How to check which errors I have in my Google API project? - api

I'd like to use this plugin with my Jekyll site to show page views for each post/ page. So I installed the plugin and set up a service account for Google data API. The site is generating but I get no data from Google Analytics for my page views (it shows 0). On the projects overview page in Google Developer Console I see that I'm getting errors. But I can't figure out how to check these errors?
Is there any way to see what these errors are?
How can I check if Google API is working at all on my site?

The problem was with permissions when you add a new user to Google Analytics account. I had only Read & Analyze, and it should be all four (Manage Users, Edit, etc.).


What is the URL for interacting with the Google API Interactive Console to test out queries and get JSON results?

I am trying to find something from Google Cloud that is similar to the Interactive Spotify API Web Console. Does anyone have any ideas that requires a sign into the Google account associated with the Google Cloud? Thanks!
This is available through the API reference pages:
On every method page, there's a form you can use on the right to test it out from the browser using your Google account.
For example, take a look at this page to list your Cloud SQL instances:

Google Drive API oauth 2 error

I managed to get the code runing to a point where i can upload and download files in my android app from google drive using the api. However i uploaded my app to Google Play and when a user installs it the first time the oauth 2 screen pops up and requires to select account(which is great) but when the user selects Google account the oauth screen just keep appearing and looping.
Did anyone encounter this before?
As stated in this thread, maybe you did not create credentials for your app. As described in this documentation, you must retrieve your SHA-1 keys for both the debug and production environments and add them in your credentials in the Google Developers Console.

Jhipster social login via Google

I added clientID and clientSecret (created in Google Developer console) to application.yml but I couldn't get it working. Any idea what is causing error 400. Error: redirect_uri_mismatch. I got in Authorized JavaScript origins.
I did everything what is said in Google's tutorial, but no luck:
You need to specify in your Google developers console the different redirect url you authorize. For you, you need to add url.
Little tuto:
Connect to your developer console, click one the main menu
Select API management
Go to Identifiant and select your application, here JHipster
And add your url and save
Another thing that I had to do that wasn't mentioned clearly in the google developer link was to enable the Google+ API.
The various API's are accessible via the Library tab under the Dashboard.

How (and where) to upload manifest file? (Google Gmail Gadget)

I'm new on this Gmail Gadget developments and I follow the instructions here:
I follow the Hello World example, replacing the variables with my owns, generating the manifest, the specs, etc.
But when it comes to upload the manifest file, it's saying to go to
and log in there. Then there is a serie of steps depending on this one.
The problem here is, what is the address I have to put there? I did register on the Google Apps (for bussiness) and register a domain. Still that domain isn't work.
I found several people with the same problem and none gave them a solution:
How to create an account on Google Apps to use Google Apps Extensions Console?
Logging into Google Apps Extension Console
Anyone knows how to create a Gmail Contextual Gadget?
Thanks in advance!
Ok, so the Gmail Contextual Gadgets doc says "Gmail contextual gadgets can be listed for sale in the Google Apps Marketplace". The Google Apps Marketplace docs say apps can be published on the Chrome Web Store but the web store seems to want some sort of .json manifest file that doesn't fit the documentation for Contextual Gadgets (read: Google's documentation is terrible).
Instead, I found a section inside the developer's console on Contextual Gadgets. It's also different from the documentation, but seems like the right spot.
Open your Google developers console
Select or create a project
Open the Google Apps Marketplace SDK page
Click "Enable API"
Click "Configuration"
Check the box marked "Gmail contextual gadget extension"
There are then options to fill out info on the Contextual Gadget.
I suggest :
Go on that link a for log in use your Google Apps for bussiness account , then create new project (gadget) and then you can upload manifet. Sorry for my English.
Hope this will help you.

Google Plus API Nuget Package

I need to create posts, etc through my ASP.NET MVC 4 application.
Does anyone know decent library for Google Plus API? (Preferable as a NuGet package).
There is currently no publicly documented API that lets you automatically post to your Google+ page or stream.
There is an API that HootSuite is currently using that is slowly opening up to other vendors. See for more information about what is coming and how you can sign up to request access to this. This is expected to allow you to post to a Google+ Page.
There is also the "Google+ History API" that is currently in developer preview which will allow you to create moments for a user, but they would need to manually share these moments on their stream if they choose to do so. See for further details.