WordPress : How to set user profile picture through API? - file-upload

I want to upload image and set it as a WordPress user profile picture. For this I did some googling but not found any solution to achieve this.
How can I do that using core PHP rest API?


How to check which errors I have in my Google API project?

I'd like to use this plugin with my Jekyll site to show page views for each post/ page. So I installed the plugin and set up a service account for Google data API. The site is generating but I get no data from Google Analytics for my page views (it shows 0). On the projects overview page in Google Developer Console I see that I'm getting errors. But I can't figure out how to check these errors?
Is there any way to see what these errors are?
How can I check if Google API is working at all on my site?
The problem was with permissions when you add a new user to Google Analytics account. I had only Read & Analyze, and it should be all four (Manage Users, Edit, etc.).

how to get google profile image url from Yii crugeconnector

I have logged in successfully with Yii crugeconnector. There is no scope reference regarding profile image for google. Please help me for getting profile image url from this extension.

Changing the profile picture of google from my website

I have website where i enabled login by Google+ using OAuth 2. Is this possible to change the profile picture of Google from my website once he get login?
Thanks in Advance
Hmm.. ya it can be possible if your site use application which uses Google Apps-Profiles-Data-API. This Profile data api allow update status. But you must authorize the app.
yo can find more more here-
Profile data API

Create wordpress website Reader for an iOS device i:e showing notification/Reading content only if the site content/feed is updated

I have an idea to develop iOS App which update user if any feed is updated on wordpress website. Please tell the way/steps how i can achieve the same.
I have tried and searched on google but didn't got solution for my problem. This is one thing i got on youtube about web site reader : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bk0d1npGoq4 But, I doesn't have to developer such app which reads web site content, i would like to show notification as soon as feed on the web is updated.
This is the website ( http://www.webhostingbreak.com/ ) whose reader i want to developer.
Please suggest me some solutions or logic which can help me to complete my task.
You've got several way to access the content of a Wordpress blog.
First and easiest solution is to use the basic RSS feed which is available on any Wordpress, and which is compatible with other kinds of websites.
With Wordpress, more specifically, you can use the XML-RPC API embed by the CMS.
This API need to be enable on the Wordpress website and every request will have to be authenticated with a real user to the Wordpress website (you can implement the registration process in the app or use a generic user in every installed app).
You have several library which handle the XML-RPC calls such as https://github.com/corristo/xmlrpc

spotify api get user data like playlists via API?

i got a premium account of spotify and then registered an app and then got the key file . now i want to get the plalylist and user data of any user who uses my application.
I searched around the web but did not found any way to get the user data like access_token in facebook graph api.
Any body help me
Solved, i got Plasylist.bnk from the installation directory, and its solved now. thanks all