Getting 1020 Error when trying to access Opensea API - api

so i try to get data from this api below but it return code 1020 and it works from a browser context (details of error in image below)
postman image


Communication Log is not getting created in podio

I am trying to make a communication log on podio frontend but every time i am adding the URL in Calculation field in Communications App, i am getting this Error: "Unexpected Token Illegal", shown in the image as well.
Kindly have a look and tell me about any solution for this one!
I am trying to make a communication log on podio frontend but every time i am adding the URL in Calculation field in Communications App, i am getting this Error: "Unexpected Token Illegal", shown in the image as well.

I get error 400 when sending data to my API on flutter

when trying to send data to my Api i get error 400 with the following message :
{"errors":{"email":["Enter a valid email address."]}}
But when I introduce the same data manually directly on the API it works fine, what problem could I have?

Using Trip Parser API with Gmail API

I tried using the API, but it returns Error parsing. Even an example code in Amadeus for Developers collection for Postman returns ERROR when I run it.
Also I am using Gmail API and would like to know which part of the message should be passed to the Trip Parser API. Thanks.

Instagram API - Getting invalid media id with video shortcode

I'm using the /media/shortcode/shortcode endpoint of instagram to get information about a certain media with a shortcode.
The problem is when I pass a photo's shortcode to the endpoint everything works fine and I get the result I'm expecting from Instagram, however, when I pass a video's shortcode to that endpoint, the api returns the following:
"meta": {
"code": 400,
"error_type": "APINotFoundError",
"error_message": "invalid media id"
Which does not make a lot of sense to me since the given endpoint should work just fine with videos.
I was running into this issue too---the Instagram documentation is not super clear, but this is because of the limitations of Sandbox mode.
To help you develop and test your app, the users and media available in Sandbox mode are real Instagram data (i.e. what is normally visible in the Instagram app), but with the following conditions:
Apps in sandbox are restricted to 10 users
Data is restricted to the 10 users and the 20 most recent media from each of those users
Reduced API rate limits
TLDR you'll need to get your app approved to have your other API calls work.
The best and the easiest way to get the media info, either being photo or video is by calling this url (GET method) Insta Fetch Media URL
Sample code written in Python.
import requests, json
def get_media_id(image_url):
url = ""
querystring = {"callback": "", "url": image_url}
headers = {
'cache-control': "no-cache"
response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, params=querystring)
return json.loads(response.text)

Unable to search media on the instagram API

I've been trying to use the "search" function of the media endpoint on the instagram API and it just answers a 500 internal error with the message "Oops, an error occurred.".
Here's the request I send to the API:
I tried changing the distance, the latitude and longitude and choose another access_token, none of these changed a thing. Is it a problem with the current version of the API?