I found out Intellij supports drawing a class diagram or generating it from a given source package. See here for more details.
The default for a field is to draw a 1-1 Composition connector (and 1-* Composition connector for arrays).
Is there any way to edit the multiplicity and to change the connector type (For example set the relationship to (1-3 aggregation)?
I couldn't find anything in the documentation, except a declaration that "IntelliJ IDEA follows the UML conventions"
It's not possible in IntelliJ IDEA at the moment, you can vote for the related feature request.
I'd like to know if it is possible in IntelliJ IDEA to jump to a class based on the name of the class I am currently in. I want to bind a key to this action.
I am in class FooBar and want to jump to FooBarHandler
If this is only possible via a plugin. I'd appreciate a link to a documentation that could give me a head start.
There is no such custom action. You can check the examples of the com.intellij.navigation.GotoRelatedProvider class in IntelliJ IDEA Community sources.
Also see the IntelliJ IDEA SDK documentation and this answer: Intellij IDEA plugin with markers. Feel free to ask specific questions on Plugin developers Forum or in #intellij-platform JetBrains Platform Slack community.
Is there any way, compatible with computer science rules, to make at list 2 flows in one project like this:
External system 1 -> SOAP endpoint (mule) -> java object -> transformation -> java object -> SOAP endpoint (mule) -> External system 2.
Our non working solution:
single flow
We experience bug [www.mulesoft.org/jira/browse/MULE-5926]. Yes I read [stackoverflow.com/questions/25744541/mule-issue-more-than-one-jaxbcontext].
The solution which has nothing in common with the ESB philosophy but has one major single advantage, it works: looks like looks like this
Some helpful resources:
[www.enterpriseintegrationpatterns.com/patterns/messaging/] - notice please there are separate router and translator components.
Any ideas?
Best Regards, Apologies I can post only 2 links due to my reputation rank.
The reason the last image works is more about what you cannot see. Just visually seeing the Java component on the MuleSoft canvas (screen where you "draw" the flow or integration solution) doesn't provide enough detail as to what the Java component is doing. And, while the icons on the canvas are nice, we generally inspect problems by looking at the XML.
Your question is not clear. The flow that you described in your image can't be discerned into an integration pattern I recognize and the details behind your flow design are vague.
Please provide your Mule config (XML) for the same flow, but first try to edit your question to explain exactly what you are trying to do. Stackoverflow is a place where problems are identified and problems are resolved. It's also a place for the history of what we do. It is up to us to do our homework before we add new questions. Myself or maybe someone else will help you but only after you clearly explain your problem. Yes, other solutions work but there's no way I can compare your flow to the simple one with the Java component without a LOT of background information.
currently I have a fully working project in Eclipse using OOP. Now I want to creat UML diagrams Use Cases, Sequence Diagram, class diagram, package diagram with eclipse, does eclipse or any available plugin for eclipse allow this service
Try out ModelGoon UML4Java, it can build Class, Package, Commumication, and Sequence diagrams from existing Java code. Diagrams are also built by using drag and drop. The sequence diagram is very detailed.
This is what I do Eclipse 3.6 and my Java projects. Just a drag and drop from the package explorer to the class or sequence diagram. Really cool.
-broken link to image removed-
For usecases which are an UML object and not an Java object I drag and drop the usecases from the model explorer. I also sometimes create a class and add Usecase as stereotype. It means that my class diagram can have usecase which are related to a class. It does the job and pretty easy.
You can try HiberObject plugin. Also can use Jupe
If you are using Eclipse 6.1 then this could be helpful.
This is my first time using EA. I used it to generate a class diagram from my C++ header files. Is there a way to add documentation to each method and/or variable and to generate a document that describes all the class' API?
Everything in an EA model includes a Notes property. You can edit this by using the Notes window, among other ways (for instance, when working with a class's properties, the Attributes and Operations windows have an area for entering notes).
These notes will appear when you use the various tools on the Project->Documentation submenu.
I've been having tons of problems getting the non-xml configuration for Castle Windsor set up working properly. In the meantime I've seen more and more people giving advice via the Windsor Container fluent interface. I've been Gooogling about for the last day and I cannot find this API anywhere.
I am talking about the key .Register() method which seems to be an extension method to the IWindsorContainer object. It seems like it might be in the Castle.MicroKernel.Registration namespace, but I cannot find the corresponding library anywhere!
Also, is there any place where I can find documentation for this stuff?
I found that the copy of Castle.MicroKernel in the sample project here has more namespaces then the one I was using (even though this one is eight days older and v1.0.0 whereas mine is v1.0.3...), still having trouble finding the .Register() method or any samples though.
I found some fluent interface samples at Bitter Coder, no downloadable samples though so I'm still at a loss.
Edit Again: Finally got it. The most recent source code for castle windsor is available here, get the most recent successful build, inside the zip file is a bin directory. The fluent interface is inside Castle.Microkernel (you will probably need to reference Castle.Dynaproxy, Castle.Dynaproxy2 and Castle.Windsor too).
PS This post is the #1 Google result for "castle fluent interface documentation" sad guys, you need to get on that. Crickets chirp What's that? Fine. Let me figure this out then I'll get on it then.
The Fluent interfaces were introduced a while ago - but are only available on Trunk (after RC3) either grab the castles sources (from the projects subversion repository) and build the IoC projects yourself from here, or easier still grab the latest successful build on the continuous integration server and use that.
Castle.MicroKernel.Registration is the name space you'll need to use, in the MicroKernel assembly - once you have a reasonably fresh build of Castle you should be able to find Register(...) methods on both IKernel and IWindsorContainer interfaces, allowing the application of "registration components" (anything which implements IRegistration) which includes the various fluent component registration features in Castle, as well as anything custom you might develop.
The best place to ask questions regarding Castle is the google castle-project-users and castle-project-devel groups - keep an eye out for Craig Neuwirt in particular as he's the core developer working on the fluent interface features in Castle Windsor, and so is best equipped to answer questions about the various fluent interface features, as they are not widely documented yet.
Ok, so just for reference. Official, complete documentation for the API is on Castle Windsor Documentation Wiki