a language and I'm wondering how to implement some features. In particular syntax highlighting and content assist are troubling as they must work even when editor content is not valid (when user is typing syntax hightlight should not disappear just because parser fails).
I am wondering how to approach this problem (and others as well). I've found this: How does code completion work? with a description of a solution to this problem, but it's rather brief.
I can come up with a way to implement all features I want at some point, but I'm not the first one and someone has done it already ;) (and reading source code of Eclipse is not that easy)
So, my real question is there a book discussing problems related with creating IDE? A detailed article discussing how to parse invalid code? Any source of information I should see?
Ah, and by IDE I don't mean a new application, just a set of plugins for eclipse.
The following link will help you further..
Syntax Highlighting:Fast Colored TextBox for Syntax Highlighting
an OpenSource IDE:SharpDevelop
an eBook How to create IDE:[Dissecting a C# Application: Inside SharpDevelop]
I like c# #region...#endregion facility a lot (some people say that's a bad habit but let's not discuss that). I miss it a lot when coding other languages. The obvious way to "add" it to other languages is to use special-formed comments the editor would understand. I've managed to set up Kate to support //#region...//#endregion for Java/Scala code, alike feature is not a problem to achieve with NetBeans (here is how). Can I do this with IntelliJ Idea 11?
This feature is planned for IDEA 11.1 that will be released in late Q1, 2012:
IntelliJ IDEA 11.1 will support custom folding using NetBeans and
Visual Studio style comments.
Meanwhile this feature is implemented in IntelliJ IDEA and described here:
You can define code regions using two styles:
VisualStudio style
#region Description
Your code goes here...
NetBeans style
// <editor-fold desc="Description">
Your code goes here...
// </editor-fold>
But it is recommended to not mix up the two styles in one file. IntelliJ IDEA will recognize the first folding comment encountered, and will assume this as a style chosen for the code.