I get error 400 when sending data to my API on flutter - api

when trying to send data to my Api i get error 400 with the following message :
{"errors":{"email":["Enter a valid email address."]}}
But when I introduce the same data manually directly on the API it works fine, what problem could I have?


how can i fetch api from openweathermap

"{"cod":401, "message": "Invalid API key. Please see https://openweathermap.org/faq#error401 for more info."}"
I'm unable to fetch the api from open weather map, please what can be done
got an api key from get weather, and inputted it in my code, but it keeps throwing the aforementioned error message

Communication Log is not getting created in podio

I am trying to make a communication log on podio frontend but every time i am adding the URL in Calculation field in Communications App, i am getting this Error: "Unexpected Token Illegal", shown in the image as well.
Kindly have a look and tell me about any solution for this one!
I am trying to make a communication log on podio frontend but every time i am adding the URL in Calculation field in Communications App, i am getting this Error: "Unexpected Token Illegal", shown in the image as well.

Getting 1020 Error when trying to access Opensea API

so i try to get data from this api below but it return code 1020 and it works from a browser context (details of error in image below)
postman image

Using Trip Parser API with Gmail API

I tried using the API, but it returns Error parsing. Even an example code in Amadeus for Developers collection for Postman returns ERROR when I run it.
Also I am using Gmail API and would like to know which part of the message should be passed to the Trip Parser API. Thanks.

Unable to search media on the instagram API

I've been trying to use the "search" function of the media endpoint on the instagram API and it just answers a 500 internal error with the message "Oops, an error occurred.".
Here's the request I send to the API:
I tried changing the distance, the latitude and longitude and choose another access_token, none of these changed a thing. Is it a problem with the current version of the API?